May 20 2008

That Michelle Obama Mystery Tape Surfaces Again

Larry Johnson is wild with conspiracy theories, but he also may be on to something (though I seriously doubt his version of things – the man is a professional liar for hire).  Recently he hinted at a GOP held tape of Michelle Obama railing against Whitey inside Rev Wright’s Trinity Church (something believable I guess).  Today he notes Obama’s run to defend his wife against the GOP attack machine is because Obama knows about the tape and its contents:

But the real reason for Obama’s extraordinary freakout is that he fears the release of the videotape, reported here, of Michelle Obama in the pulpit of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church railing against “whitey.” And we don’t mean Whitey Ford. Four Republican sources have told me that the tape exists. I’ve also been informed that Karl Rove and his allies have a copy of it and are using it to raise funds for independent expenditure groups. The tape, I’m told, will be disclosed as the GOP October Surprise. It’s a ticking time bomb.

The need to pull Karl Rove into this mess is just to pat.  Johnson needs to make sure this doesn’t blow back on his puppet masters, the Clintons.  And there is more absurdity spewing from Johnson:

And I’ve learned that a right-wing Republican billionaire has put a $1 million bounty on the video. He doesn’t want John McCain to win, like a number of conservatives, and thinks Obama is a pathetically weak candidate. The billionaire wants that video released now.

Right, the evil corporate right-winger (no doubt from the vast right wing conspiracy) is trying to defeat John McCain, so he goes after Michelle Obama?  What Johnson did was just telegraph the true intentions of this political hit job he is playing.  He desperately needs this to look like a GOP effort.

Look, who benefits right now from this rumor, or the tape if it exists?  Hillary Clinton.  But Hillary can only steal the primary nomination AND win the election if she can find a way to lay the blame for all this on the GOP – otherwise she would have destroyed the Democrat Party if African American voters learn the Clinton Muck Machine pointed its guns on their latest leader.   Does McCain or the GOP need this news to come out now?  Of course not – they want it to be the October surprise.

The addition of Karl Rove to the story is meant to create an emotional reaction on the left so they don’t think about what is happening, they simply react.  Johnson created some story about why this needs to come out now.  The only person who really needs this out now is Hillary.  He is a Hillary hatchet man from way back and he has some training in disinformation and diversion from his short time at the CIA (not enough though to get by some of us).

Johnson may be right.  The tape may exist and Obama  knows it.  If Michelle is on tape and it is available to the GOP and Obama camp (thus there is no need to pay $1 million for a copy) then the question boils down to how to make this hurt the GOP as much as the Democrats.  One answer for all sides on the left is to lay as much blame on the GOP as possible.  But the fact is this is all about a Hillary supporter pushing rumors about Obama’s wife on a devastating tape.  There is no GOP in this, except that they get all the benefits of this muck-raking as the two dems destroy each other.

The Presidency holds enormous power, and that power can corrupt the very soul of people who become obsessed with gaining hold of that power.  That power can even be more corrupting if you tasted it once and now face a long life simply memorializing your one, screwed up shot at holding that power.  The Clintons will do anything to win this election folks. Having their guy spread rumors (or copies) of a damning tape is completely normal for them, and not even close to what lengths they would actually go to.   These are the people who sifted through confidential files on hundreds of White House workers – a public tape is nothing to them but a means to an end.  A means to their precious power!




Update: Check out Jim Gerahgty’s take on this as well.

24 responses so far

24 Responses to “That Michelle Obama Mystery Tape Surfaces Again”

  1. kathie says:

    This is the same crap the dems have been peddling for years. Rove and Bush are corrupt mud slingers. I say prove it. There is only one camp that will do anything for power, the Clintons. But I suppose facts will never matter.

  2. TomAnon says:

    This Rovian/Bush conspiracy is just an extension of the “A vote for McCain is a vote for a third Bush term”. I think Johnson is just engaging in political black ops. Although some patterns are showing in that BO is pretty quick to lash out at things that hit close to home.

  3. […] wingedhussar1683 wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptRecently he hinted at a GOP held tape of Michelle Obama railing against Whitey inside Rev Wright’s Trinity Church (something believable I guess). Today he notes Obama’s run to defend his wife against the GOP attack machine is because … […]

  4. crosspatch says:

    What gets me is the mention of a “right-wing Republican billionaire”. I don’t think there ARE any of those. Most billionaires in the US are Democrats. The Democrats are increasingly the party of the rich, white, urban elite. Republicans are becoming the party of the rural working class and independent business owner.

    And billionaires tend to be liberal, not “right wing”. So while they may be Republican, few tend to be extreme right. Johnson is playing on old stereotypes for some reason. Maybe it is for “inoculation” in case something like this DOES appear. Then everyone has been warned ahead of time and it has less impact. People would just say “oh, yeah, that’s that evil right-wing Karl Rove tape”.

  5. […] AJ at The Strata-Sphere: That Michelle Obama Mystery Tape Surfaces Again: Larry Johnson, big Clinton supporter and political hack, is attempting to destroy Obama’s […]

  6. WWS says:

    Kind of odd how the new site layout mixes references from other blogs in with the comments. Not bad, just odd, I can get used to it.

    And all I really had to say was that I absolutely loved the pictorial depiction of Hillary at the end there. Priceless!!!

  7. AJStrata says:


    Those are the trackbacks from other sites which was a bit broken on the earlier site (we were way behind in updating WordPress).

    And yes, the Gollum picture was a stroke of genius, if I may say so myself!

  8. 75 says:

    Republicans are too “nice” or “afraid” to pull a stunt like this, given the racist angle. Nope, this is pure and classic Clinton/Johnson…and not too subtle either, as is their custom.

  9. Soothsayer says:

    Meanwhile, in the reality based universe, Obama widens his lead over Grampa Crazy Old Coot in the Gallup Daily Tracking poll, and Rasmussen’s Markets show the Dems with a 62% chance to win in November.

    When Obama finishes beating the brutal snot out of McCain in November, McSame can always get a job as a beer pimp for his old lady’s distributorship.

    At last . . . a job in the private sector for the leech McCain.

  10. Terrye says:


    it is a long time before the election.

    BTW, those crazy old coots out there actually vote so before you manage to alienate another demographic I suggest you lay off the attacks on a man’s age.

    One thing is for sure, if Obama actually wins he will have to do more than give speeches. But you know what? I am not a sore loser moron so I will not be pretending he stole the election or that he is not the real president. I leave that kind of childish behavior to your side of the aisle.

    And you know something? Considering the fact that McCain has spent years of his life in service to his country calling him a leech is just another example of what a sorry piece of work you are.

    BTW, what exactly has done Obama done in the public sector? Suck off some corporation between state jobs?

  11. Terrye says:

    It seems to me that Dukakis and Kerry were ahead in the polls early on too.

    And according to state by state polls, McCain leads in electoral college votes.

  12. […] Strata, Strata-sphere,  is rather sleptical of Johnson: Larry Johnson is wild with conspiracy theories, but he also may […]

  13. Neo says:

    If this video exists, the easiest part will be making it public, without getting the blame (i.e. Rev. Wright, Trinity member, etc. UBL can do it).

    The reality is that no one really knows where it will go from there.

    I doubt it exists, but I expect the rumors to come and go multiple times between now and November. If Obama loses, I expect to hear that it played a part in the lose ,, even though it didn’t exist.

  14. crosspatch says:

    The day before Kerry’s 2004 loss all the polls were saying Kerry would win by anywhere from 6 to 9 points.

  15. Soothsayer says:

    McCain has spent years of his life in service to his country

    Don’t make me laugh:

    The taxpayers gave him a FREE college education. He paid them back by staying drunk for 4 years and graduating 894 out of 899.

    His lack of study habits rolled over to flight school. First time he tried to land – he crashed the plane. Taxpayers paid for it. His second crash occurred when he violated regs , flew too low, hit power lines and crashed. Taxpayers paid for crash #2. Anyone else would have been washed out of the flight program. Not McCain . . . son and grandson of admirals.

    Crash #3 came when he was joyriding a jet from Jacksonville to Philadelphia to go to the Army-Navy Game. Taxpayers paid for that crash, too.

    Plane #4 blew up on the flight deck of a carrier . . . we don’t know whether that was his fault or not. But the taxpayers paid for that plane, too.

    #5 was when he was shot down (or crashed) over Vietnam.

    Give him his due – he was a good POW. Lousy pilot, lousy student . . . but a good POW. His naval aviator buddies call him Ace – not because he shot down 5 enemy planes – but because he lost 5 of OUR planes.

    Since getting out of the Navy . . he’s been a freakin’ politician. You call that public service?? Enriching himself as a member of the Keating 5??? That was public service?

    Give me a break . . . he’s a free-loader who has never had a private sector job in his life.

  16. ivehadit says:

    There is absolutely no point in discussing anything with rude, crude and socially unacceptable posters. We all know who “they” are. We are just not interested in the world they inhabit. Period.

    But they are entertaining…sometimes.

  17. The Macker says:

    That was the stupidist comment in a long time.

  18. […] liar for hire. ?Recently he hinted at a GOP held tape of michelle obama railing against White tells Tenn.’s GOP: ‘Lay off my wife’ Tucson CitizenWASHINGTON – Democrat Barack obama has a […]

  19. 75 says:

    I see Soothie has a high opinion of our fighting men.