Aug 12 2006

Kos Is William F. Buckley???

Published by at 4:03 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

The New York Times is in full delusional fantasy mode as they try and compare the rise of the conservative movement with the immature rantings eminating from Kos and DU posters.

Like the current Democratic insurgency, the conservative movement was driven by activists who combined journalism with partisanship. Just as today’s insurgents often post their analyses and self-described “rants” on Web sites like Daily Kos, so the conservative rebels of an earlier day poured forth their opinions in the National Review, the biweekly magazine founded in 1955 by the 29-year-old William F. Buckley Jr.

How could anyone compare the eloquent and well thought William F. Buckley with the emotionally stunted and raving Kos is beyond silly. Kos Kids a are called ‘kids’ for a reason. No thought can have any impact unless laced with cusswords and sexual innuendo. The raging ravings on these sites is not a step into a new bright future but simply the ruminations of a segment of the people unable to cope with a world view different from theirs. Their is no American dream on the world in the fevered swamps of the leftward fringes. America is the scourge of the earth. Patriotism, fighting for our country, praying, family, right vs wrong are all diseases that need to be purged from the world so the lefties can feel good about themselves.

I know the media has been overcome by the liberal thought which despises the wholesome, simple Americana that many people who live outside the liberal city-bastions cherish. They pine for a reality that never existed. One created on movie and TV screens. One that had the UN as the mighty Gods of peace – not corrupt greedy bastards willing to steal milk from Iraqi babies for oil contracts. The fact the internet brought the true realities of world into the open and destroyed the media fantasy world is not something that can be undone. There is no putting reality back in the bottle. The elite have lost their grip on power because now the common individual has a voice too. And when pooled with other like-minded voices can create an instantaneous political force from out of nowhere. Kos is not Buckley or Santa Claus. He is an angry young man with no exceptional ideas and following of rabble rousers who are just like him. Angry and without a cogent thought among them. Sadly, there or lots of angry people in the world who cannot get along so they force others to conform. Or try to.

One response so far

One Response to “Kos Is William F. Buckley???”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    Kos wouldn’t even be qualified to carry William F. Buckley’s luggage.