Dec 06 2006

Lugovoi Was Trailing Polonium-210

It seems Andrei Lugovoi was trailing Polonium-210 now that contamination has been found in the British Embassy in Moscow where he gave a televised statement a few days back. It would also seem to be confirmed that the airlines with the Polonium-210 were one where Lugovoi left Moscow to come to London and one where he returned from London (supposedly his return flight on November 3). There was also the Arsenal stadium where he watched a soccer game. The only question now is who contaminated who, when. Did Litvinenko contaminate Lugovoi in the afternoon of Nov 1 when he met him at the Millenium Hotel (explaining the Millenium, Arsenal Stadium, one plane and British Embassy sites). Or did Lugovoi bring something into the UK which contaminated him and Litvinenko the morning of Nov 1 at a yet unknown meeting before Litvinenko met Scaramella? Some updates to this in a little bit.

Update: OK, those promised updates. This article and this article both claim the planes Lugovoi flew on leaving and returning to Moscow were the contaminated planes. Which flight of the three he made entering the UK is of importance. I have seen reports it was the Oct 25th flight associated with the Sheraton Park Lane Hotel – but I am not sure.

In another tweak to the timeline it this report claims that Litvinenko left the meeting with Scaramella, when to see Berezovsky and then went from there to meet Lugovoi before they left for the game. If I am correct and there was another meeting with Lugovoi prior to Scaramella’s meeting, at which point in time the large contamination at the Millenium Hotel occured, then the timeline makes sense.

Sticking with my smuggling ring theme, the deadly spill happened in the morning as Lugovoi and others made a second transfer of Polonium (the first being on Oct 25th which contaminated the Sheraton Park Lane). Litvinenko has no idea he has poisoned himself (or fears it and is not sure what he can do about it) and goes to meet Scaramella. The Scaramella news further spooks Litvinenko (or he starts getting really worried about the accident earlier) and he rushes to Berezovsky’s office and then to tell Lugovoi. He also decides to drop by his friend who works for a security firm nearby. The next morning he knows he is in trouble and calls Lugovoi. By November 3rd he is being taken to the hospital where they hide the Putin angle (and the Lugovoi angle) until it is clear he has no hope of recovery, and they set the stage for the media diversion.

And now this is considered a murder investigation. Am I buying someone shelled out $50 million in Polonium contraband and risked smuggling it into the UK to knock of a 3rd rate pain in the neck? Nope. But I do understand the PR value behind such a statement, as well as the legal benefits.

47 responses so far

47 Responses to “Lugovoi Was Trailing Polonium-210”

  1. Lizarde1 says:

    Bringing Clarise’s link from a thread below here because it is interesting and could explain something;
    Polonium-beryllium triggers are packaged in foil packs about the size of a package of sugar on a restaurant table. When the twin foil packages are crushed, the elements mix and the neutrons are emitted. A courier transporting nuclear triggers could have had a mishap causing the packages to rupture and a trail of contamination to occur.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Luguvoi has been contaminated for some time. At least one of the planes he used on an earlier trip was also contaminated and there is possible contamination from the trip before that even (October 25 and October 17).

    Luguvoi was possibly leaving a trail of polonium for two weeks and possibly even longer before Litvinenko got sick. I don’t think we are ever going to be able to tell how far back the contamination goes because of the short half-life of the material and the fact that it could be cleaned up with a vacuum cleaner.

  3. crosspatch says:

    “A courier transporting nuclear triggers could have had a mishap causing the packages to rupture and a trail of contamination to occur.”

    A nuclear trigger is designed to emit neutrons. The way that works in these primative triggers is the polonium emits alpha radiation which strikes the beryllium atoms causing them to emit a neutron. If this were the case, they would have found beryllium and neutron radiation which is harder to shield than alpha radiation. As far as I know so far, neither of these have been found.

  4. Lizarde1 says:

    wondering if it was on his shoes – in addition to maybe urine – he surely washed and changed his clothes before the Embassy meeting – but maybe he was wearing the same jacket or pants or the same shoes. Nobody lately has been talking about sweat. It’s amazing this guy isn’t dead yet.

  5. crosspatch says:

    He now claims to be sick with it, which I would believe considering the contamination trail he was leaving. The inside of his luggage could have been contaminated too. So even if he had his clothes cleaned, if he put them back in his luggage or hung them in a closet with other contaminated clothing, it could transfer.

  6. Lizarde1 says:

    scroll down to the last Lugovoi thread where I posted a ton of stuff I found out about him today – including his entire life story

  7. Lizarde1 says:

    Fox just broke in a little while ago with an alert that the Litvinenko poisoning is now considered MURDER – was on business call and missed any details other than that

  8. Carol_Herman says:

    You can’t wash alpha particles off your body?

    Or? Did someone “give” Luguvoy a gift that he treasured? Perhaps a Rolex watch? Something that could contain the particles? And, then, somehow “discharge” stuff with a tiny motor mechanism? Watches are very small. With moving parts. Who’d know?

    It seems this stuff is “deposited” microscopically? And, then? You can’t even shampoo it away? It lives and breathes on ya like lice?

    What an odd, odd story this has become.

  9. Carol_Herman says:

    One murder? How about all the innocent people who got exposed?

    Or is that just hysteria? Is there really only, so far, one dead body?

    And, why the “spin?” Why out the door, does the sick Litvenenko, call in a PR expert? Ot is Goldfarb NOT his PR expert?

    Foil packets? Don’t condoms come wrapped that way, too? Not just “sugar?”

    Even in the biggest nuclear explosions, the bombs (like the A-bombs) travel pretty safely. Until the “trigger” puts the materials together.

    Are we being told that “dirty suitcases” can be put into motion by bending a foil packet? And, then anyone within the circles, who doesn’t die immediately, stays “active.”

    Sorry for all the questions. But I thought the “half-life” for alpha particles are very, very short? Plus. For what other reason don’t they set off Geiger Counters? How do you know they are, or “were” there? Odorless. And, tasteless, too.

  10. clarice says:

    HEH–Keep hope alive, AJ..

  11. topsecretk9@AJ says:

    Sticking with my smuggling ring theme, the deadly spill happened in the morning as Lugovoi and others made a second transfer of Polonium

    Contrary to AJ – If Lugovoi were smuggling for gain, then I can’t see why Putin would not welcome and invite the Brits to speak to him – which certainly clears Putin.

    Contrary to Clarice – If Lugovoi were on orders from Putin, I can’t see why he’d be traipsing around exposing himself – and everyone under the sun for SO LONG and like crazy – as evidenced by the detection in the Moscow Embassy

    I think you 2 need to consider you both might be right about the wrong things.

  12. Enlightened says:

    Well, I guess we don’t know for sure what Litvenenko knew that could make it worth their while to put a $50 Mil hit on him.

    Maybe the murdered banker knew……

    Its rather obvious that there has been a spate of political murders of Russians against Putin.

  13. AJStrata says:


    It would be better for all if I was wrong….

  14. clarice says:

    Who says he knew he was contaminated. If he was doing this for Putin or rogue FSB agents, it would be in their interest to have him die as Litvinenko did and erase any possible definitive resolution of the case.

    Go back and read his bio–he is thrown in jail on apparently trumped up charges as Putin tries to eradicate his predecessor’s hold,and after release from jail stays in Russia–unlike his cohorts who fled before Putin could jail them or after they got out. And suddenly, upon release, becomes very rich. I say he was turned.

  15. topsecretk9@AJ says:

    –Who says he knew he was contaminated. If he was doing this for Putin or rogue FSB agents, it would be in their interest to have him die as Litvinenko did and erase any possible definitive resolution of the case.–

    OK, Clarice…that is just as fantastically speculative as the rest of the theories…and yet?

    I know his bio and think it suggests he has as much reason to resent Putin as the rest of the exiles…which may lead him to betray him by smuggling out Russian P210 to his friend in Britain who is working on exposing Putins massive illicit weapons trafficing — whereby Putin allows his FSB agents to conduct.

    This theory matches – Litvinenko’s history at FSB, Lugovoi’s history and also Scarmella’s history as aKGB investigator and Nuc black market investigator – expert.

  16. Lizarde1 says:

    You’d think that somewhere Litivenko went after the Oct 25 meeting at the Park Hotel would show some signs of radiation – I wonder if those sites have been checked or information has been collected on this? Where was the stuff between Oct 25 and Nov 1? B’s office? Maybe Litivenko did not come into contact with it at that time only Luguvoi and the inhabitants of the five rooms did. Lugovoi was a walking blue light for at least a week and yet the big dose went to Litvinenko…what a mystery

  17. clarice says:

    That’s possible–Perhaps one of Lugovoi’s entourage caught wind of this and murdered Litvinenko and poisoned Lugovoi as well.

    I see nothing to indicate that Lugovoi was opposed to Putin, however. He made all his money under Putin.

  18. crosspatch says:

    Of course they would treat it as a murder investigation. Any suspicious death would be treated initially as a murder investigation until such time as another explaination surfaces. That is an attempt to sell newspapers.

  19. jerry says:

    I’d still say this assassination was nearly free for a government that already had a reactor up and active nuclear scientists. How did AJ arrive at the $50M price tag, based upon the market value for those $60 Po samples?

  20. crosspatch says:

    “You’d think that somewhere Litivenko went after the Oct 25 meeting at the Park Hotel would show some signs of radiation”

    I believe the airplane he used to fly back to Moscow on the 25th was contaminated.