Jul 11 2005

Super Chilled!!

Published by at 7:32 pm under All General Discussions

I heard of the Rasmussen poll on FoxNews, but I will also give a hat tip to Powerline on this.

Over 50% of the people are expecting the dems to overreact and want them to instead allow a vote on qualified conservative nominees to the Supreme Court (put the numbers together).

This is what happens when you cry ‘wolf’ too many times and the sky fails to fall – to mix my metaphors. The reputation of liberalism is in tatters.

Thank goodness.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Super Chilled!!”

  1. Decision '08 says:

    Miscellanea: Odds and Ends Edition

    AJ Strata points to this poll and tells us he’s so chillin’ he’s Mr. Freeze…

  2. […] AJ Strata points to this poll and tells us he’s so chillin’ he’s Mr. Freeze… […]