Apr 18 2006

A Generals Revolt?

Published by at 7:33 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Tony Blankley writes a bit strongly today on a possible conspiracy for by a series of US Generals and their revolt against the President and the Iraq policy:

More specifically, can a series of lawful resignations turn into a mutiny? And if they are agreed upon in advance, have the agreeing generals formed a felonious conspiracy to make a mutiny?

This may sound far-fetched, but in Sunday’s Washington Post the very smart, very well-connected former Clinton Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke published an article entitled “Behind the Military Revolt.” In this article he predicts that there will be increasing numbers of retired generals speaking out against Sec. Rumsfeld. Then, shockingly, he writes the following words: “If more angry generals emerge — and they will — if some of them are on active duty, as seems probable . . . then this storm will continue until finally it consumes not only Donald Rumsfeld.”

A series of General’s deciding they are going to resign in protest and use their 1st Amendment rights to speak out does not bother me or make the case for revolt or treason. This is hyperbole and exaggeration. If they come back and take up arms and try and force Bush out of office, then we have a revolt. But it will not come to that.

Unbeknownst to the inside the beltway crowd, people are waiting to see how Iraq turns out. We know the death toll there from insurgents and terrorists does not even come close to the slaughter we see in African nations – some supposedly already democratically run. Iraq is a tough nut to fix. Most of us knew that going in.

Most of us made the somber and calculating decision we had to change the dynamic in the Middle East. We had a choice to give to the next generations: pass down a challenge to continue to herd the Middle East towards democracy; or face a gathering enemy armed with WMDs and a suicidal desire to kill themselves destroying the West. We chose the first option.

Second guessing now is a fools game, played by fools. We also know that these people are out strutting for new positions in the next, possibly Democrat, administration. This blatant show boating is not creating the kind of revolt the left wish and some on the right fear. The ‘revolt’ I feel is like when you see someone vomit after you just ate something ‘interesting’.

As for the general’s comments, they are irrelevant.  They do not set policy and that policy is now three years behind us.  John McIntyre says it well at RCP this morning.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “A Generals Revolt?”

  1. I’m waiting for this cascade of generals to occur–seems to me it kinda petered out last Thursday and since then it’s been a cascade in the other direction.

  2. A Generals’ Conspiracy?…

    A collegue mentioned to me he thought there was something nefarious and organized about all these generals coming out at……

  3. Terrye says:

    I remember some time ago [before 9/11] hearing a report about Rumsfeld pissing off Generals in the Pentagon. Rumsfeld has challenged the status quo and changed the military. He believes the future will see the rise in rapid reactionary forces rather than large slow moving armies and he also believes in giving more authority to people in country, on the ground. Generals believe in unity of command up the chain. From what I have read it seems Rumsfeld has broken that chain and needless to say that pisses some people off.