Sep 24 2006

The Clinton Meltdown, The Democrat Meltdown

Published by at 8:25 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

The Clinton meltdown on Fox News Sunday is indicative of the frustration on the left at, once again, screwing up the politics. As their mistakes come out, they lash out at everyone else. Clinton was the first to bring up President Bush having been thrust into the War on Terror, as an anology on how Presidential priorities are thrust upon them. Then he mentioned the fact Bush had to be responsible for the War everyday while he could now, as an ex-President, focus on the issues of poverty.

Clinton opened the door to the question Wallace asked and all Wallace asked was for Clinton to defend his actions on Bin Laden. The vitriol in the response is clear the criticism is not off base, but stings Clinton. Clinton goes over Black Hawk down and misses the main part of the event, his decision to run away. Clinton’s response illustrates why the Democrats are trouble. They are so angry they cannot retain coherence and a professional demeanor. They don’t just look out of control, they are out of control.

Clinton is just ranting. He simply points to whacky Richard Clark as the only voice of reason, even though he points out Clark’s motivated by his demotion (and thus his anger with Bush). Clinton is paranoid and unstable in this interview. His response tells me the Democrats see a disaster coming this fall. Clinton can say all he wants about his actions, but not only did he fail to get Bin Laden, but he has four major attacks on the US: WTC 1, two embassy bombings and the USS Cole. And in the end Clinton’s responses to these attacks did not lead to a safer America, it led to 9-11. That is the bottom line without any consideration of good choices or bad choices. It is the result.

Up until now I had never once seen Clinton at fault for 9-11. But clearly his response shows he feels he failed. The only way the criticism could be this serious is if it carried some weight. Is Clinton too sensitive? I doubt it. Pols at his level typically will not respond in the way Clinton did unless something hits home – and hard. Clinton really hurt himself, but his performance is indicative of the echo-chamber that has become the left in this country. They feel under attack because their policies have failed and their response has been to attack their opposition in personal ways. The “rightwing” comments from Clinton are an echo of the mindset and debate on the left. They are losing stature and they cannot come to grips with the fact it is not because the Reps are so good or so sharp or so much better at the mechanics of communication. They aren’t (and we all know they aren’t), The left fails because their ideals and views have failed. They don’t work. Until the left stops blaming everyone else for their failures, they will continue to lash out at others and see bogeymen everywhere. Especially on Fox News.

27 responses so far

27 Responses to “The Clinton Meltdown, The Democrat Meltdown”

  1. patrick neid says:

    whatever the fallout, chris wallace is a great interviewer. talk about cool under fire……

    you would be mad knowing your legacy:


    “Big Time”

    Get ready baby, we’re going uptown
    It’s friday night, we’re gonna get down
    I thought you might like this brand new baby-blue dress
    I figured out about a quarter ’til ten
    We’ll be partied out and headin’ in
    You and me alone darlin’ doing what we do best

  2. Sue says:

    I have never seen Bush angry when asked a question that is critical of his job as President. I have only seen him angry when someone leaks to the NYTs programs he is using to protect the country. And when he stands in the middle of a rubble and tells us the whole world will hear us now. Clinton is insecure. He has never had the courage of his convictions, as Bush does, to take the criticism that comes with those convictions. And it came through loud and clear in this interview.

  3. carol johnson says:

    Absolutely, Sue!

    I just watched the whole thing and it is a STUNNING display of paranoia on Clinton’s part. UNBELIEVABLE!!


  4. owl says:

    Just watched Chris Wallace talking about this interview and he brought out one of my favorite talking points. He seems amazed that Clinton went off and also ……amazed at something else surrounding this.

    Wallace makes the point that it was agreed that half of the interview would be about Clinton’s program and the other half whatever. Wallace said that Clinton had been all over doing interviews, CNN, Russert and many many more and what he (Wallace) couldn’t believe was that not one reporter asked Clinton these questions even after Pathway to 9/11.

    Whoopeeee…..Wallace just did another huge no-no. He mentioned The Silence.

  5. patrick neid says:

    for comparative purposes, bush sat down with clinton network news with wolf blitzer today. the difference between the interviews says everything………..

  6. MerlinOS2 says:

    Another thing , if you look at Republican ex presidents, they don’t try to continually influence the debate after their administration is done. They respectfully draw to the background unless requested by the current administration.

    Carter, Gore and Clinton do not practice such class.

  7. I Tried And I Failed…

    Yes you failed Mr. Clinton. You failed repeatedly for 8 years. This is why your Presidency will go down as a failure. You let us down and for that we all should be ashamed that we elected you to that chair.


  8. DubiousD says:

    It’s even more fitting that Clinton’s interview comes on the heels of Tim Russert’s one-on-one with Dick Cheney. Russert hammered the VP relentlessly with every conceivable Democrat talking point, and Cheney countered by forcefully defending the administration’s position, but the interview never devolved into a war of words.

  9. Terrye says:


    I thought that was the Communist News Network.

  10. Terrye says:

    I have not seen this yet, Fox is on cable here and the FNS does not come on until evening. Maybe I will watch it, but then again it sounds pretty pitiful.

  11. carol johnson says:

    “I have not seen this yet, Fox is on cable here and the FNS does not come on until evening. Maybe I will watch it, but then again it sounds pretty pitiful.”

    Terrye, my dear, you have no idea HOW pitiful it was. As far as watching it…of course, that is entirely up to you. Let’s put it this way. Fox News Channel has REALLY opened alot of people’s eyes to the REAL Clinton today. There will be those who will excuse his behavior and those who will forgive and/or forget it. We can no longer afford ANY of those options. There simply IS no excuse.

    Folks, we have word that the Democrats, led by Pelosi et al are about to launch their little “oversight” hearings into the Iraq War next week. If you think this sounds like a prelude to what will be coming if the Dems take either house of Congress…you win the prize! there will be little more than one impeachment hearing after another and no meaningful or lasting contribution to the safety or well-being of this country. The line has been drawn, unfortunately, and I cannot imagine that the Dems are going to change their minds OR tactics.

    I have only one thing to add:



  12. ivehadit says:

    Retaliation will be on it’s way…I hope Chris has a body guard.

    Everything the libs throw at the republicans is really about what *they* themselves do….projection donncha know….a very mean nasty group of mafia-ites, those clintonistas are.

  13. Kaz-Man says:

    There weren’t many of us who did take the threats from a rat in a shithole like Afghanistan seriously enough. We were all too busy watching the Nasdaq soar and Clinton battling the “Vast Right-Wing conspiracy” inside the beltway.
    His gig on Fox today was a missed opportunity, to say the least. If he just admitted his missteps in the context of his era, I think Wallace would have been more than willing to move on to other topics. I don’t think Wallace was going to follow-up with more questions. It turned out he didn’t need to have any. Clinton wanted to extend his rant. That was a big mistake. Or a political miscalculation. Maybe he wanted to score points with the nutroots by attacking Fox News directly.
    I think we all just witnessed the final nail in the coffin of Hilary’s candidacy for ’08. Who the hell wants to put that lunatic back in the White House?

  14. For Enforcement says:

    The Democrats have ALWAYS been soft on America’s enemies, even WWII when everybody thought FDR did such a great job. He is the reason all of Eastern Europe lived under communist domination for 50 years. It’s not so much that they are FOR our enemies, it’s just that they either don’t take it seriously or just think if we will be nice to them, they won’t mess with us. Anyhow, hindsight is 20-20, so Clinton may have some grounds for not recogizing who the enemy was, but after all the incidents, he should’ve at least known there was one.

  15. jeanneb says:

    In your list of attacks that occurred on Clinton’s watch (“WTC 1, two embassy bombings and the USS Cole”), you left out 3 biggies.

    Khobar Towers – and Louis Freeh’s frustration at having the FBI investigation suppressed by Clinton’s administration.

    Bojinka– Ramsi Yousef’s plan to blow up 12 American planes over the
    Pacific (not to mention the young man who was actually killed in the trial run).

    And the millinium attack on LAX that was thwarted by an alert border guard (though the Clintonistas are desperate to convince us it was his terror policies that did the job).

    That makes SEVEN major attacks or planned attacks on Clinton’s watch. Yet he still believed we didn’t have enough evidence to go after bin Laden.

    Makes one seriously wonder if he (or any other Dem) would ever have the cajones to adopt the pre-emption doctrine. Also makes one really wonder what was in those docs that disappeared down Sandy Berger’s pants.

  16. Terrye says:

    I just wathced the interview. My God, that was awful. I have never seen anything like it.

  17. For Enforcement says:

    Over on Tammy Bruce blog, she has a link to the indictment of Bin Laden in 1998 that had all those things listed,
    And he didn’t know about him. hmmmm

  18. Retired Spook says:

    Well, I think this picture says it all. And, of course, this picture says about all you need to know about der Schleikmeister.

  19. Retired Spook says:

    I know this is a little crude, but it’s too classic not to post.