Apr 23 2006

Draining Workers From Building Economies

Published by at 8:34 am under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

Captain Ed Morrisey makes a great point on why we need a strong border (a wall if need be) along with a time limited guest worker program (for long term immigrants).  We need to stop draining the most motivated workers from our southern neigbors, since this cripples their efforts to build strong economies.  The guest worker program does allow for people to come here, train and learn how things can be done, and then go back to build a better economy there.

Yes, this does create competition for our industries here.  But we only have two choices: strong economic neighbors who we work with or devastated economic neighbors whose problems keep spilling across our border.  I for one chose a stronger competitor at my side rather than a desperate person trying not to drown.

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