Oct 11 2010

Donations Always Welcomed

Published by at 10:59 am under All General Discussions

Hey there folks.

I want to thank all those who donated to the Strata-Sphere in the last few weeks – it has helped us out immensely. I am humbled by your generosity.

As you may recall, we at the Strata-Sphere are now facing the full brunt of Obamanomics and are trying to stay above water until some potential work shows up. As I wrote in this post initially asking for donations, what is really hurting us is the fact the Democrats skulked out of town without passing a budget this year. Now the entire government is on Continuing Resolution, which means it is frozen in last year’s scope and funding. We were hoping to get new work this month, but lack of a budget has delayed that indefinitely. This is hard for a company that only employs a handful of people.

We are experiencing the brilliance of liberal economic genius first hand – and it is painful.

Anyway, for those who did not donate last round we would greatly appreciate your support. It does not need to be a large amount if everyone just chips in a little. We have kept this site going for over 5 years with only the occasional plea for financial assistance. It has been an honor and a pleasure to punch out posts, analyses and observations on topics as far ranging as Able Danger, to FISA-NSA, Global Warming, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Downing Street Memos, Katrina – and of course all things political.

It has been a labor of love which has resulted in 7,373 posts and 72,143 comments (that latter number just boggles my mind!). I find it strange that this country has fallen so far, so fast. But no one really knew the potential for liberal economic havoc until this crew was put in office. I find it even harder to admit this economic disaster has reached us as well. If you good people could find it in your heart to help your virtual neighbors here at the Strata-Sphere, we would be forever in your debt.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Donations Always Welcomed”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Free To Prosper, AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: Obamanomics hits the Strata-Sphere: http://strata-sphere.com/blog/index.php/archives/14716 […]

  2. […] – hotair.com 10/11/2010 Plus, Ramussen shows rebound for ObamaCare repeal. more… Donations Always Welcomed – strata-sphere.com 10/11/2010 Hey there folks. I want to thank all those who donated to the […]