Oct 05 2006

Democrats Equate “Gay” With Sexual Predation?

Published by at 7:34 am under All General Discussions,Foleygate

What in the world are Democrats doing with this Foley mess? Check out what Bob Beckel said on TV last night:

Democrat operative Bob Beckel said on Hannity & Colmes this week that the mere fact Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) was gay should have ”raised questions”, in regards to his communications with former Capitol Hill Pages. Beckel then compared Foley to a bank robber who ‘should be kept away from banks’.

Well, either Beckel and his similar sounding Democrat opportunist are closet homophobes they cannot hold back, or (more likely) they think America is so frightened of gays that we are all closet homophobes and will fall for this line. Since we all know someone who is not straight, and likley consider them to be dear friend or family, this insult thrown at them for partisan gain is quite repugnant to Americans.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Democrats Equate “Gay” With Sexual Predation?”

  1. perdogg says:

    Did Bob have his callgirl, Tiffany with him last night?

  2. carol johnson says:

    Fox’s very own “Baghdad” Bob Beckel! LOL! Poor guy can’t keep his foot out of his mouth if he tried.


  3. Karig says:

    Yeah, I think we ought to ask the Democrats about this one. They’ve been pounding us and pounding us and pounding us for decades about the need to treat gays as just fellow human beings. Some of us have had this message pounded into our skulls almost since birth. NOW they want to do a 180 and imply to us that male Congressional pages and gay male Congressmen are a risky mix? That Hastert was negligent because he failed to investigate Foley thoroughly in the past and should have done so because Foley’s gayness should have been a tipoff that he might be hitting on young boys? Are the Democrats also going to start claiming that homosexuals tend to be pederasts?

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    I bet that really is going over well with the gay voters them dems had

  5. Ken says:

    Strata and others here show themselves to be liberals again.
    Paul Cameron’s, among many other studies, establish incontrovertibly: male homosexuals are many times more likely
    to be pedophiles and ephedophiles than straights. They have to
    “recruit” to keep numbers up and recruit early, among other