Feb 12 2007

The Peacock And The Spies

Published by at 8:31 am under All General Discussions,Plame Game

The Libby trial is about to explode into new and fascinating territory this week as we finally get to see the Libby defence team shred Fitzgerald’s already tissue thin case. I am suspect of the idea Russert and NBC screwed themselves up by denying they had any former knowledge of Plame before Novak’s column, but I may just be naive about what lengths reporters will go to in order to cover their sources. Is it more conceivable Libby lied to cover up his legal knowledge of Plame or for Russert/NBC to lie in order to protect their sources? This question is rapidly what this trial is coming down to here this week (though I still expect more exposure of Wilsons, Grossman and others working for the Kerry campaign to possibly come out). Let me begin with the ridiculous position of the Prosecutor:

Prosecutors say Libby concocted the Russert story to shield him from prosecution for discussing information he had learned through official government channels.

It is not important how Libby learned of Plame. He admitted hearing this from inside channels, but it has been clear for some time there is no law against talking about Plame’s role in getting Joe Wilson to Niger. It is not illegal to say “she worked for the CIA”. Everyone in this town knows that if you know they work for the CIA it is 99% likely they are not NOC’s – by definition. If the OVP, or state, or CIA press spokesman knows the name of a CIA employee they are not a NOC. Plain and simple. Libby knows this. And he could have, at any point (and apparently did) say “you know, I forgot about these discussions so I did know her name before the conversation”. The point is he could do that AND say it is possible he misrecalled is conversation with Russert. Done. Fitz has nothing (no judge would take it – trust me).

But Libby, the consumate DC lawyer who worked to get Marc Richards pardoned by Clinton, did not waiver in his recollection of the discussion with Russert. Why? It was so easy to get out from the perjury charge (as just about everyone else did) by saying he must have een mistaken. To follow the logic of the prosecutor that is what a good, seasoned lawyer would do – just cop the “I must have been mistaken” line. So the fact must be that Libby really does recall the conversation that way and he is sticking by the truth because that is what every fiber in his body tells him is the right way to win in our legal system. He has more faith than I do, but it may prove to be right. Because while everyone around him have changed their stories or demanded immunity to admit their clear guilt in exposing Plame to the media (which is not illegal either), Libby is the one sticking by his story long past the need to. So maybe there is something there. If team Libby can prove Russert/NBC did lie to investigators in a lame attempt to hide their sources (as part of some shady deal for testiminy with a retiring FBI agent) then that would be a huge break in the case. Sit tight, the next two weeks should be fascinating.

32 responses so far

32 Responses to “The Peacock And The Spies”

  1. gumshoe says:

    {Gumshoe – is a blog now some indicia of credibility?? How quaint!}

    actually,i’d say having a personal pissing contest and
    bragging about your accomplishments on *someone else’s blog*
    rates as “quaint”.

    but,then again it is quite common.


    so let me re-format my question to you:

    “I wouldn’t debate a neurosurgeon – but you AREN’T a neurosurgeon. nor are you a lawyer. Nor, I believe, do you have experience with Federal prosecutors or Federal Grand Juries or with writing memoranda of law to trial courts, appellate courts or the Supreme Court of the United States. And I do.”


    where’s your blog??

  2. Carol J says:

    Where’s your blog, Sooth? So when can we show up at your place and leave insulting comments? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than to hang out here and try to get your (weird ideas) validated? Your “arguements” are convincing no one. So POOF! Go pee in someone else’s ear.

  3. Soothsayer says:

    I don’t know as I’d call my discourse with AJ

    a personal pissing contest

    , but the problem is you don’t want anyone who disagrees with you to post anything. Par for the course, I guess.

    But, when some guy who cannot successfully convert centimeters into inches withou being off by a factor of 10x calls me ignorant, I just find it kind of amusing.

  4. The Macker says:

    What if AJ did “slip” a decimal point at one time? Who hasn’t?

  5. gumshoe says:

    “I don’t know as I’d call my discourse with AJ

    a personal pissing contest

    , but the problem is you don’t want anyone who disagrees with you to post anything. Par for the course, I guess.”

    what would you call an online credentials contest?

    you’re depriving the world of your expertise and wasting your time here trying to convince AJ’s readers of your competence and the superiority of your arguments.

    creating your own blog would give you the platform
    and attention you clearly seek.

    i’ve read enough of your presentations to find them faulty.
    you imply that makes me close minded.

    i simply don’t find it productive to read your opinions.
    they generally add little of a factual nature and don’t further the discussion.


  6. Soothsayer says:

    i simply don’t find it productive to read your opinions

    Then don’t read them – and, while you’re at it – don’t comment on them and you’ll save additional productive time.

  7. gumshoe says:

    i don’t read them.

    but you’re so full of yourself,
    i thought i’d do you the favor of pointing it out.

  8. BarbaraS says:

    Would you come in an debate a nuero-surgeon on what the proper process is for severing and reconnecting key neuron paths during surgery?

    Unfortunately he would. There is nothing this guy is not an expert on. He even argued with me once about the conditions of being pregnant. As if he knew. He claimed his daughter was a resident on the ob-gyn floor of a hospital and worked 120 hours a week in that condition. I doubt he even has a daughter. He doen’t sound old enough.


    So much for getting rid of site pests.

  9. secureourfuture says:

    I think Soothie has nothing better to do than to try and bring us down to his level. His attempt to spread discourse and lies only furthers his own agenda – to antagonize those of us on the right, and in the right.

    He can’t be swayed to think like we do. His has no values or beliefs, he has no honor. He only spews his opinions of hatred based on his first response above.

    If anyone has an agenda is Fitzgerald. This investigation was to find out who leaked the name of the non-covert CIA analyst Valerie Plame, who is married to Joe Wilson. If anyone should be on the stand fight to stay out of federal prison it’s Dick Armitage and Colin Powell.

    But, its easy for the lefty lemmings to jump on ANY bandwagon that has to do with bashing Republicans.

    Libby’s only crime is having a poor memory about this incident, being caught up with doing his job, and talking to acquaintances who work in the lefty-liberal media.

    Since Libby wasn’t allowed to call memory experts, he should take the witness stand and tell them exactly what happened: that he forgot. The conversation was inconsequential in nature since Plame was already outed (she is married to Joe Wilson, by the way) by Armitage.

    Scooter should tell them exactly what happened: “I was more concerned with my duties working for Vice President Cheney protecting this country, than keeping an exact record of every conversation with every single person each day. I forgot. I’m sorry. I didn’t reveal anything that that the big ‘ol gossip meister Armitage hadn’t already said.

    You know why it won’t work? Because his name is Libby and he’s a Republican. If it was Clinton and he was Democrat we wouldn’t even be having this trial. Libby doesn’t have bacon-grease in his DNA like Billy Jeff, and no amount of greasy black banana peels, and axle grease at Libby’s disposal will help him.

  10. Bikerken says:

    Soot, the unique thing about the internet is that you can pretend to by anyone you want to. Nobody can prove or disprove who you are by what you type, BUT, what you say and how you express yourself is who you are in this enviornment. If you wax eloquent and throw out well thought out comments and ask intriguing questions, people would expect you to be a more intelligent, mature, and professional individual. If you constantly insult those who disagree with you and walk people around nonsensical circles of unrelated psuedo-logic, you will be thought to be a twenty year old snarky assinine kid in college having a good time pretending to be a much older and experienced lawyer to cloak your opinions in credibility. That might work on the daily Kos but it don’t cut it here. All I can say is that if you actually are a more mature professional person, you have a funny way of showing it. But you wouldn’t be alone, I can always tell the leftist lawyer commentators on TV. They never smile, they smirk. There is anger even in their happiness.

  11. Bikerken says:

    Secure – Libby’s only crime is having a poor memory about this incident, being caught up with doing his job, and talking to acquaintances who work in the lefty-liberal media.

    You hit the nail on the head here. I only hope that republicans in DC start wising up realize that when they say something to a leftist reporter, they are not going to be treated the same as if they were a democrat. They need to start fighting back at these guys instead of acting like a bunch of cowards.

  12. ivehadit says:

    snip”If she were NOT covert, i.e., working under non-official cover (NOC) – then why did the Central Intelliegence Agency, a department of the Federal government that reports to the President, file a referral for criminal investigation to the Department of Justice?”

    Was Ashcroft in on the conspiracy against Bush? Was Tenet? How high does the evil cabal reach??

    Surely you jest!

    I cannot believe that there are some who think the CIA is a Bush-friendly organization. Hah! What a joke. The Queen Bee McCarthy was taken out last year…with Dana Priest as her mouthpiece, I understand. Where’s Mary today?

    I would suggest additionaly 0reading at macsmind.com to catch up on what this plame to-do has really been about…and Clarice, certainly!