Apr 14 2006

We Need To Threaten Iran More

Published by at 9:20 am under All General Discussions,Iran

Mark Coffey posts on a concept presented by one of the Washington Post’s more interesting characters – Bill Arkin.  I find myself either strongly against Arkin or for him, depending on the subject.  Today, he makes a good point – we may not be threatening Iran enough:

I think this sends the wrong message to Tehran. Contingency planning for a full fledged war with Iran may seem incredible right now, and Iran isn’t Iraq. But Iran needs to understand that the United States isn’t hamstrung by a lack of options, Iran needs to know that it can’t just stonewall and evade international inspections, that it can’t burrow further underground in hopes of “winning” because war is messy.

Very true.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “We Need To Threaten Iran More”

  1. az redneck says:

    Where’s Rockefeller when we need him?

  2. trentk269 says:

    Back in the old days, war meant complete destruction and conquest of the enemy. There isn’t a country in the world that fears this from us, ’cause we’ll minimize damage during the fight, and we’ll foot the bill to rebuild what we knock down besides. Why the hell would any country fear us?