Nov 08 2010

President Sent Away To Keep Out Of Trouble?

Published by at 9:27 am under All General Discussions

Things that make you go hmmmm:

President Obama was urged by the few White House insiders from whom he still takes advice to leave the country on his ten-day Asian trip, his longest trip abroad since becoming president, in order to not inflict any more damage to the Democratic Party in the wake of one of the worst electoral defeats for the party of an incumbent president in recent history. According to sources close to the White House, who put themselves in great danger by even talking to members of the media, the plans to have Obama leave for a visit to India, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan are an attempt to get Obama out of the country while top Democrats can sort through the political disaster created for the party by Obama’s increasingly detached-from-reality presidency.

Seems there is a major fight escalating behind the closed doors of the Democrat Party.

Update: Another story that makes you go hmmmmm:

Congressional Democrats consider him [President Obama] distant and blame him for their historic defeat on Tuesday. Democratic state party leaders scoff at what they see as an inattentive and hapless political operation. Democratic lobbyists feel maligned by his holier-than-though take on their profession. His own cabinet – with only a few exceptions – has been marginalized.

29 responses so far

29 Responses to “President Sent Away To Keep Out Of Trouble?”

  1. sherlock says:


  2. AJStrata says:

    Sherlock – that one was not mine!

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Suhr Mesa, AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: new: President Sent Away To Keep Out Of Trouble? […]

  4. kathie says:

    I think we need to face it….Mr. Obama is not interested in governing. He likes thinking up the ideas, like let’s all have equal “health care” because some people write letters that I read every night and tell me their very sad stories. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO A DOCTOR. But when it comes to how to accomplish that great thought, well he is not much interested. Has Iraq been in the news lately? Nope, the President not much interested, he said get out, and now we don’t hear about it any more. He said we need more jobs, then he tells us he had told the legislators, we need more jobs, what is a guy to do if the legislators don’t create more jobs. I think, he, the President, just moves on to talk in India. On my, our President is a very busy man.

  5. lurker9876 says:

    The audience is starting to grill him with tough questions, which Obama is having difficulties in answering them.

    I thought this trip was planned for a long time. HHHmmmm…in spite of Pelosi’s Baghdad Bob moments (denials), the Democrats have known for several months that they are in deep trouble.

    I read a few articles demonstrating how the Democratic caucus in the House evolved from a mixture of far left and moderate Blue Dogs. The ones that got defeated are: 1) Blue Dogs, severely weakened. 2) White Democrats. and finally 3) Those supporting Net Neutrality…all of 95’s.

  6. kathie says:

    Why is it a racist comment to say that the Obama trip to India cost $200 a day. Actually that was a credible news story from an Indian reporter. It will be interesting to know how much of the military budget was spent on the trip, we will know that number in due time.

  7. crosspatch says:

    Bloomberg says the new Congressmen elect are too stupid to be in Congress:

  8. Devon says:

    My ex-Blue Dog Congressman can blame Obama/Pelosi all he wants but the reality is, it’s his own voting record that cost him his seat.

    If he’s too weak to stand up for his constituents and what’s right, than he doesn’t deserve the job, and we the voters fired him.

  9. OregonGuy says:

    How much credence do you give to reports, like those from “Ulsterman”?

  10. Toes192 says:

    I tried… I really did … honest injun… to listen to all of President Obama’s speech to India and the world early in the Alaska am…
    I found it to be a characterless, colorless, commonplace, drab, drudging, dull, humdrum, insipid, interminable, lifeless, monotonous, mundane, plebeian, prosaic, repetitious, routine, spiritless, stale, stodgy, stuffy, tame, tedious, tiresome, tiring, trite, unexciting, uninteresting, vapid and wearisome speech…
    Besides, there was a faaaar more important item for the world’s health and welfare for mmememememiiiiimymymymymymy (excuse me… those are President Obama’s favorite words) to attend to …
    Composing a comment for the Strata_sphere blog …

  11. WWS says:

    I give a *lot* of credence to Ulsterman, because his stories ring true. People who have been watching carefully have seen bits and pieces of this keep coming back up; for example, if the Olympics had come to Chicago it was already slated to be built on the site of some slum buildings that Valerie Jarrett owned, at a personal profit to her of about $200 million.

    heheh, the International Olympic Committee messed that deal up. Now that’s not the scandal; that’s just one tiny piece of the scandal that’s cooking. Imagine 100 deals just like this, or 1,000, going on every day in Chicago for the last 30 years. And everyone from Chicago, including of course Obama, is in on it. As long as they hang onto power, it is difficult to crack the code of silence they have, but as soon as enough scrutiny comes out we are going to find that Obama’s financial support has been based on fraud, graft, and outright theft from the very beginning. Also, we may find out just who actually owns that sad puppet of a man.

    Btw, my guess is that the cabinet member Ulstermann refers to as his contact who’s now gone was Larry Summers. He was a serious player who got treated like crap by Obama and who finally left in disgust. That’s a good example of the kind of Dem who knows that this ship is sinking and is trying to figure out what to do about it.

  12. AJStrata says:

    WWS, got a link to the Olympics story?

  13. lurker9876 says:

    Ulsterman isn’t the only source for this Olympic / Slumlord / Jarrett story. I remember reading this story from other sources.

    I am surprised Paul Volker is still hanging around. He should leave the sinking ship…soon!

  14. mbabbitt says:

    I think even the Dems are starting to really get that despite his surface friendliness, this man, Obama, has some serious personal issues that prevent him from being an even bearable executive. Bush had a bogus, media created negative reputation. Obama has enjoyed a bogus, media created wunderkind reputation that has been rapidly unraveling for the past year. They now know that something is definitely not right with him.

  15. lurker9876 says:

    There is an article linked by RCP about James Webb. He’s struggling with the election results.

    I see that some senior GOP approached Manchin to switch parties with bribes.

    Don’t do it with bribes or you’ll lose us.

  16. Redteam says:

    Toes, is that all the good terms you could think of to describe his speech, it wasn’t nearly that good….. just kidding.

    mbabbitt,, I am still surprised that it seems that some people were fooled by Obama and his press coverage. He didn’t fool all the people.

    lurker, yes, i read that in several places, even back before the OC made their decision. They knew when they voted against Chicago that they were backhanding ‘the won’ ..

  17. WWS says:

    had to go back and dig some of that up! It’s a story of crooked real estate deals and millions of dollars of government payoffs that goes back many years and involves *all* of the usual Chicago suspect. The specific aims have shifted over the years, but the general aim, securing hundreds of millions of dollars in graft, never has.

    Key Word: Grove Parc

    The starting point is a surprisingly hard-hitting piece of investigative reporting done by the Boston Globe back in June of 2008. (this info has been out there for a while, it’s taken a concerted effort by the MSM to keep it buried) This is a 9 page article about Chicago slum conditions and Obama’s involvement in it. A reader will see many familiar names.

    The focus appears to have been a program called “Preservation of Affordable Housing”

    quote from the article:

    “Preservation of Affordable Housing has assumed responsibility for numerous subsidized complexes across the country.

    “Grove Parc is quite an exception to what we’ve normally done because it’s in such bad shape,” said the nonprofit’s chief executive, Amy Anthony. “These complexes are often tired, they’re always denser than today’s philosophy, but they’re not usually anywhere near as deteriorated.”

    Similar problems also plagued the next generation of affordable housing development in Obama’s district, created as part of the Daley administration’s efforts to subsidize smaller apartment buildings scattered throughout neighborhoods.

    One of the largest recipients of the subsidies was Rezmar Corp., founded in 1989 by Tony Rezko, who ran a company that sold snacks at city beaches, and Daniel Mahru, who ran a company that sold ice to Rezko. Neither man had development experience.”

    (end quote)

    basically, developers connected to Daley (Rezko was just one) took hundreds of millions of dollars to “maintain affordable housing” which was supposed to go into these slum properties. Instead, they pocketed the money and let the slums continue to deteriorate into conditions unfit for human habitation. Obviously much of the cash was sent back to the politicians whose patronage they needed, and this was why they couldn’t be exposed – the gravy train for the pols might end.

    Grove Parc ran down so badly that a *new* developer was brought in to try and salvage it – Habitat Co. Guess who was the Executive VP? Valerie Jarrett. In spite of her “best” efforts, and millions more dollars, Grove Parc continued to run down until it failed a 2006 federal inspection miserably. (rat infested, lower floors filled with raw sewage, etc) Nice job sticking up for the po’ folks, Valerie.

    Fast forward to 2009 – Habitat Co. is still in charge of it, but has gotten rid of all of the residents. (no more residents, no more complaints!) Grove Parc is now targeted for demolition. Worthless, right? Wait a minute – All of a sudden Grove Parc is scheduled to be across the street from the New Olympic Stadium! What a coincidence, the land would become worth an estimated $200 million when that stadium was built!!! (remember they got it for next to nothing) What a bit of luck for Valerie Jarrett!!!

    And what a surprise that her new boss and close friend, Barak Obama, drops everything and jets off to Europe just to try and make sure that deal gets done. If nothing else, that tells you who pulls Obama’s strings!

    details on the Olympic Bid:

    Well, it all failed, probably the first really big public failure for the Obama machine. Good on the Olympic Committee for that! Imagine Obama’s surprise when he got turned down – that wasn’t supposed to be possible!

    This much is all public – just imagine what it will be like when all the private payoffs involved in this and a hundred other crooked Chicago deals come to light!

    one other thing – good quote from that last link which will give you an idea just how involved Obama was in the Olympic bid:

    “Four of the five co-chairs of Obama’s inaugural committee have unpaid leadership roles in the Chicago bid, including Pat Ryan, the chairman and CEO of Chicago 2016; John Rodgers, the treasurer and director of Chicago 2016; Penny Pritzker, the hotel heiress who led Obama’s meteoric presidential campaign fundraising; and Bill Daley, the former Clinton Commerce Secretary and brother of the Chicago mayor. ”

    “unpaid positions” – heh. The whole game was about how much loot they could rake in from this!

  18. Alert1201 says:

    Great summary WWS. Rush was talking about this when 0bama was pushing for the Chicago Olympics but he did not give nearly this much detail.

    Thank you.

  19. Terrye says:

    He will have to go further away than India to avoid all of this.

    But then again, a trade deal with India is the kind of thing presidents are supposed to work on, not all the rest of this stuff Obama has been doing.