Jul 15 2005

Took Back The Memorial

Published by at 4:40 pm under All General Discussions

I think the recent desperate and callous editorial in the NYTimes, which I happily fisked to the depths it deserved here, may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. Because now all of sudden, after the NYTimes claimed the Drawing Center would walk and no respectable arts center would come in to fill the void if they were going to be forced to retain some taste and respect, the liberal fantasy of placing anti-American, anti-Conservative propoganda at the grave site of the 9-11 families appears to be destroyed. Excellent!!

Congrats to all who helped take back the memorial and hat tip to Michelle Malkin for the good news.

One response so far

One Response to “Took Back The Memorial”

  1. Ground Zero Kidnapped, Update III

    I would say we have one a battle here, but not the war. As you can tell from their statement, the LDMC leaves alot of leeway in moving the two silly museums. Still a war to fight tho folks, so this is not the time to take it easy.