Sep 10 2007

A Modern John Kerry In Iraq Lies To America

Published by at 12:02 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

John Kerry is as much a hero of Vietnam as Benedict Arnold is to our War of Independence from England. The difference is Kerry tried to use smears and lies about our troops to defeat his country. Well now we have a modern John Kerry out to do the same thing – one Pvt Scott Allen Beauchamp:

Cross: In the course of my investigation, I did not interview anyone who corroborated PVT Beauchamp’s claims in “Shock Troops” that a Soldier was observed wearing skull parts recovered from a “Saddam-era dumping ground” on his head, dogs were being deliberately hit by Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and that a disfigured woman was openly mocked by Soldiers in the FOB Falcon dining facility.

Owens: What has been the reaction among the members of Beauchamp’s company to the claims he made in “Shock Troops?”

Cross: Many Soldiers were upset about how the Soldiers in the article were portrayed as callous and uncaring. These characteristics do not reflect the professionalism and integrity of the Vanguard battalion and the high standards of conduct demanded by the Dagger Brigade’s leadership.

The jerk lied through his teeth about men who would have risked their lives to save his sorry ass on the field of battle. Just like Kerry he did not care who he betrayed and what lies he had to tell against good people. He is a traitor on many levels. But more than that he represents the best the leftwing has to offer this country – which is as low as one can get. Congrats to Bob Owens on netting this interview so the people of America see what constitutes a hero on the left – verses those who sacrifice FOR others.

71 responses so far

71 Responses to “A Modern John Kerry In Iraq Lies To America”

  1. Soothsayer says:

    Slandering John Kerry does not advance the discourse in the Stratasphere. Say what you will about Kerry – he served honorably in Vietnam – Swift Boat lies aside – defenders of John Kerry’s war record, including all but one of his surviving former crewmates, asserted that several organizers of SBVT had close ties to the Bush presidential campaign and that SBVT accusations were politically motivated and false.

    Kerry volunteered for service in the armed forces, he volunteered for combat duty in Vietnam, he participated in firefights, he killed enemy soldiers, he put his life at risk for his country, he was highly decorated by the military – unless you’re calling the folks who gave Kerry three Purple Hearts, the Bronze Star and the Silver Star traitors, too.

    How many military decorations do you have? How many do Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney have?.

  2. clarice says:

    Call Congressman Lantos’ office today and let him know how disgraceful you think his performance today was.

  3. cali_sun says:

    Lantos, Schumer, Durbin, Reid, Pelosi et all should also be grouped into Kerry’s clan. What is it with dems/libs, that they always lie? Can someone enlighten me?
    Are americans are so naive to believe anything coming that party?

  4. AJ: you are TOO kind to John Kerry; he is one of the biggest traitors in American History; and unlike Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag “Booktlicker’s” tyypical Leftist Meme, he did NOT “serve honorably” in Vietnam!

    He only joned the US Navy to begin with, because he was told by his controlling Kennedy clan, it would be good for his “political career”!

    He served one tour as a Lt JG aboard the USS Gridley, in charge of an electrician’s shop; and when his controllers the Kennedy’s, agreed with him that wasn’t quite “sexy” enough, he volunteered for Small Boat Duty to immitate his Idol JFK’s service aboard the PT boats in WWII.

    However, at the time that Kerry volunteered, the small boats in Vietnam were being used for green water patrol, off the coast, and it was considered extremely “safe” duty, and a backwater career-wise actually.

    It was only after the traitor Kerry volunteered, that there was a radical change in the small boat’s mission, and they became a “brown water” force, that ultimately ended up becoming one of the most dangerious missions you could have in the entire Vietnam war.

    That did not stop the Traitor Kerry however, from manageing to serve Dishonorably!

    He impressed his fellow officers in the squadron, from the first day, as a spoiled, wannabee, who would do, or say anything, to advance his career to the exclusion of anyone and anything else!

    He showed up on a War Zone, with his own 8mm Camera, to film his own War exploits for gosh’s sake, something that takes the term chutzpah a whole new level.

    He also used to tell his fellow officers, that he was going to be President of the United States, because his initials were “JFK”!

    Wow, that’s really deep!

    His following dishonor, and treason, are not only well known, but 100% FACT: He faked at least TWO of his Purple Hearts, and the Silver Star and Bronze Star he was awarded as a result, should have never been awarded at all!

    He fled the initianl ambush in the river that day like a scared chicken, while levaing the rest of his squadron behind in the lurch, only returning when he realized it was probably safe, and then making a “dramatic rescue” of Army Officer Rassmusen, who he in fact, had left behind, when he took off so fast, Rasmussen fell off the back of his boat!

    Kerry has lied SO much, he can’t even keep track of his own lies!

    His first Purple Heart, which was mysteriously awarded to him, a month after the Commanding Officer who correctly refused to award it to him the first time; came about from a piece of self inflicted shrapnel wound, that Kerry fired in panic on his first patrol, and shot the rifle grenade into the river bank beside the boat he was on, and the explosion richocheted a piece of shrapnel back into his arm.

    He tried to turn that into a Purple Heart, and was resoundingly turned down by the CO, and justly so.

    Somehow, once that CO left the unit, and five months after the original event, Kerry was awarded a Purple Heart for is own self-inflicted-non-combat wound, and promptly fled the country, claiming to be a “hero”.

    However, in his OWN writings, because he lies so much, and has done so for the past 40 years, Kerry, in his OWN words, later on revealed the truth behind the matter; he later wrote, that on his first patrol as a boat commander some weeks after the event above, that he was looking forward to it, because “we have not been in combat yet!”

    Interesting words for a guy who had supposedly been already in combat, and would later “game the system” for a self-inflicted “combat wound, don’t you think!

    In addition, the third Purple Heart, that he earned, for the incident in which he had to go back and pick up Rassmussen, was awarded for a “bruise” on his arm, that came during the engagement. He also claimed he had been wounded in the “posterior” as well!

    Interestingly enough, both he and Rassmussen, wrote years later, that they had been messing around earlier that same day, and decided for some stupid reason to blow up store of rice they thought would be used by the VC; how you can blow up “rice” is beyond me; but they decided to try it with grenades!

    They put the grenades in the rice, and ended up actually catching shrapnel in the rearends of each of them!

    Chalk up another Purple Heart for Kerry, that was self-inflicted!

    See, he lies so much, he can’t keep them straight, and his own words have been used, CORRECTLY to expose him for what he was: a liar, a fraud, a manipulator, a dishonorable disgrace to the uniform and most important, a TRAITOR.

    He wrote up his own Combat Action After Report, that was used to award him a Silver Star for shooting a 19 year old half naked VC in the back, after he beached his boat on the bank, in violation of all Squadron tactics, just in order to shoot the unarmed VC!

    He lied about the fact that after he received his third Purple Heart he had to “agonize” for three days, before deciding to implement the 3 Purple Heart rule, and leave the country.

    In fact, the records show, he was gone from his squadron, and the country, in less than 24 hours!

    We all know his sad, traitorous subsequent history; his alliance with Jane Fonda and Teddy Kennedy, to take advantage of, and jump start the Anti-War movement for Political purposes.

    His false, and slanderous testimony about our troops before Congress; his treasonous activity, WHILE STILL AN ACTIVE DUYT RESERVE OFFICER IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY, in going to Vietnam, not once, but THREE TIMES, in trying to negotiate with the Enemy an and to the War!

    An action he also attempted while a member of the Sentate, with the Sandanistas in Nicaraugua!

    His so-called trip to Cambodia, on Christmas Eve, when “Nixon” was President; a speech he gave over FORTY times, that not only NEVER happened; but in which Nixon wasn’t even President YET!

    The sad, pathetic career of this traitor just goes on, and on, and it’s NO wonder, that an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Traitor like “Bootlicker” admires him, and swallows his falacious crap!

    By the way, the above all I’ve related, are 100% FACTS, unlike the lying nonsense coming out of “Bootlicker’s” mouth, which by the way, is shaped like John Kerry’s sphincter muscle!

    John Kerry, TRAITOR, was correctly given a DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE from the United States Navy.

    When Jimmy Carter became President (another sad day in American History); John Kerry petitioned to take advantage of Carter’s recent pardon of all the traitors who had fled to Canada during Vietnam, and Kerry’s discharge was “upgraded” to a “General Discharge”; a fact that he has managed to keep carefully hidden from public view, for 30 years, by refusing to release his military records to open scrutiny.

    Additionally, he found a friendly fellow Leftist somehow, inside the Pentagon and his Silver Star Citation, has mysteriously been “edited” and “Improved”, two more times during the Carter Administration, when in fact, it is AGAINT Pentagon rules, to EVER change the original Citation for any Decoration awarded for Valor or Merit.

    Yet Kerry, is such a traitorous dumbass, that he released THREE Seperate versions of of his Silver Star Citation, two of them, new and improved, and signed by former SecNav John Lehman from the Carter years!

    When former SecNav John Lehman was asked why he signed two seperate Silver Star Citations for John Kerry, YEARS after the fact, when Kerry already had an original, Lehman replied: “I never seen those before, and I wouldn’t have signed them if I had!”

    Interesting, hmmmmmmm!

    So, longstory short: Kerry did NOT “serve honorably”, just like “Bootlicker”, he is a LIAR, a FRAUD, and a TRAITOR!

    PS: all FACTS above, recited from memory, no research needed for what is 100%, unvarnished TRUTH!

  5. Cobalt Shiva says:

    Say what you will about Kerry – he served honorably in Vietnam

    No, he did not, and I will conclusively prove same.

    In 1971, Kerry gave sworn testimony to Congress. In said testimony, he stated that he had witnessed American personnel committing war crimes on an ongoing basis.

    At no time during his tour of duty did Kerry report any allegation of criminal conduct to military authorities.

    If he testified truthfully, then he is guilty of, at a minimum, being an accessory after the fact to many war crimes. That is not–in any way, shape, or form–the conduct of one who served honorably.

    If he perjured himself, then he is guilty of false witness against those who did serve honorably, and he thus dishonored his own service.

    Pick one. Co-conspirator in war crimes, or backstabbing liar. Notice that neither is honorable.

  6. Soothsayer says:


    How many Silver Stars did you receive in your imaginary military career, Dale?

    How many Bronze Stars?

    How many Purple Hearts?

    Thought so.

  7. Bootlicker:

    I’ll answer, just for the record:

    How many Silver Stars did you receive in your imaginary military career, Dale?

    How many Bronze Stars?

    How many Purple Hearts?

    Thought so.

    My answers:

    Silver Stars: NONE

    Bronze Stars: NONE

    Purple Hearts: NONE

    That’s simple, and I’m not afraid to answer, and unlike Kerry, I’m not a fraud, liar, cheat, and traitor with FAKE Medals!

    I never served in Vietnam; wasn’t old enough!

    I didn’t serve in Grenada & Beirut; missed that evolution by six months; though I was a boot 2nd Lt at the time. I joined the Corps relatively late in my life for an officer, I was 25 at the time, most your Lt’s are 21, right out of college.

    I’m not complaining; you can never bemoan your fate that you didn’t serve in a “war”; you don’t know if you’d have been a live hero with medals, a dead hero with medals, just alive with nothing, or just dead with nothing; so it’s best not to tempt fate, and say “I wish….” or “I would’ve….”

    But then again, I never “gamed” the system, nor fabricated any of my exploits, nor lied about them!

    When I was in Northern Iraq, the ground combat was over, and we were working with the Kurds; no medals there; just “timing” or “luck”, whatever it was.

    Again, I’m not complaining.

    I never stage managed my career, I never shied away from any assignment; I volunteered, numerous times, to go to the big sandbox down south, for the Gulf War, and was turned down; the powers that be, wanted me to do something else, and sent me into N. Iraq!

    It wasn’t as “sexy”, and no glory medals, but it was still important, and I did as I was ordered, and have no regrets.

    5 years later, I got out of the Marine Corps for personal reasons; end of story.

    Since 9/11, I have contacted the Corps, about a possible return, they’ve politely informed me that someone my age, is beyond the “requirements” to come back on active duty.

    That’s their decision, but I have made the effort, and I would gladly serve in Iraq and or Afghanistan, if I was given an exception.

    That said, I again, NEVER faked my own medals that I DO have, never wrote myself up for any; never took advantage of nor “gamed” the system, like so many people I know did; and so, unlike your Traitorous Hero, John Kerry; I can live with the fact that having NO Decorations for Valor at all, is way better than being a Liar, Fraud, Cheat, Fake and TRAITOR, by having DISHONORABLE Decorations you didn’t earn!

    However, that find distinction of Honor, Integrity, Service, Ethics, and Values, is lost on an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag Traitor like yourself, and John Kerry!

    I also noticed, that just like every single time, I categorically and completely refute your bogus crap with REAL facts, you can’t reply; but can only move the “goal posts”!

    So typical of a factually challenged Leftist Nutbag!

  8. Terrye says:


    Those Swift boat people you called liars served in Viet Nam and yet people like you treat them like scum. One thing is for sure when John Kerry went on TV and yammered about American soldiers raping and pillaging their way across Viet Nam he was slandering tens of thousands of young men who had died there. He was also slandering thousands who had won bronze stars and purple hearts.

    Speaking of which John Kerry threw his over a fence, so if he had so little respect for those medals….why should the rest of us care about them?

  9. Terrye says:

    Notice how Sooth and the rest of the left do not care about the fact that Beauchamp is a liar. They also do not care if DePalma treated all these soldiers like monsters when he made Redacted. In fact my guess is that if a movie like that was used as a recruiting tool for some nut job Islamist they would only like it that much better.

    No, they only care about the “honor” of a soldier if he happens to be besmirching someone’s else’s honor at the time.

  10. Terrye: you and I don’t agree on a lot, but that is very well said, and completey true!

    It’s funny, the ONLY people they defend, who served in the Military, and parade around, and act-up and get in your face about, and care about, are those who attack the military, the troops, the President, the War, etc…

    Very astute observation Terrye, very astute!

    I remember when Bob Dole was running against Clinton back in ’96, they were still paranoid about Clinton being the Traitorous draft-dodging little weseal that he was, hanging out behind the Iron Curtain, attacking the United States and getting high with his commie buddies back in the 60’s, so the had their Leftist Media buddies devote reams of newsprint and gallons of ink, dissecting, criticizing, and attacking Bob Dole BECAUSE he had been wounded in Italy, and had a Purple Heart!

    They found some former military colleague of Dole’s, who told the NYT (of course); that Dole was “reckless” and “out of control” and had needlessly gotten shot up by a German Machine gun, and paralyzed, in order to be a “hero”.

    And because of that, he was “unfit” to serve as Commander in Chief, couldn’t be trust, unlike Clinton, who had never done anything like that!

    What a bunch of freaking, traitorous Leftist, Hypocritical Nutbags!

    They make me sick to my stomach!

  11. Soothsayer says:

    So, Dale, you served in the Marines, never saw combat, never got a Silver Star, Bronze Star of Purple Heart, bugged out for “personal reasons” (don’t ask/don’t tell?) and you want to criticize someone who DID see combat, and DID receive numerous decorations for valor.

    Talk about sick to your stomach – you should be sick to your stomach for being such a back-stabbing tool.

  12. Cobalt Shiva says:

    So, Dale, you served in the Marines

    Neither did John Kerry, for which I am profoundly thankful.

    and you want to criticize someone who DID see combat, and DID receive numerous decorations for valor.

    Well, you’re the one saying he served with honor. Now, he testified before Congress in 1971 that he personally witnessed numerous war crimes, and he did nothing to bring the perpetrators to justice. How is that honorable?

    Indeed, in his appearance on the Dick Cavett show subsequent to his testimony, he stated that he had personally committed war crimes of his very own. Again, how is that honorable service?

  13. So, Dale, you served in the Marines, never saw combat, never got a Silver Star, Bronze Star of Purple Heart, bugged out for “personal reasons” (don’t ask/don’t tell?) and you want to criticize someone who DID see combat, and DID receive numerous decorations for valor.

    Ah, again, I made it CLEAR, but to a Lefitst Nutbag Traitor like yourself, it’s asking to much that you understand.

    I never said I didn’t serve in “combat”; I said I never received any medals for Valor in Combat; a bit different, but you wouldn’t understand that.

    I served in two different “combat situations”, but then again, you wouldn’t understand that either.

    No Silver Stars, No Bronze Stars, No Purple Hearts!

    I DO have something that I won’t share with you, but AJ has seen it; since he won’t talk to me, it doesn’t matter; but it’s his choice if he wants to confirm it.

    It’s actually higher than a Silver Star, but that’s neither here nor there.

    What I have personally, is not important; what is important, is that once again, you LIED, about John Kerry’s record; I correctedly you, you have no comeback, and an inability to refute the FACTS, so now you are trying to change the focus to me, instead of your tratiorous hero, John Kerry.

    You also, as I predicted above, with your typical Leftist lack of understanding of such basic concepts of Integrity, Honor, Values and Ethics and Morals, cannot for the pathetic life of you, understand why it is better for me, to have NO FAKE Medals, than to be like John Kerry, and have at least 3 FAKE and FRAUDULENT ones!

    It’s just beyond your intellectual capability to process; because of course, you are: an Anti-American, Pro-Jihadi, Leftist Traitorous Nutbag!

    Case Closed!

  14. Terrye says:

    Actually Dale, we grow on just about everything, it is just the details that screw us up my friend.

  15. Terrye says:

    Speaking of medals, the Move on Morons ran an ad in the NYT saying that Patreaus had betrayed us.

    These are his medals:

    * Defense Distinguished Service Medal
    * Two Distinguished Service Medals
    * Two Defense Superior Service Medals
    * Four Legions of Merit
    * Bronze Star Medal for Valor
    * State Department Superior Honor Award
    * NATO Meritorious Service Medal
    * Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm
    * Master Parachutist wings
    * Air Assault wings
    * Ranger tab
    * Combat Action Badge
    * French parachutist wings
    * British parachutist wings
    * German parachutist wings

  16. Terrye says:

    that should be “we agree” on just about everything, I have no idea where the grow thing comes from. who knows?

  17. AJStrata says:


    I am not ignoring you – I am swamped and just not responding much in the comments sections these days. While we disagree on issues, you have never lied or misrepresented yourself once.

    Soothie is so far out of his/her element I wonder at times why you folks even bother. It is like trying to explain “blue” to a color blind person….

  18. AJ: thank you for the response, I am sincere when I say thank you.

    Terrye: well done again; but you see, in “Bootlicker’s” Leftist Nutbag Fantasy world, General Petaeus is a “traitor”, because he EARNED all those Medals legitimately!

    However, John Kerry, is a Folk Hero, because he faked his!

    See, makes perfectsense in Spongebob Backwards Day type of thing, doesn’t it?

    AJ: you are correct though, about trying to explain “blue”, to a nutbag!

    Which brings me to another point.

    Have you ever noticed, how every “conservative” or “rightwing” Blog, has their very own, Leftist Nutbag poster, who has nothing to do, but put their Leftist filth, everyday on that Blog.

    Seixon had “anon” and some other inconsequential idiot; I’ve never seen them on any other Blog, maybe “JOM”.

    AJ here, has “Bootlicker”, and somehow, his rectally manipulated “THECENTERISABUNGHOLE”, but he has disappeared for some reason; probably because “Bootlicker” had a hard time signing in under two different ID’s all the time, and keeping his personas straight!

    Capt Ed, has “Monkei” and “DAVE” and used to have “Esquirebumsome”, before I threatened to expose him, and he took off for the hills!

    I wonder if DU, or or or Huffington, don’t assign idiots like “Bootlicker”, their own Conservative Blog, to harrass every day, in order to get their Talking points out?

    Sure would explain a lot; like the same things, posted again and again and again, right off the DNC Daily Talking Points Memos.

    If these freaking Nutbag’s ever had an original thought, I think the Sun would stop in it’s tracks, and Hell would become a Winter Wonderland!

  19. Soothsayer says:

    Oh, so now you’ve got a medal higher than the Silver Star – but not for valor in combat – so that rules out the Distinguished Service Cross, which is given for “Extraordinary Heroism in Connection with Military Operations Against an Opposing Armed Force.”

    So, unless you bought a Congressional Medal of Honor somewheres . . . that leaves the Defense Distinguished Service Medal or the Distinguished Service Medalwhich are givenfor “Exceptionally Meritorious Service in a Duty of Great Responsibility” – which means you didn’t spill coffee on the Commandant when you were serving breakfast, I guess.

    That’s about it for US medals

    Do tell us more from the Fantasy League.

  20. That’s about it for US medals

    Your comments above reflect an ignorance of not only of the US Miliary in general, but of the basic facts about US Military Decorations, that is breathtaking in it’s depth of ignorance.

    It also KILLS you, that I have a Medal higher on the Depth Chart, than your traitorous Hero, John Kerry, and that I didn’t have to lie, cheat, defraud, nor fake to get it!

    It’s also killing you, because you not only don’t understand the situations in which such medals are awarded, but their import!

    Beautiful, I LOVE It; keep digging the hole deeper Leftist Nutbag, and I’m not throwing you a bone!

    You’re on your own; but know it just BURNS you to no end, is enough for me!