Sep 28 2009

Over 4 Million Served!

Published by at 5:28 pm under All General Discussions

Wow, just noticed we passed the 4 Million visitors mark sometime today. Thanks to all our readers and supporters for carrying this little ‘ol blog to this impressive point in just over 4 years time. Couldn’t do it without you!

Cheers, AJStrata

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Over 4 Million Served!”

  1. dhunter says:

    Congrats AJ!

  2. Alert1201 says:

    Very good. Glad to contribute my 643 visits to your 4 mil.

  3. kathie says:

    Thank you Strata family for being there with such good material. It’s good to connect to such thoughtful people. Kathie

  4. WWS says:

    Congratulations! The crossposted links show that you are becoming an *increasingly* influential blogger!