Jun 26 2006

Where Can I Sign Up?

Published by at 8:22 am under All General Discussions

Warren Buffet is dumping most of his wealth ($37 Billion)to charity, the only question I have is can he spare a measely $100K this way?

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Where Can I Sign Up?”

  1. patch says:

    I’m cheaper, $50K get my vote.

  2. Rob says:

    Its like the lottery, ‘what if’. With the second theme of ‘make it worthy’. All to the good. This provokes good thinking after the first, personal financial refection and a little shot of greed.

  3. crosspatch says:

    Hey, Buffet, I have a good one right here. Stanford tuition for three kids. Think of it as an investment in our country’s future. I don’t want the money myself, you can send a check direct to the school.