Oct 04 2006

Is Al Qaeda Losing?

Published by at 9:52 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

This interesting article up at Human Events makes an interesting observation about Al Qaeda’s own views on its current situation:

The letter features al Qaeda’s usual religious panegyrics, but also contains strong evidence of fear, doubt and impending defeat. It seems five years of continual defeat (and that is what the record is) have shaken the 9-11 certitude of al Qaeda’s senior fanatics.

Don’t expect to see this positive assessment in the mass news media anytime soon – but it is worth reading

One response so far

One Response to “Is Al Qaeda Losing?”

  1. Ken says:

    But as the earlier Al Qaeda piece’s link said , Iraqi Sunni tribal
    fighting against Al Qaeda has not lessened attacks by the
    resistance against US troops.