Oct 21 2006

GOP To Hold House

Published by at 5:34 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

Barrons is coming out with an analysis that is close to my own. I predicted a 6-9 seat loss in the House, and I still think the Reps could be down 1 or up 1 in the Senate because they will take NJ and MD, and the rest depend on the tides at the time. Barons is predicting 8-14 seat loss in the House, with three down in the Senate. I could live with that!

43 responses so far

43 Responses to “GOP To Hold House”

  1. Mark78 says:

    Thanks for posting that.

  2. kathie says:

    Me too!

  3. Christoph says:

    I’m wondering if you’re not being overly optimistic.

    I think history shows that Democrats will stop at nothing to win an election.

    Might Democrats be conspiring to discuss strategy and communications with al-Quaeda in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan before an election?

    Do any Democrats serving in Congress have a record of doing this? Could they succeed just as much as last time they tried this?

    “The KGB Letter and Allegations of Treason”

    Cybercast News Service and a blog, Hot Air, among others reported on October 20, 2006 that in 1983 Kennedy (along with former Senator John Tunney, both Democrats) wrote a memo to former KGB Chairman and then current General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Yuri Andropov. This memo offered to collaborate with the USSR’s political and military leadership to conduct a public relations campaign to oust Ronald Reagan as President of the United States during the 1984 general election.


    At that time the Soviet Union was engaged in cold war with the United States and was widely considered to be the USA’s main enemy and rival for power in the world. Each country was also in possession of a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons and other weapon systems such as surface naval ships, ballistic missile submarines, strategic nuclear bombers, land based atomic canons, and cruise missiles.

    In the event of a hot war, initial nuclear warheads would have landed on U.S. soil within 5-minutes of hostilities from Soviet SLBM submarines and in large numbers from ICBMs within 30-minutes. Opposing the Soviet Union and attempting to defeat Soviet Communism, which Ronald Reagan helped accomplished in his subsequent presidential term, was official U.S. foreign policy.

    Because of this, several bloggers and commentators consider Ted Kennedy’s actions to be treason.

    Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the United States:
    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” The “aid and comfort” prong of treason has been interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States as requiring proof of four elements:
    1) an intent to betray the United States (which can be inferred from); 2) an overt act;
    3) witnessed by two people; and
    4) that provides aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States.

    [credit for this constitutional reference goes to Flopping Aces blog]

    I’m just shocked.

    And Kennedy’s don’t shock me easily.

    This man should spend his last breath behind bars. If the Bush White House doesn’t prosecute him, then he’s too weak for the job.

    This is unreal. The U.S.A. and my country, for ____ sakes, were always within 30-minutes or less of Soviet nuclear warheads raining down on us. It wasn’t called the cold war for nothing.

    And they were trying to defeat this president as Mary Katherine Ham so rightly pointed out.


    I despised this man before and I despise him more now.

    However, not everyone shares the belief that Kennedy should be held criminally responsible for this act.

    Regardless, AJStrata, doesn’t senior elected Democrats’ willingness to collude with foreign powers in the past to unseat a sitting and duly elected President allude to their perhaps being a risk of them doing this again?

    And if they do, couldn’t they once again enjoy the stunning electoral victory they enjoyed in 1984?

  4. Christoph says:

    Do you think so?

  5. Christoph says:

    I’m wondering if you’re not being overly optimistic.

    I think history shows that Democrats will stop at nothing to win an election.

    Might Democrats be conspiring to discuss strategy and communications with al-Quaeda in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan before an election?

    Do any Democrats serving in Congress have a record of doing this? Could they succeed just as much as last time they tried this?

    “The KGB Letter and Allegations of Treason”

    Cybercast News Service and a blog, Hot Air, among others reported on October 20, 2006 that in 1983 Kennedy (along with former Senator John Tunney, both Democrats) wrote a memo to former KGB Chairman and then current General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Yuri Andropov. This memo offered to collaborate with the USSR’s political and military leadership to conduct a public relations campaign to oust Ronald Reagan as President of the United States during the 1984 general election.

    At that time the Soviet Union was engaged in cold war with the United States and was widely considered to be the USA’s main enemy and rival for power in the world. Each country was also in possession of a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons and other weapon systems such as surface naval ships, ballistic missile submarines, strategic nuclear bombers, land based atomic canons, and cruise missiles.

    In the event of a hot war, initial nuclear warheads would have landed on U.S. soil within 5-minutes of hostilities from Soviet SLBM submarines and in large numbers from ICBMs within 30-minutes. Opposing the Soviet Union and attempting to defeat Soviet Communism, which Ronald Reagan helped accomplished in his subsequent presidential term, was official U.S. foreign policy.

    Because of this, several bloggers and commentators consider Ted Kennedy’s actions to be treason.

    Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the United States:
    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” The “aid and comfort” prong of treason has been interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States as requiring proof of four elements:
    1) an intent to betray the United States (which can be inferred from); 2) an overt act;
    3) witnessed by two people; and
    4) that provides aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States.

    [credit for this constitutional reference goes to Flopping Aces blog]

    I’m just shocked.

    And Kennedy’s don’t shock me easily.

    This man should spend his last breath behind bars. If the Bush White House doesn’t prosecute him, then he’s too weak for the job.

    This is unreal. The U.S.A. and my country, for ____ sakes, were always within 30-minutes or less of Soviet nuclear warheads raining down on us. It wasn’t called the cold war for nothing.

    And they were trying to defeat this president as Mary Katherine Ham so rightly pointed out.


    I despised this man before and I despise him more now.

    However, not everyone shares the belief that Kennedy should be held criminally responsible for this act.

    Regardless, AJStrata, doesn’t senior elected Democrats’ willingness to collude with foreign powers in the past to unseat a sitting and duly elected President allude to their perhaps being a risk of them doing this again?

    And if they do, couldn’t they once again enjoy the stunning electoral victory they enjoyed in 1984?

  6. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Christoph: WHY are you Shocked?

    Jimmy Carter contacted Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin, and also told him it would in their “mutual” interest, to make sure Reagan was NOT be be re-elected in 1984! That’s been an open secret for over a decade; and a FORMER President of the United States!

    He’s never been held accountable; hell, he won a NOBEL Prize for god’s sake!

    There is NOT difference, between TREASON, and Patriotism for the LEFT; in fact, for them, it’s the same DAMN THING!

  7. Concerned says:

    AJ, just trying to get your attention! If Republicans want to win the Nevada Senate seat then…

    Why nothing on Harry Reid’s land crimes? Rush has dropped it. It is no where! I have an explanation. Please, everyone, read my comments under AJ’s topic “Reid’s land deals”. Please don’t drop it.


  8. AJStrata says:


    I am an engineer. I am simply being analytical. The data is inconsistent. If there is an anti-incumbent, anti-Iraq war wave, Lieberman should be the primo target in deep blue CT. But he isn’t seeing a wave. Logic is much more difficult to deal with than a bunch of angry liberals.

  9. Christoph says:

    Hi AJStrata, it’s Christoph.

    I was being slightly sarcastic. I’m surprised the sentence:

    “And if they do, couldn’t they once again enjoy the stunning electoral victory they enjoyed in 1984?”

    … with the same point appearing at the beginning of the post didn’t give it away!

    Okay, that said, what do you think about the Kennedy KGB letter story?

    I think he should be investigated.

  10. MerlinOS2 says:

    We have a MSM that provably can get economic reporting correct, they can get legislative reporting correct, they can’t get campaign issue reporting correct, they can’t get war reporting issues correct, and yet we are supposed to believe they are spot on with election outcome projections.

    At least some seem to go with that.

  11. Concerned says:

    AJ, don’t ignore me!

  12. Limerick says:

    Our glorius future leader, Ms.Pelosi, is going to be a 60 minutes story Sunday………….the Dhimmis are daft for letting her do this…….

  13. the good doctor says:

    If there was such a Democratic tide Howard Dean wouldn’t have to take a loan to finish the campaign. Kerry collected more that 100 millions for his campaingn. They have a bunch of billionaires with big companies ,unions , etc.

  14. Christoph says:

    Concerned, I read the post you linked to. It was very complex.

    Not the sort of thing you can capture in a 30-second TV ad (unlike Kennedy writes letter to former KGB head and Commie Party leader during Cold War to unseat the most popular President within living memory of the majority of the population). It isn’t even as simple as Reid helped pass laws that benefitting him financially with 1.1 million off the books transaction and $700,000 profit in violation of Senate ethics rules.

    Your story was complex. Worthy if true, just more dots to connect.

    So why don’t you do connect them? I think AJStrata’s an above average smart person and if he helps you, great. But there isn’t anything he can do that you can’t except maybe break the story if there’s some real proof of it that I haven’t seen yet.

  15. Will the GOP hang on to Congress next month? And other misc. election notes…

    With polls showing the Dems poised to take control of Congress, one magazine – Barron’s – is predicting that the R’s will hold on to their control in Washington. But just barely. Drudge has a snippet of the subscription-only content from…

  16. Concerned says:

    Christoph, thanks for your response. It isn’t complex — very simple when you understand how the “business” works. And I can get evidence. It would be over 2″ thick of documents on Harry’s deals alone, plus an explanation showing how each one of his deals is directly connected to mafia. Anyone can access Maricopa County records, but you need someone to “decipher” the codes in the documents to understand them.

    You give me name and address of someone who will take the information and report it to the American people, and I will make sure they receive them, immediately!


  17. Christoph says:

    Then post more details about it here so I can grasp it, Concerned. I don’t think AJStrata will mind since it’s related tangenitally. Besides, were on the same team.

    And if he minds, you’ve attracted his attention. As it is, I’m not following it completely so if you could cut and paste it into notepad then reword it with more details, etc., we could follow.

    Trust me, I’m interested.

  18. Concerned says:

    It will take a few days… keep watching! Thanks.

  19. Christoph says:

    Remember, how concisely and logically you explain it is as important (when blogging for others to read as opposed to dumping in a prosecutor’s lap) as the evidence itself. Make it coherent.

    Good luck!

  20. Christoph says:

    Oh, and if you make it good (tight, logical, well sourced) James Frey a.k.a. “Patterico” of Patterico.com, hotair.com (especially Bryan), Captain Ed of captainsquartersblog.com, Charles Johnson of littlegreenfootballs.com (tip form at bottom of left-hand column), Ace of ace.mu.nu, Rusty at mypetjawa.mu.nu, and Curt, Rob, and Wordsmith of floppingaces.net, and anyone at americanthinker.com (especially the brilliant Clarice Feldman) are all great sources if you have a real story.

    However, AJStrata’s in their league and less excitable than that Jawa fellow.
