Oct 04 2006

More From Fordham On Foley

Published by at 3:49 pm under All General Discussions,Foleygate

Fordham, Foley’s former Chief Of Staff, is talking up a storm to the new media, and trying to blame Foley and the House leadership.

The longtime Capitol Hill aide said he would fully disclose to the FBI and the House ethics committee “any and all meetings and phone calls” regarding Foley’s behavior that he had with senior staffers in the House leadership.

“The fact is even prior to the existence of the Foley e-mail exchanges I had more than one conversation with senior staff at the highest level of the House of Representatives asking them to intervene when I was informed of Mr. Foley’s inappropriate behavior,” Fordham said.

Fordham said one staffer to whom he spoke remains employed by a senior House Republican leader. He would not identify the staffer.

“Rather than trying to shift the blame on me, those who are employed by these House leaders should acknowledge what they know about their action or inaction in response to the information they knew about Mr. Foley prior to 2005,” Fordham said.

I am beginning to wonder, again, if Fordham wasn’t actually recruited by Mike Rogers and John Aravosis to out Foley’s drepravity in a well times media blitz. How is it this guy is so concerned about Foley he goes to the leadership numerous times but doesn’t go public? We are talking about sexual predation on kids here. What if Fordham did talk to folks like Rogers and Aravosis and decide he would take care of things in a different manner than calling the police (the obvious answer). I don’t get how someone could knowlingly be Chief Of Staff for a sexual predator. It doesn’t make any sense.

One response so far

One Response to “More From Fordham On Foley”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:

    AJ Fordham was a gay outed by Rogers in 2003 during Foley’s senate run he withdrew from after some questioned his sexual orientation.

    He then move on. Perhaps Foley didn’t startup his page trolling until he returned to the House and Fordham got wind of his behavior later and leaked it to Rogers and Averlolis (Americasblog)