Aug 11 2006

Staged Photos Anyone?

Published by at 12:31 pm under All General Discussions

I decided I wanted to join in on the blogoswarm pounding the antique media for their blatantly staged photos. My first collection was back here in this post. But everyday the “staged media” comes out with more evidence of their bias and unprofessionalism.

Take this now classic genre of a Koran amid the rubble. Always good for angering the Muslim street. Who would have thought the Koran would be found within Hezbollah faciltities?

And we have the ‘wailing old woman’ back again for a command performance in a picture I have not seen yet dated August 5 and by the AP.

Mickey Mouse makes a cameo in this AP Photo, with one leg tucked painfully backwards in what must have been a devastating blow. Clearly Western sentiments will be moved by this icon of capitolism.

I have to admit the blogosphere is having an impact. The photos I see now are much more balanced – and of course they are not as emotional. I am still wondering what kind of excuses the media will have for being such patsies, or will they own up to their mistakes?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Staged Photos Anyone?”

  1. HaroldHutchison says:

    I don’t know, but maybe it’s time to start asking some other questions…

    And is it just me, or is the HTML screwy?

  2. az redneck says:

    Just left the Volokh Conspiracy, where there is a long post about these photos. It is unbelievable how the left is treating this item. Gives real meaning to Shakespere’s suggested ‘final solution’ to lawyers!
    I have a really bad taste in my mouth.