Mar 18 2007

The Gathering Of Eagles, There In Spirit

Published by at 11:32 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

I really, really, really wanted to go to the DC Mall and participate with everyone in the counter demonstration to the anti-war nuts held yesterday. Being a native of the DC area I can discern crowd estimates and I would say the anti-war crowd was not significantly large and the GoE crowd was extremely well represented. The fact is I have a rising JROTC cadet who was at the Marine Exhitionary base on Norfolk, VA at an area meet for JROTC units around the region. To see these young kids preparing for a possible military career, and being with those now in The Marines as they hosted the event, was definitely something I could not miss. Just wanted to let people know there were a lot of us who stood with the GoE in spirit, as we prepared the next generation of defenders of Life, Liberty and Happiness on this planet. Michelle has the great round up (of course).

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “The Gathering Of Eagles, There In Spirit”

  1. Terrye says:

    This turned out to be a big deal. Washington Post has a story that Instapundit linked to.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Maybe the message will get through to the politicians in DC that maybe the media polling numbers might be skewed. If there is such a gathering in my region, I would be willing to attend.

  3. crosspatch says:

    It looks like the GoE demonstrators outnumbered the anti-war demonstrators by a margin of 3 to 1. This is VERY significant for a lot of reasons. The GoE was a true grass-roots gathering while the anti-war group is coordinated nationally. All of the anti-war groups; Code Pink, VIPS, WWW, etc. are directed by a national PR agency, Fenton Communications. While the mass media will not likely give the story of the Eagles much coverage the politicians in DC are going to get the real story. When you have a professional organization putting together what is supposed to be a massive display of anti-war sentiment with organized press releases, nationwide recruiting, and the like not being able to muster the number of people who got together on their own through informal communications on the web, the politicians are going to sit up and take notice even if they don’t say anything publicly.

    I would love to be a fly on Pelosi’s wall this morning.

  4. crosspatch says:

    From a comment in another blog, emphasis mine:

    Comrades, I was there. We took a tour bus with 50 of us all the way down from Maine, through the snow and ice. it was worth every minute and every dollar. The one lasting image I have, even more than that of my brother and sister veterans, is of an overwhelming look of fear and bewilderment on the faces of the demonstrators. They never imagined so many would come so far to face down the cancer that infects our body politic. Everytime they tried to start something, we’d turn our backs or just stand there and let them vent. Occasionally, we’d respond, but mostly clapping when the police hauled one of them away. I was amazed at the solidarity of our veterans. Aginf men in wheelchairs, young veterans from Iraq, and all those in between. veternas of every age standing together, helping each other out, the random acts of kindness I saw were uncountable. Soldier’s Angels were going about, checking on the older vets, offering free water and energy bars, and not asking for anything in return. When the protesters left, the streets were littered with their efuse. broken and torn signs, flyers, maps, handouts, stickers, and general rubbish.. empty water bottles, food wrappers, etc. They spewed garbage from their mouths, and left the streets awash in their wake. At the GOE site, the entire area was policed and left as clean as when we arrived. You’d see veterans picking up trash, lending a hand where they could. The comparisons between the two sides was night and day. The message, however, was loud and clear to the left: The adults are tired of the children’s excesses, and the spankings are about to commence. ANSWER and it’s co-conspirators against Freedom are a cancer on the body politic of America. It’s time for the surgeons to roll up their sleeves and go to work. Respects,

    Posted by: AW1 Tim at March 18, 2007 03:06 PM

  5. ivehadit says:

    Excellent postings, Cross. I would have loved to have been there.

    I hope that the grassroots organizers will know, that if they organize in different regions of the country, we will be there.

  6. crosspatch says:

    I am in single parent mode right now so it is hard for me to participate on the opposite coast but if this grows into a viable ongoing community, I would be proud to participate in any event here in the SF Bay area. I will even bring extra garbage bags, water bottles, energy bars, and beef jerky.

  7. Carol J says:

    Hi Crosspatch!

    I had the same idea for here in Chicago. I certainly remember what this city did for the Vietnam Vets back in June of 86! There were 250,000 Veterans to march in this parade…and they were met with an overwhelming support crowd of over 1 MILLION!!! Can you say “Gathering of Eagles II”? I would definately attend as I did at the Vietnam Veteran’s parade in Chicago. I was there taking photos and still cherish the many memories I took away from that. Although it WAS a much different time, wasn’t it?

    Would somebody let me know if local chapters are being formed for further action. I’d LOVE it!!
