Oct 06 2013

Obama Evicts Senior Citizens, Barrycades Their Home Of 40 Years

Update: Really, they eBarrycaded the Amber Alert? Where is the rule on funding for essential services having to do with public safety? Whoever is making these fund/not fund decisions is neurotic and capricious. – end update

One thing is for sure, the National Park Service is going to need a complete shakeup and house cleanning when this Shutdown Theater is over. And the head of NPS should be brought up on numerous charges.

Especially after this outrages story:

The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land.

Joyce Spencer is 77-years-old and her husband Ralph is 80. They’ve been spending most of their time in the family ice cream store since going home isn’t an option.

The Spencers never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they’ve owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out.

“I had to go to town today and buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants,” Joyce Spencer told Action News.

Unconstitutional, illegal AND Un-American!

I guess now I can honestly trot out the Nazi analogies, since this Gestapo tactic stinks of fascist oppression.

NPS director – you must resign and face charges.

Obama/Reid – pass the House bill funding the NPS (so the investigations can begin). Then you too should resign – in shame.

BTW – Isn’t this Harry Reid’s Home State?

Update: More here:

People are being forced out of their own homes on Lake Mead and prevented from returning until the government shutdown ends because they sit on federal land, even though the homes are privately owned.

“Unfortunately overnight stays are not permitted until a budget is passed and the park can reopen,” officials said in a statement.

There is NO legal justification for this. None.

More here:

Bob Hitchcock is in his “least favorite place” these days — inside his landlocked Las Vegas home instead of at his cabin on the North Shore of Lake Mead, tooling around with old engines in his garage.

He’s one of an estimated 60 families with vacation homes along the lake who were given notice by the National Park Service earlier this week to gather their stuff and leave, according to Christie Vanover, a spokeswoman for the Lake Mead Recreational Area.

The homes — from Stewart’s Point on the north to Katherine’s Landing and Temple Bar on the south — sit on federal land.

As a result, the federal government shutdown left Hitchcock just 24 hours to evacuate his two-bedroom, two bath cabin in Stewart’s Point, about 70 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

This seems to be appropriate as well:

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Obama Evicts Senior Citizens, Barrycades Their Home Of 40 Years”

  1. […] The Strata-Sphere » Obama Evicts Senior Citizens, Barrycades Their Home Of 40 Years […]

  2. […] Obama evicted an elderly couple from the home of 40 years on Lake Mead  – where is the damn outrage? Why is this  not on TV 24 by […]

  3. […] taken together, are so misleading, that only a line-by-line rebuttal can do them justice.Obama Evicts Senior Citizens, Barrycades Their Home Of 40 Years.One thing is for sure, the National Park Service is going to need a complete shakeup and house […]

  4. […] on using race in admissions: ScoopMainstream Media Finally Catches on to Disability Fraud: MishObama Evicts Senior Citizens, Barrycades Their Home Of 40 Years: […]

  5. […] To the forced eviction of 80 year old couples from their home: oyce Spencer is 77-years-old and her husband Ralph is 80. They’ve been spending most of their time in the family ice cream store since going home isn’t an option. […]