Aug 11 2006

Green Helmet Man Busted

Published by at 10:20 am under All General Discussions,Hezbollah

He is a rescue worker, he is a mortician, he is an ambulance driver and he is a statistician (giving out death tolls to gullible reporters). And it seems Green Helmet man is a director, actor and prop man. What lame excuse will the news media come up with now? (H/T American Thinker). The full video is here (Warning: Graphic Images) and clearly indicates a war crime being committed with the desicration of a body of a dead boy for propaganda. The first take was no good so they start all over and get close ups of the body which had to be taken out of the ambulance for take two. Disgusting.

One response so far

One Response to “Green Helmet Man Busted”

  1. HaroldHutchison says:

    RedState blew the news on another photo. This time, they used the victim of a playground accident:

    (If you will forgive the link)