Nov 07 2006

Fox: Dems Win House

Published by at 11:21 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

That is what they are calling. But I want to see the GA and LA-03 races come in before this is solidified. And I hope every conservative who sat home thinks about what this means (and my suspicion is a very small fraction did sit home – but it did count).

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Fox: Dems Win House”

  1. Mark78 says:

    VA SEN [97.22% IN]
    R- ALLEN 1,112,116 49.57%
    D- WEBB 1,104,413 49.23%

    Ouch , so close

  2. perdogg says:

    We would only be talking about a 1-2 seat majority, right?

  3. CT says:

    A 20-30 gain for the Dems is predicted. It will likely be around 10, but who knows.

    Looks like Ritter will be governor of Colorado. Overall, this has been a rotten night for this Colorado Republican.

  4. perdogg says:

    When you say gain, do you mean gain or net??