Feb 20 2006

French Muslim Nazi’s

Published by at 10:39 am under All General Discussions

French Muslim Nazi’s are apparently alive and well, and sadly killing and covering up according to this report [hat tip Instapundit]:

It all started on January 21, when a good-looking young woman walked into a cellular telephone store, started flirting with Halimi, and they made a date. It turned out that she was bait, used by a gang to lure Halimi into a kidnapping.

gang includes Muslims of North African descent and is headed by Youssef Fofana, who has escaped police capture so far. According to Marin, the gang had made six similar abduction attempts in the past.

On Monday, several weeks after he was seized, Halimi was found tied to a tree, naked and burned all over his body. He died on the way to the hospital.

Europe is no better than America, and in many ways worse. The nationalism is a source of constant friction and violence. Their insecurity leads to these kinds of results so they can do something to demonstrate their superiority over everyone else in the EU and the world. This has been taken to ridiculous levels in the EU underclass of immigrants. Unlike here, immigrants are truly second class citizens.

And do not underestimate radical Islam’s infatuation with Hitler and the Nazi’s. It is no accident Saddam (and others) were a disciple of Stalin and Hitler. No accident at all.

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One Response to “French Muslim Nazi’s”

  1. dirkthompson says:


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