Archive for the 'CRU Climategate' Category

May 02 2012

So Who Really Is Against Scientific Discovery?

History is replete with the social upheaval of scientific revolution. In this repeating saga of humanity, there are always two camps: the established ‘consensus’ and the heretical new thinkers. The most infamous of these upheavals was the debate between the terra-centric (flat earth types) and heliocentric camps of the renaissance. The consensus was held by […]

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Mar 21 2012

Proof Man-Made Global Warming Is Really Man-Made

One thing that really gets under the skin of professionals in my line of business is eff’d up data, especially when the eff’ing up looks to be a deliberate act to deceive. At NASA there are heart wrenching examples of when computations are wrong: For those not aware, that is the Space Shuttle Challenger and […]

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Mar 04 2012

Why Global Warming Alarmists Must Cheat, Steal & Lie

The recent incident where a top global warming alarmists admitted to identity theft and wire fraud (and soon will most likely be found guilty of creating a fraudulent documents) is the latest in a chain of false information and outright lies promulgated by the debunked Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (C-AGW) community (e.g., the United Nations […]

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Feb 21 2012

Heartland ClimateFakeGate Exposes Rot In Alarmists’ Camp

Update: An interesting open letter response in the WSJ nails one of my points below: The continued efforts of the climate establishment to eliminate “extreme views” can acquire a seriously threatening nature when efforts are directed at silencing scientific opposition. In our op-ed we mentioned the campaign circa 2003 to have Dr. Chris de Freitas […]

11 responses so far

Dec 29 2011

Who Is Climategate’s

Major Update At End! I have struggled with whether to post this or not, but as I contemplated my assessment of who the is (the person or persons behind the release of CRU emails and documents in 2009 and 2011) I decided the person(s) behind Climategate is/are probably known to authorities and protected. In […]

12 responses so far

Dec 29 2011

More CRU “Fun With Numbers

I have been inspired by my reading of The Hockey Stick Illusion by A.W. Montford. It has caused me to revisit the Climategate 1 data files as well as the thousands of emails now made public. In doing word searches on files and emails, I sometimes just stumble over stuff that catches my eye and […]

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Dec 22 2011

The Third Nail In The CRU/IPCC AGW Coffin

Update At End Major Update: Well, well – it seems Tim Osborn admits to the artificial adjustments used by CRU (and shown at the end of this post) in a Dec 2006 email to coworker Thomas Klienen (email #4005): Unfortunately we haven’t yet published the details of how the gridding and calibration were done. Also […]

18 responses so far

Dec 18 2011

Jones’ CRU/IPCC Data Lost, Corrupted & Unrepeatable

Addendum: At the end of this post I note how Phil Jones finally admits he has lost or overwritten the original raw data from prior CRU products. One of Jones’ admissions is that his group continuously overwrites their data. He tries to say some data has not been ‘adjusted’ or deleted, etc. But the truth […]

19 responses so far

Dec 17 2011

When Scientists Discover Their Conclusions Are Wrong …

What happens when the underpinning claims of a scientific theory are proven wrong? Under the tried, true and ancient scientific method that framed the work of Newton, Einstein and uncounted others the proposed theory is deemed disproved and the scientists making the claim have to go back to the drawing board. The theory is rejected. […]

7 responses so far

Dec 08 2011

The Foundational Fault In Alarmists AGW Theories

  Climategates I and II have done enormous damage to the ‘science’ underpinning the alarmist view of man-made CO2 driven global warming. From the exposure of the ‘hide the decline’ trick which destroys the hockey stick graph, to the realization that the unaltered, clearly represented data and results from the CRU actually cannot prove today’s […]

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