Nov 20 2006

Media Still At War With Bush – Major Intel Sources Compromised

Published by at 11:35 am under All General Discussions,Iran

Please see updates below – it seems someone near the White House, possibly the Baker-Hamilton Iraq group, exposed ongoing intelligence efforts and sources inside Iran.

The CIA (or, to be fair, someone who read their analysis) is still leaking like a sieve to the liberal media and endangering our national security. Seymour Hersh – who hates America – is at it again. He uses basically useless intelligence (satellite images) to conclude there is no effort by Iran to create a nuclear bomb. This is the classic case of someone dealing in issues well out of his mental grasp. Satellite images will not help detect anything inside deep bunkers. The article is a big long liberal fantasy about why worrying about winning the 2008 Presidential election should trump national security. It is this kind of warped thinking that rightfully tags liberals as incapable of dealing with national security. But here is the gist of Hersh’s ignorance:

The C.I.A.’s analysis, which has been circulated to other agencies for comment, was based on technical intelligence collected by overhead satellites, and on other empirical evidence, such as measurements of the radioactivity of water samples and smoke plumes from factories and power plants. Additional data have been gathered, intelligence sources told me, by high-tech (and highly classified) radioactivity-detection devices that clandestine American and Israeli agents placed near suspected nuclear-weapons facilities inside Iran in the past year or so. No significant amounts of radioactivity were found.

The information from satellites is pretty much useless. Radiation detection devices can be fooled by shielding, and water samples can be useless too if there is not seepage into the environment. But an even simpler way to avoid detection is the old bait and switch. To use many of these methods you have to be looking at the right location.

The CIA has missed so much it is unbelievable they would be considered credible. They missed Hussein’s nuclear weapons program, and North Korea’s, and Pakistan’s – I am assuming India notified them to make it easy on the CIA – and they missed Libya’s. In fact, the only nuclear programs they seem aware of our those of our allies. What about the weapons grade uranium found by the IAEA? What about the nuclear trigger the CIA gave to Iran under Bill Clinton? What about all the bravado coming out of Iran about wiping Israel off the map? What about the news that Tehran has tested a nuclear fuse? This is both a troubling sign and another leak of our intelligence capabilities to our enemies. Who just exposed an Israeli source?he White House correctly dismissing Hersh and his pathetic naivette regarding this matter. The CIA should be shut down and all the analysts moved to another organization until these leaks end. We do not need to have Seymour Hersh exposing our detection methods for nuclear weapons programs to our enemies in his lame attempt to grasp a technically very complicated issue. Someone needs to go to jail over this one.

Update: Hersh not only exposed our detection methods AND an Isreali source who learned of Tehran’s success with a nuclear trigger (the design of which probably came from Clinton and the CIA), but it exposed our clandestine efforts with the Kurds to unfiltrate Iran (from the previous linked source):

The report also stated that in the past six months, Israel and the United States had been working together to support a Kurdish resistance group known as the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan.

The group had been conducting clandestine cross-border forays into Iran, Hersh said he was told by a government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon civilian leadership, as “part of an effort to explore alternative means of applying pressure on Iran.”

Clearly the mole is near the White House – and I would wager part of the Iraq Group headed by Baker and Hamilton. Here is why I think so:

Iran has developed and tested a trigger device for a nuclear bomb, Israeli agents stationed there have told the White House, according to a report published in the New Yorker on Monday morning.

According to the report, written by Seymour M. Hersh, the White House received the information but did not hand it to the CIA.

Clearly this treasonous source had access to the CIA report and the Trigger intel (which the CIA did not know about). That puts the mole somewhere near the White House. The source is clearly identified as a consultant with access to the Pentagon and White House civilian leadership. The only new group near the White House is Baker’s Iraq Group, which has access to this kind of information. Time for the FBI to get involved. These leaks put all these sources and efforts in serious danger.

24 responses so far

24 Responses to “Media Still At War With Bush – Major Intel Sources Compromised”

  1. The election is over, but not the leaks…

    At this point, I’m really wondering how we’ve NOT been attacked over the last five years….
    Away goes another military operational secret during a time of war:
    “The Pentagon’s closely guarded review of how to improve the si…

  2. crosspatch says:

    “Time for the FBI to get involved. These leaks put all these sources and efforts in serious danger.”

    We’ve been saying that for years due to a number of leaks. As far as I know, not a single one has panned out as far as bringing anyone to justice. Remember the “dozens” of CIA investigations that were going on when Mary McCarthy was fired? Nothing. Nadda. Nope.

  3. Carol J says:

    I’m with you Crosspatch…

    Where the hell is the DOJ and the FBI??? This is unacceptable and EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!! It is high time to reopen these investigations and get DEADLY serious about them before it’s too late! Leahy, Rockefeller, Durbin, Wyden, Levin, McCarthy (Mary) …the list is getting longer BECAUSE we are doing nothing about it!

    What are they thinking?


  4. kathie says:

    With the Dems in control the list is going to get even longer.

  5. crosspatch says:

    You have to carefully parse Kissinger. Here is what he said:

    “If you mean by clear military victory an Iraqi government that can be established and whose writ runs across the whole country, that gets the civil war under control and sectarian violence under control in a time period that the political processes of the democracies will support, I don’t believe that is possible.”

  6. crosspatch says:

    In other words, it depends on what the definition if “is” is … to use the words of another who uses words carefully.

    What he is really getting at, I think, is how do you define “victory” and if you define it in the terms he stated, then that probably isn’t possible. What you might need to do is redefine what you mean by “victory”. I believe the comment is designed to spur thought on exactly what the definition of “victory” is and our expectations for the Iraqi government.

    He is simply stating that the chances of the Iraq government establishing complete control and eliminating all sectarian violence by the time the Democrats start cutting funding and the Brits start pulling out is probably an unreasonable expectation. We might have to settle for a redefinition of “victory”. Maybe “clear military victory” is one where the Iraqi government is able to continue to make progress on its own. Getting Ramadi under control will probably be a big turning point.

    First we took Fallujah and they ran to Ramadi. Now Ramadi is being cleaned up and they are apparently running to Baquba. At some point they run out of places to run to because anyplace they attempt to run has a stronger Iraqi military/police structure than the place they left.

  7. crosspatch says:

    oops, something went haywire there. Wrong thread.

  8. stevevvs says:

    I’ve been wondering for years now why we are not prosecuting these leakers. Very depressing.

    Hell, Fitz is still going strong! Even though Armitage was the leaker!

    The entire Government is a mess!

  9. Terrye says:

    I have come to the point where I think there is a lot more going on than we know about. Sometimes I wonder if some of this information is fed to people just to see who will talk. If someone is found out, we may never know about it. It would not even make the news.

  10. Terrye says:

    And AJ , they would not have to be with ISG, it could be lots of people, even underlings.

  11. satrist says:

    20 years ago, a co-worker had his clearance suspended for 6 months because he mistakenly put a Confidential cover sheet on a message that should have had a Secret cover sheet placed on it. (for those who may not know, Secret is a higher classification than Confidential). I can’t help but wonder what this fellow is thinking now if he is still alive.

    This is one aspect of classified leaking that is never discussed. What about the hundreds of thousands of lower grade employees that have access to classified material. What kind of message does this send to them?

  12. Mike M. says:

    Please, please, can we follow Lincoln’s example in the Civil War and use preventive detention?

    My sister and her kids live downwind of Washington, and I’d rather not have them die from the fallout.

  13. Ken says:

    Thank God there are Jews like Hersh who apparently don’t believe
    the activities of the dual loyalists should be kept secret. Strata wants us to trust those akin to the lying connivers in the Pentagon/Tel Aviv axis who manuevered us into the Iraq War with the aid of lying Saddam dissidents. How about jailing Doug Feith?

    Kissinger shorted…”I wish we could stay as long as necessary to turn Iraq into an Israel-friendly puppet state, but Americans don’t have the patience.”

  14. satrist says:

    if leakers of classified information consider themselves to be performing a noble act, why then, don’t they come forward and
    make themselves known to the American people?

  15. Terrye says:


    Of all the offensive anti semitic crap you have put out there this is the most disgusting. You are not anti war, you are pro enemy.

    And what Kissinger said is that he did not think there was time for a military victory. But you know what? I did not like Kissinger 30 years ago and I don’t like him now. So whose cares what he says?

  16. stickitken says:

    Hersh isn’t leaking information about Jews, Ken, he’s leaking information about American policy. And I doubt he cares about Jews or American policy. You don’t have to be a “dual loyalist” to support Israel. I generally support Israel, and I’m not Jewish.

    You really should spend more time worrying about real enemies of the United States, and less about imaginary ones.

  17. momdear1 says:

    Another example of the Republicans acting like wimps. Why isn’t Semour Hirsh sitting in jail until he names his sources? At least he wouldn’t be exposing any more leaked secrets for a while. If the Republicans had vigorously persued the leakers, cast the news traitors in jail until they talked, and otherwise yelled their heads off about the traitors entrenched in our intelligence agencies who were aiding and abetting our enemies, they would still control Congress. The reason people voted them out is because they didn’t know about the treason of the opposition. Most of us only know what we read in the papers and hear on the evening news. All they heard was Republican “scandals and corruption”, “George Bush lied”, and the invented and imagined slanders from the left. Never once did anyone say that most of the accusations were based on top secret info selectively leaked by traitors entrenched in sensitive government jobs.

    If George Bush wants to redeem himself, he had better stop trying to win them over by always playing Mr. Nice Guy and turning the other cheek and start playing hard ball like the other side does.

  18. For Enforcement says:

    We can always hope this was info that was put out just to find leakers. It certainly is info that is misleading at best. I don’t think they would use valid intel to leak to find traitors.

    I don’t think it’s the case tho, I think Hersh is just a leaker.

    Terry, you can get a little satisfaction from knowing that Ken is 100% wrong. 100% of the time.

  19. Bikerken says:

    There is a definite difference between the way the idealogical left views national security and the military from the conservative right. The left does not take threats to national security seriously from any source other than the conservative right. As far as they see it, no one really wants to go to war or hurt anyone else other than the evil conservatives, (usually for oil or something like that). Therefore, it is not only OK, but honorable to leak govt secrets to undermine any area of federal govt that is not under their control. One thing about the left is that the ends ALWAYS justify the means, they really don’t believe anything they do is wrong if they feel okay about it. They also advocate a double standard in what they see as a crime, you can see it with the Scooter Libby case. Armitage, a leftist, not only not prosecuted, but told to keep quiet. Libby, conservative, prosecuted on the flimsiest twig of a case I’ve ever heard of. This mentality doesn’t stop there, it goes on. It also justifies the covering up or the glossing over, if you will, of serious crimes that compromise our national security. Take for example Wen Ho Lee, who had over 400 pages of nuclear weapons technology on his home computer that he had uploaded to the internet, not guilty. Because no one in this world is ever evil except conservatives. Coincidently, China acquires new nuclear weapons technology around that same time period. Hmmm. Just now they are finding more and more security problems at Los Alamos. I predict nothing will come of this because the base is controlled by an idealogical left wing group of scientists who think the same way.

  20. Media At War With Bush or Counter Intelligence by the Keystone cops?…

    And while Tenet sits at home polishing his Medal of Freedom award the question must be raised, where are our counter intelligence operation officers?…