Apr 25 2011
Obama Seals His Election Fate – He’s Doomed In 2012
President Obama is heading full speed over the political cliff. The evidence is irrefutable.
First is the price of gas – an economic killer:
This summer President Obama needlessly instituted, not one, but two outright drilling bans in the Gulf of Mexico.
After rescinding his outright offshore drilling ban, President Obama has refused to issue any new drilling permits in the Gulf, a policy that the Energy Information Administration estimates will cut domestic offshore oil production by 13% this year.

Everyone knows this has been the liberal fantasy from day one, starve us energy-wise into the dark ages and save the Planet. A.K.A., the arrogant ass move.
Shell Oil Company has announced it must scrap efforts to drill for oil this summer in the Arctic Ocean off the northern coast of Alaska. The decision comes following a ruling by the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board to withhold critical air permits. The move has angered some in Congress and triggered a flurry of legislation aimed at stripping the EPA of its oil drilling oversight.
Moronic. CO2 is not causing global warming, but the liberal energy policies sure are causing wide spread heart ache.
Then comes the juvenile denial.
Then our petulant leader then blows off Easter:
Just when I thought the current team running the White House might have used up all its allotted mistakes comes word that President Obama failed to issue either either an Easter or a Good Friday greeting to the nation.
Too irritated to recognize a major American religious holiday?
Obama is giving the American people the proverbial finger. And we will return the gesture come November, 2012.
Only about 18 more months of these miserable b*stards until we flush them out of the Senate. The goal this time should be to gain even more ground in the House, and flush the Democrats out of the majority in the Senate.
We must get control of Congress or it doesn’t matter who is in the White House.
Don’t worry, Obama will shortly be seeking out the REAL cause of high gas prices. I don’t know exactly what that is, but I’m sure it has something to do with golf courses.
Crosspatch, we need to build a very strong [fiscally] conservative majority in both houses, minimum of 60 votes or the 2/3s votes if Obama gets re-elected. Need to keep the number of Rinos to the minimum.
I just cannot wait for Reid to be removed from his position but then what about Mitch McConnell.
It’s better that the gas prices continue to go up…to like seven bucks to force more people to vote against Obama.
I got an email from Redstate (Erik) saying how worried he is because Obama still has the youth vote and that youth vote along with the black vote will be just enough to get him re-elected. What do you think? I think the numbers belie us.
“I got an email from Redstate (Erik) saying how worried he is because Obama still has the youth vote and that youth vote along with the black vote will be just enough to get him re-elected. What do you think? I think the numbers belie us.”
These are the groups that: (1) happen to have the highest rates of unemployment, (2) if they’re in college, they’re likely in debt up to their eyeballs, (3) love to drive their cars but at $5/gallon, they’re forced to take the bus, and (4) because of (2) and (3) they’ll have trouble affording the American Dream as we’ve known it.
I don’t think the youth and black voters will be very motivated to help out Obama. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a strong left-wing candidate try to take on Obama in the primary…maybe even…Hillary!