Jul 25 2006

EU, NATO & UN Impotence On Display

Published by at 9:26 am under All General Discussions

The Democrats are in a world of hurt as we run up to the November elections because their silver bullet solution to all the challenges facing us in the world is getting seriously tarnished in the light of reality. We all remember John Kerry’s comments that we needed the broader world community’s support in getting us out of Iraq (so they could take our place as targets of terrorists!). Well, in a much clearer situation on a much smaller scale the EU, NATO and UN are failing to step up to the challenge of putting an international peace keeping force in the tiny area that is Southern Lebanon:

Support is building quickly for an international military force to be placed in southern Lebanon, but there remains a small problem: where will the troops come from?

“All the politicians are saying, ‘Great, great’ to the idea of a force, but no one is saying whose soldiers will be on the ground,” said one senior European official. “Everyone will volunteer to be in charge of the logistics in Cyprus.”

There you have it folks. Clear and unambiguous evidence of how the left’s call for international support in Iraq (an area orders of magnitude larger than Southern Lebanon) was doomed. When Kerry or any other Democrat call for the US to lean more on the EU, NATO or UN just ask him how much good they will do us sitting in Cyprus monitoring our shipments of supplies to our troops? European dominance on the world stage has ended because no one cares to take the stage anymore. You can’t fault America for Europe’s lack of interest or will.

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