Sep 19 2006

Muslims: Call Us Violent And We Will Kill You

Published by at 5:53 am under All General Discussions

You know, a lot of us work hard to differentiate the Islamo Fascists from the general Muslim population and Islam in general. We use the ‘fascism’ term to make it clear we are talking about a radical group who are interpreting Islam in ways not typically accepted in the general religion of Islam. But when Muslims come out and play to the caricature of the out of control, angry person who is one step away form serious violence it does no good for us non-Muslims to try and separate the two groups. If the moderate Muslims do not come out and condemn those threatening the Pope they will lose the image that there is a peace loving segment of Islam. This is one case were us on the religious sidelines cannot help Muslims. And it is not like Christians and Catholics are going to be supportive in calls to kill the Pope. So this is up to the Muslims to fix- and now.

39 responses so far

39 Responses to “Muslims: Call Us Violent And We Will Kill You”

  1. PMII says:

    After years of seeing “No Response”, I wouldn’t hold my breathe.

  2. djl130 says:

    AJ – I love your blog. Thanks. Do you suppose McCain and Graham received a lot of e-mail this weekend? I know I sent them each a respectful, yet tough, letter. A long time ago, I admired both greatly, but now – they scare me as much as the left does and I told them so. I find it revealing that suddenly, this can be negotiated. What do you think? Thanks for all you do.

  3. luc says:

    AJ, I agree with you but considering E.J. Dionne’s today column “We Need a Real Dialogue” I cannot help but feel discouraged.

    The kind of comments to the Pope’s speech and the Moslem reaction to it, is the clearest example of what is wrong with the current morality of the world today: The Pope makes some comments which the Muslims chose for their own internal political purposes to interpret as an insult rather than a call for dialogue as it was intended, the Muslim torch churches, commit murder and, not satisfied with the Pope’s expression of regret for any unintended offence, call for the Pope’s murder.

    In light of these facts you have commentary like E. J. Dionne’s which makes me think that I am right to fear for Western civilization’s survival and, frankly, considering its moral corruption exemplifies by Dionne, I wander if it deserves to survive.

  4. trentk269 says:

    As long as Muslims choose to live in the eighth century, there is no way dialog can exist. The rest of the world just ain’t goin’ back there.

  5. lurker9876 says:

    So why are we seeing an increasing number of Muslims flocking from the ME to USA since 9/11?

  6. sgerber says:

    Muslims: Call Us Violent And We Will Kill You

    Not all Muslims thinnk this way, and it is offensive to suggest that theyu do, as well as counter-productive.

  7. Retired Spook says:

    Not all Muslims think this way, and it is offensive to suggest that they do, as well as counter-productive.

    Not any more offensive than the deafening silence coming from “moderate” Muslims world-wide in condemning such a mindset. There can be only two explanations: they don’t disagree or they, themselves are fearful of violent retribution for speaking out. Either way it’s a pretty ugly picture.

    So this is up to the Muslims to fix- and now.

    As PMII says, AJ, “don’t hold your breath.”

  8. sgerber says:

    As a matter of fact, Retired Spook, there have been some, though not nearly enough, such moderate Muslims quoted in the press.

    In any case, it is important to define what kind of an ugly picture we are dealing with and not to lump together violent extremists with fearful or even wishy-washy moderates.

  9. luc says:


    I believe you are disingenuous!

    Please compare the rank or standing of the Muslims who condemned the violence, because you alredy accepted that their number is rather inconsequential, with that of the top Iranian Imam and other Muslim clerics calling for protests and mayhem and you will see how ridiculous your statement is!

  10. Terrye says:

    I was reading a post at Roger L. Simon’s the other day about a function he attended that was sponsored by moderate Muslims. One of the speakers was Rushdie, who made the point that he found it very weird to be in the same position as the Pope.

    I don’t think that all Muslims are like the crazy people we see in the streets, in fact I know they aren’t.

    I really do believe that there is a silent majority in the Muslim world, just like the silent majority that Nixon used to talk about here. They are not even that political. They just want to be left alone. Of course that is not enough, they need to stand up and reform their religion before the world grows so weary of the antics of the extremists that they all suffer for it. When we look at the number of Muslims who die in Iraq every day, not to mention other parts of the Middle East, it is obvious that they are their own worse enemies, not us.

    BTW, I heard the panel on Brit Hume talking last night and they said that most Muslim leaders had accepted the Pope’s socalled apology and were not raving like loons. It does seem to me that this most recent stupidity pales in comparison to the last time they took to the streets.

    And you know something? If we can not believe that there is such a thing as a moderate sane Muslim, then why are we in Iraq? What is the alternative? Saddam?

  11. Terrye says:

    BTW, there are a billion Muslims in the world, we had better hope there some sane ones.

  12. momdear1 says:

    I hope the Pope sticks to his guns and refuses to grovel before these rabid fanatics who are now calling for him to repent and become a Muslin or live with a fatwah on him. If that is the only acceptable solution to end their madness, then the Pope should release a statement saying “Screw them if they can’t take a joke.” and refuse to participate further in this ridiculous charade.

    When are the Muslims going to “appologize” for attacking Christains and burning their churches? The churches being destroyed are at odds with the Catholic doctrine and have no connection to the Pope.

    Why are US taxpayers rebuilding that Golden Mosque that they destroyed? What happened to separation of church and state? If our government is going to rebuild religous buildings it should be rebuiding those hundreds of Christian churches that Muslims have destroyed.

  13. Terrye says:

    The US is helping to rebuild the Mosque in the hopes that it will help heal wounds, which will help keep our soldiers from getting killed. After all, they are in the middle of that, the debate is not academic for them.

  14. Ken says:

    One must understand,multitudes of Iraqi Moslem civilians have been killed since 2003 , with the US being responsible for the losses according to the rules of Geneva. Israel’s barbaric over-reaction in Lebanon,partly financed by the US, killed legion of Moslem civilians there. Israeli attacks have killed thousands of innocent Palestinian Moslems in the past few years.

    Moslem violence must be viewed in the light of this violence. It has inflamed it, yet it dwarfs it.

  15. Terrye says:


    Oh puhlease. Saddam killed more Mulsims than the Crusaders and who gave a damn? And when it comes to barbaric I really think that the Israelis are not the ones who deserve that title.

    It is getting harder and harder to tell the far right from the far left. I think it is the antisemitism that is the real draw, good old fashioned Jew hatred. makes me sick.

  16. Enlightened says:

    Funny how pacifists will defend violent fanatics, and blame it on Bush even thought the Pope very pointedly noted the violence of Islamic peace-lovers has been going on for centuries. It’s only been recently that militant Islamics have discovered the power of the press, and how they can manipulate the press and small minds everywhere to spread their message of hate.

    I would dearly love to see some of the more notorious pacifists swarm the pope-needs-to-die rioters with the message that “We don’t hate you, we love you. Let’s break bread together and have some dialogue”. Let them start the Islamic Love Chain, and see how long they live in peace.

  17. joeg2006 says:

    I completely agree with you!
    Unfortunately, we have not seen many of the so called “moderate Muslims” speak out. I am starting to question their existence…
    Especially when at least both the Shia and Sunni groups are apparently indoctrinating their youths with stuff like the “al-Jihad booklet”. Check it out in the Terrorist’s Nightmare blog

  18. For Enforcement says:

    Ken, is this supposed to be your “Laugh of the Day”?

    “with the US being responsible for the losses according to the rules of Geneva.”

    Quote the section of Geneva Conventions Rules that places “any” responsibility on the US.

  19. For Enforcement says:

    Ken and by the way
    “killed legion of Moslem civilians there. ”

    Which Moslems killed there were NOT civilians?
    If a houseful of Moslems are harboring and aiding and abetting a terrorist, what are they? civilians? terrorists? military? Are any of them in uniform?

    If not, aren’t they all civilians?

  20. Terrye says:


    I think they are there, but they are not only scared, they feel that as if they are betraying their religion. Of course that is not true, but the conditioning is amazing.