Sep 18 2010

Dumb Incumbent Move By Senator Murkowski

Published by at 7:23 am under 2010 Elections,All General Discussions

Lisa Murkowski is repeating the same dumb move that has caused the national uproar against DC in the first place – she is not listening to the voters.

With the slogan “Let’s Make History,” Lisa Murkowski announced Friday that she’d pursue a write-in bid to keep her seat in the U.S. Senate after losing the Republican primary to Joe Miller.

Lisa Murkowski lost her nod to be the GOP senate candidate this cycle. A smart move would have been to back Joe Miller and make nice with Governor Palin, and prepare to take out Mark Begich, the other Alaskan Senator who is a Democrat. But no, Murkowski makes an arrogant move and instead possibly splitting the GOP vote and putting another senate seat at risk. With this one move, she has proven the Tea Party was right to take her out – she is too wedded to the power to be a GOP senator.

35 responses so far

35 Responses to “Dumb Incumbent Move By Senator Murkowski”

  1. lurker9876 says:

    Some people say that her recent decision has ended her political career. If she loses this election or the Democratic candidate wins, then she is done until the Americans have forgotten this part of history.

  2. joe six-pack says:

    One great strength of a representative form of government is that we can get rid of poor leaders. It is also our greatest weakness.

    Take an important economic issue like Social Security. 25 years ago, the Republicans wanted to put Social Security on a more sound footing, but the American public said NO. We attempted to do this again 7 or 8 years ago, and once again the American public said NO. This is a long term mistake that we are just beginning to see today.

    “Once a population realizes that it can vote itself entitlements, fiscal responsibility becomes impossible.”

    We will elect people who do what we want. This is why so many Republicans have had to compromise and spend more than we would have liked, just in order to be elected. I am not certain that this can be reversed without dictatorial power.

    Like when Rome lost it’s republic, the cure would be a short term benifit, but a long term disaster.

  3. WWS says:

    It’s worse than dumb; it’s wicked, corrupt, and self serving, and shows that her number one motivation all this time has been to keep her own personal gravy train rolling.

    She can’t bear the thought that the money won’t be rolling in, and I DON’T just mean her govm’t salary – She reportedly spent all day yesterday lining up lobbyists and hitting them up for cash to back her. It’s quite obvious that her future votes on anything are Up For Sale, and it’s seems safe to assume that they always have been. She stands now proven to be as completely corrupt as ANY of the Dems. How can Republicans condemn corruption on the left when corruption like this still runs rampant in our own ranks? And to be clear, I’m not talking about penny ante personal issues, I’m talking about the “MY VOTE IS FOR SALE!” corruption that runs rampant in D.C. That’s what infuriates the voters more than anything else!

    Murkowski has now proven that SHE is part of the Cancer that destroyed the Republicans the LAST time they had power, SHE is exactly what voters, left and right, are absolutely justified in being disgusted with. Power at all Costs, and that means Power for Her, no one else. Damn the ignorant voters!

    It doesn’t say much for McConnell that she’s been one of his top aides, and yet he couldn’t stop this from happening. He needs to develop a serious attitude readjustment if he doesn’t want to become another waste of space like Bill Frist.

    Btw, speaking of Corruption and Political Cancers, the latest revelations out of Florida give me great hope that not Only is Charlie Crist going to lose, but he very well may end up being indicted and do some prison time. Looks like he and his hand picked Republican Chairmen in Florida were raiding the GOP donations for personal pocket money, and now that chairman (having been charged himself) is ready to Sing.

    Oh, and Rubio has already been cleared of any wrongdoing.

    hmm, Charlie Crist in an Orange jump suit – he really will look like an Oompa Loompa! The boys down in lockup are gonna love that.

  4. oneal lane says:

    Her actions really make me sick. But so not be suprised if this does not happen in other states. The GOP establishment is willing to sacrifice the future of the country for their power.

  5. WWS says:

    Joe – the answer to your conundrum is clear. Republicans HAVE to vote ONLY for those people who stand strongly and together to turn this around and who are willing to openly label and attack the problems that are going to kill us. If we can’t get enough to get a majority, then we can’t – but at least we won’t share in the blame when the disaster comes, as it will. And you know as well as I do that the situation is too far gone for any half measures to save us anymore; that’s why compromise with dems is no longer an option. Making an $800 billion stimulus bill be only a $400 billion stimulus bill would NOT have been a good outcome – the only “Good” outcome in the big picture was NO stimulus bill at all!!! And you have to have people willing to be called “crazy” and “far right wingers” who can stand up to all the hate thrown at them when they stand up and say “No Bill At All!!!!”

    Because nothing less than that is going to work anymore.

    Consider Winston Churchill in the 30’s. He said, over and over and to everyone who would listen, “Nazism is Evil. Hitler is Evil. They are going to start another Great War and they are going to Come to Destroy Us. Every compromise with Nazism is just one more step to our own destruction.”

    British people in the 30’s HATED that message. The surveys that were done showed that only about 20% supported him, while the vast majority supported Neville Chamberlain who kept saying “it’s not so bad, everything will be fine, we can always cut a deal.” But Churchill stuck to his guns, and the fact that at one point he was the most ridiculed and unpopular politician in Britain never stopped him.

    Even at the end, as Hitler made his move and Chamberlain’s government collapsed in disgrace, top Parliament members were begging “please, make anyone P.M. but this madman Churchill! He thinks we should go to war!!!””

    But why did Churchill have credibility and strength? Because he NEVER wavered, and events proved that he had been EXACTLY right. And when the crisis finally came, as he had said it would for the previous ten years, it was obvious that there was no one to turn to but him.

    Now, I hope we can get enough power to avert the crisis before it consumes us. Great Britain could have easily destroyed Hitler in 1936 if they had listened to Churchill then. But power is only worth having if we have people who stand for something and who are willing to say openly – HERE comes the disaster, HERE is why it is coming, and THIS is the only way to avoid it! If the GOP doesn’t do that as a party (and look to Paul Ryan for a great plan along those lines) then when the crisis truly comes we will have nothing and the people will be correct to give us just as much blame as the dems. And what we are seeing today, economically, is only a pale shadow of what will happen if we keep doing what we are doing.

    THAT’S why positioning today is so important. And THAT’S why we have to stick to our guns! The very future of this Nation may rest on the resolve we are willing to show now.

  6. Toes192 says:

    Calm down, people… Alaskan here… Joe Miller gets our 2 votes…but … Lisa is not a disaster… The disaster is if McAdams sneaks in…
    My own personal prediction… Lisa 33 1/3% … Joe 33 1/3% … the guy from Sitka (Scott McAdams) 33/1/3% … Our Senator will be decided by a single vote from an Eskimo in the farthest out Aleutian Island whose vote is flown in by seaplane … and … disputed by all three candidates…
    Lisa has a lot of $$… And despite what Aj opines… She is a slight favorite out of the blocks…
    They will hammer Mr. Miller on the earmarks issue…
    The loss of pretty much ALL Seniority in the Senate…
    Try to paint him exteeemistly far right … (sound familiar?)
    However… he has a very impressive background…
    I’ll stay tuned in to give you more local impressions … Wait a little bit until the extreme reactions smooth out …
    Last Monday I sent an email to Ms. Gail Fenumaia (The Alaska Division of Elections Director) said.who has said … quote …
    “If I am able to determine the voter’s intent, then the ballot would be counted accordingly,”
    I said…
    If, Ms. Fenumiai… I write in a vote for Turdowski… who does that count for…?
    Just kidding… but the rules are not as clear as SHE opines… and…
    that SHE is NOT the final decider … That IS clear …
    I just hope it isn’t close … I pleaded with her to get a legal standard set BEFORE the elections just in case it’s really close…
    So that we Alaskans won’t look like a bunch of buffoons if the election is close and write-in votes are disputed… by either party …

  7. UglyinLA says:

    Mrukowski said weeks before the election that she would live with the results, whatever it may be. Well, we now know that she is a lying politician… however…let’s not be hasty folks. First, let’s see who she hurts more with her write-in campaign. If she turns out to be a Charlie Crist by diluting the democRATic vote, then I say let her run ragged all she wants.

    In fact, the other Alaskan Senator, Mark Begich (D) has already spoken out that she should just quit. That tells me that they have internal polling that shows Murkowski stealing more democRATic votes than Republican votes.

    Personally, I think Republicans want to win this election cycle and will most definitely get the party vote. I think Independents are sick of incumbents and of the lousy economy and will support new blood in Washington. I think that Mrukowski’s has had a personal vendetta against Sarah Palin ever since Sarah outsted Lisa’s father Frank Murkowski from the governorship. Lisa would like nothing better than for Palin-backed Miller to lose. Never underestimated a woman scorned.

  8. WWS says:

    I will always believe that the Murkowski’s gave behind the scenes help to all the Dems who ganged up to sue Sarah Palin out of the Governor’s office. Which, much to their consternation proved to be the best move she ever made. It was an Obi-Wan moment – “If you strike me down, I shall rise up again more powerful than you can ever imagine.”

    Anyway, it was obvious that the Alaska GOP establishment could have done all kinds of things during that period to help Sarah, and they just sat on their hands gleefully. (and I’m sure funding the attacks against her behind closed doors)

    Lisa M’s actions today prove that Sarah has always had her pegged dead to rights. The Murkowski Dynasty – just one more cancer that is about to be excised.

  9. dhunter says:

    She ran and LOST in a Republican Primary.

    Karl Rove, the RNC, John Cornyn, the RNSC, should stand together and DEMAND ANY funds contributed to her for her primary run by Republicans be returned!

    She should NOT be allowed to use Republican Party funds to run against the Republican nominee.

    I am awaiting the the call from the Establishment leaders for return of Party funds, If that call does not come it says as much about them as her!


  10. […] The Strata-sphere: Dumb Incumbent Move by Senator Murkowski […]

  11. alwyr says:

    Toes192 – Lisa baby no longer HAS any “seniority” in D.C. She resigned her leadership positions, probably moments before they were going to be yanked from her. In other words, this loser has NOTHING to offer the electorate – not even seniority.

  12. […] the Obama Administration to play the “Palin Card,” setting the former … more… Dumb Incumbent Move By Senator Murkowski – 09/18/2010 Lisa Murkowski is repeating the same dumb move that has caused […]

  13. dhunter says:

    From Wikipedia:
    “In July 2007, Murkowski stated she would sell back land she bought from Anchorage businessman Bob Penney, a day after a Washington watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint against her, alleging that Penney sold the property well below market value.[14] The Anchorage Daily News noted, “The transaction amounted to an illegal gift worth between $70,000 and $170,000, depending on how the property was valued, according to the complaint by the National Legal and Policy Center.”[14] According to the Associated Press, Murkowski bought the land from two developers tied to the Ted Stevens probe.[15]

    In 2008, Murkowski amended her Senate financial disclosures for 2004 through 2006, adding income of $60,000 per year from the sale of a property in 2003, and more than $40,000 a year from the sale of her “Alaska Pasta Company” in 2005”

    Perhaps the taxpayers via the Tea Party should open an H&R Block for Lawyer/Politicians as it seems they have a problem filing the returns that they mandate and force us to abide.

    I suspect that at any moment now Tokyo Rove or the serious genius sourKrauthammer will come forward to hammer this dynasty member for her lack of ethics and honesty perhaps Rove can apply the tried and true refrain:

    Rove doubled down on his criticism of O’Donnell, when he said “She does not “evince the characteristics of rectitude and truthfulness and sincerity and character.”
    Later it was revealed Rove had asked to to step aside and support his guy Castle in December!
    Rectitude or Rectum?
    I pick two for these two!

  14. Toes192 says:

    alwyr… tx… Y… I saw that … Not clear if Lisa would get her Seniority back if her write-in campaign succeeds… I’m not conversant with how that would work in this case …
    The Repubs would likely offer a carrot to insure her caucusing with them …

  15. dbostan says:

    Only now can the nation fully see the sorry state the GOP has become.
    Full of careerists, soft libs, unprincipled self absorbed jerks.
    Thank you the Bush dynasty and politicos like Rove.

  16. Wilbur Post says:

    joe six-pack, 25 years ago they did try to put SS on a more sound footing. They increased the taxes on everyone so that SS was, for the first time, taking in MORE money than was being paid out in benefits. The excess was supposed to be put in a “lock box” to be there to pay out increased benefits when the big wave of Baby Boomers went to retire.

    So what happened? Well, SS “invested” the excess in special Treasury bonds which the politicians used to paper over the yearly budget deficits. In other words, the money was taken out of one pocket and put in another. But now the treasury is faced with the prospect of having to REPAY those borrowed funds to SS which now needs them to pay current benefits (this was not expected to happen until 2019 but the Great Recession changed that calculus.) How is the treasury going to repay those funds? “Hello, China? Wanna lend us some more money on top of the one trillion you already lent us this year?” It’s either borrow the funds, raise taxes sharply on whoever might still be working or else tell a bunch of retirees to stock up on cat food. Yes, even when government tries to do the right thing, it does the wrong thing.

  17. jwb says:

    Shades of Scott Brown…”her” seat. Someone needs to remind her that it is the people’s seat, and her party has decided such.

  18. dbostan says:

    I truly believe that what happened this week-the O’Donnel victory, Rove’s foolish rant on Hanitty and Greta and the write-in for Murky in Ak, was a historic turning point in the American minds.

    It revealed the extend of the decay in the GOP and our political class in general.

    If the Tea parties were a force to recon with up to this week, they will become a hurricane.

    And, if the GOP doesn’t become the tip of the spear in the fight for the Constitution and for our country, it will become the MAIN target after November.

  19. tarpon says:

    Actually you would be better to have said RINOs doesn’t care what voters say, only what lies they can tell to get reelected.

    Good press for Democrat votes.

    RINOs are a media invention, designed to help the socialists-progressives. Think Whigs(the then Democrat Lite Party) in the 1850s, it’s almost a dupe of that time.

    After the Democrats declared slavery legal with the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1954, Lincoln revved up his replacement party for the Whigs, the new Republican Party. Of course the Democrats did give up on slavery easily, but after the Civil War the point was made it was NO to slavery.

    RINOs are a media invention, how many have been bagged so far? How many left? You note, they all try for the third party media save in the end.

    So will we rebuild the Republican Party in place, or replace. Open question.

  20. AJStrata says:


    That is the dumbest thing I have read. First off, there are no RINOs – just people who different opinions and zealots who think they own America and all morality.

    I assume you approve of the term Tea Bagger as well?

    Grow up.