Sep 24 2006

All Net & No Roots

Published by at 9:34 am under All General Discussions

The supposedly powerful Netroots for the left is, once again, coming up empty. While they got Ned Lamont elected in the primary, their efforts have simply pushed Lieberman to the center and into winning the election. There are many stories out today at RCP on how the Netroots look powerful on the Internet, but when seen in the light of reality (and not the virtual world) they are simply a very loud, but small, group of angry people driving the political left off the cliff. Just like the old Texas saying about being “all hat and no cattle”, the Netroots are “all bet and no roots”. As in grass roots. As in they act more like a defoliant when they come to support a candidate. The Agent orange of politics.

One response so far

One Response to “All Net & No Roots”

  1. antimedia says:

    “like a defoliant” to a candidate….what an apt turn of a phrase.