Mar 03 2010

Liberals Incoherent On Health Care

One of the main reasons Obamacare is failing so badly with the American public is the comical twisted logic the liberals have had retreat to in order to try and rationalize their insane obsession with government run health care. It has gone from disturbing to down right scary-laughable.

Dick Morris was highlighting on O’Reilly some of the ‘features’ in Obama’s latest rewrite of Obamacare – which of course is now totally different from either the House or Senate bills passed, each in turn unique i their own right. Since the White House is doing the rewrites, outside congressional reconciliation meetings, no one knows what is in or out, what the costs will be etc. It is one of those ‘we’re from DC, trust us’ moments which should be the subject of a comedy routine.

Morris noted some killer elements in the bill, such as adding over 2% on the top income tax rates – in addition to allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire. This will result in the top bracket growing from 36% to over 42%. In addition, Obama plans to raise the capitol gains tax rate by something like 7%, going from 15%-over 21%. While these may soak the rich, the last tax hike will hit every working person in America. Obama plans to almost double the Medicare/Medicaid payroll tax from 1.9 to over 3%. These come out of everyone’s pay. This of course violates Obama’s promise to never raise taxes on the middle class, but what is one more broken promise by the King of Spin.

All of these tax hikes are meant to pay for the government takeover of our private health insurance. But that is only half the fund needed. The other half comes from cutting $500,000,000,000 from Medicare while at the same time adding tens of millions of uninsured to this broken down and bankrupt entitlement. Anyone with a 3rd grade grasp of math understands the result off less dollars and more people being covered is less services. The Death Panels are designed to determine who is worthy of these limited dollars.

As if that is not crazy enough, O’Reilly had a fairly dumb PhD professor on to argue that Obama will curtail premium hikes while mandating coverage for pre-existing conditions. Again, we don’t need fancy math to compute that less premiums with expanded, expensive coverage means we all will be losing services to cover the difference.

Then came the final, complete idiocy. The professor of twisted-silly-liberal-logic claimed we had to raise all these taxes and reduce our services because we need to stop the insurance companies from raising our premiums and cutting our services.

Excuse me? I am giving up my freedom to pick my coverage and tailor it to my needs so I can replace an insurance company with the creators of DMV, the Post Office and Medicare???

Look, the reasons premiums are going up is to provide coverage to people on the insurance plans instead of cutting services. I fail to see the benefit here.

The spectacle of stupidity on display in DC on this latest health care debacle is straight out of a Monty Python skit. We get nothing under Obamacare except a different group of pick pockets, these with the force of law and the IRS behind them. I think I prefer the insurance companies.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Liberals Incoherent On Health Care”

  1. Whomever says:

    “O’Reilly had a fairly dumb PhD professor on to argue that Obama will curtail premium hikes while mandating coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

    Ha! “fairly dumb” is putting it mildly. He and Hannity stack their shows with “fairly dumb” liberals on purpose. She could not hold her own on anything O’Reilly put to her.

    He was strong, clear, and on target against the problem with the next liberal woman, too, who wanted to curtail the free speech of those who disagreed with her. What gets through graduate school these days and into positions of responsibility is scary. Some of these people have not the faintest idea of what freedom is and what our republic was designed to be.

    It takes intelligence to be free and to want others to be free.

    On the health care problem, Warren Buffet said it yesterday, but he didn’t say it clearly enough because he tried to “make nice.” THE BILL DOES NOTHING TO CURTAIL COSTS. Amen. End of story.

  2. hekktor says:

    I am not usually one to write about typos because I am one of the worst offenders.

    The use of the term “capitol gains tax” caught my eye, though. We all know about Freudian slips. This one seems to be a Freudian insight.

    As we all know, capital is principal, chief, important. Capitol is the building. (My second grade teacher’s voice is ringing in my head, “Just think of the ‘O’ as the circular dome on the building.”)

    This typo gives us great insight here. The nature of all of the increases in taxes (e.g., income, health plans, capital gains) is all for the gain of the people in the Capitol: Reid, Pelosi, Rangel, etc.

    So all tax increases could be called Capitol Gains Taxes.

  3. Whomever says:

    hekktor – right on … err … left on.

  4. OLDPUPPYMAX says:

    Hussein Care has nothing whatever to do with either health or care. Like Hillary’s asinine foray into health care nearly 20 years ago, it is all about enslaving the American people, controlling everything we do from the day we are born until the day we are told to take the blue pill and die, because treatment would be far too expensive for such a worthless individual. This incredible expansion of power and the resulting ability to impose the lefts will on everything the American people do, think, believe, eat, drink, drive, own or purchase make clear the reason for the lefts’ willingness to lose countless seats in the house and senate. It’s just that simple. Hopefully jamming it down our throats will not be.