Jun 07 2007

Tancredo Declares War On What’s Left Of The Conservative Coalition

Published by at 7:54 am under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

Tancredo, the ‘visionary’ of the immigration hypochondriacs, has declared open political war on those conservatives who support the comprehensive immigration bill now being debated in the US Senate. He will work to defeat politicians who do not bend to his ‘vision’:

Rep. Tom Tancredo ratcheted up his presidential bid and anti-illegal immigration crusade today with a hot-button Web ad declaring: “Tom Tancredo: Defeat amnesty politicians.”

Tancredo said he would spend more time traveling to Republican-held congressional districts around the country. There, he hopes to pressure GOP incumbents in their own backyards, threatening to work for their defeats unless they help block the immigration reform bill now pending in the Senate.

When I said the conservatives had declared an end to the governing coalition and would not broach anymore dissent (meaning they have declared all common ground closed) I was not exaggerating. Tancredo has declared his litmus test. No other issue matters. If you support doing anything that allows the 12-20 million workers to stay – including fines, back taxes and clean criminal records – then he will work to defeat you. All other issues are secondary. This is the mindless obsession that permeates the immigration hypochondriacs. They are losing the battle and have decided to take everyone down with them.

The GOP is a wounded, minority party right now. And Tancredo is throwing gas on the wounds and trying to strike a match. H/T Harold Hutchison

48 responses so far

48 Responses to “Tancredo Declares War On What’s Left Of The Conservative Coalition”

  1. TomAnon says:

    R05 you grossly mischaracterize the Chicago Trib story. The investigation was targeted at foreign nationals and International Internet child porn rings.

  2. SallyVee says:

    Retire, I have every confidence that were it not for Tancredo’s “stand” on immigration, you’d want nothing to do with the man. Did you ever see his sit-down on CSPAN last year? It was a rambling, disjointed, bizarre thing to behold. You could practically see him swatting imaginary flies in front of his face. I had it saved in my recorder… until lightning struck one afternoon.

    Like I said, he’s a tool — a wrench that is being worked overtime at the moment. Personally, TT’s antics and rhetoric were for me one of the Big Red Flags that caused my B.S. meter to start crackling like mad. And when I took the time to scratch beneath the surface, I found nothing to allay my suspicions about Tancredo or his cohorts.

  3. biglsusportsfan says:


    SallyVee knows how dangerous these connections are that Tancedo are.

    THis is a radical movement he is associated with and many conservatives are dismayed that they have gotten a foothold in the Conservative movement. For goodness sake they are population control fanatics that want to reduce the the US population to 150 million. They also have associations with racist groups. YEs Racist groups. If conservatives hate being called racist then we need to police our own better. That includes Tancredo and the Fair. When I hear them on the Political Cesspool show out of MEmphis I get nervous. When I see the Council of Conservative Citizens being used I get nervous. I am even seeing LEague of the South kooks being used.

    At the GOP debate on monday, Tancredos true agenda sort of came out. OVer at the Corner on NRO readers are very concerned about it. In the ned this fight is about more than the illegals.

    I am concerned about illegals molesting Children. I am also concerned that Americans that are descended from stock that has been here since the 1800’s are killing each other at record numbers in New Orleans.

    Crime is Crime.


  4. retire05 says:

    “NATIONWIDE (for tomanon that means in the U.S. and not in foreign countries), the investigation, run by the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (which has no authority in foreign lands), has nabbed about 10,000 child sex offenders, with 85 PERCENT TO BE FOUOND TO BE NON-CITIZENS (that means non-citizens of the U.S. for those who have a reading comprehension problem), said ICE spokeswoman Gail Montenegro. That high percentage reflects the nature of the the investigation (which was held in the U.S.), which focused on foreign nationals and targeted international Internet rings (the internet being the only part of the investigation that was “international”) used BY PEOPLE IN THE U.S.

    Tomanon, are you trying to tell me that we now have the authority to deport people from other nations?

    You grossly mischaracterize your ability to read the English language.

  5. stevevvs says:

    Since the CBO claims the immigration bill will reduce immigration by 25% that means we will have the problem we have today with a smaller influx.

    How do you know the Influx will be smaller? Say today, 2 million try to come here every year. After Amnesty, what’s to say that number wont go up substantialy?
    Say 3 million per year try after the bill. If the Promise of a 25% reduction does occur, that number may actually go up. No one knows! We Just Have Historical Knowledge to go by. And that Certainly shows more try, and more make it, after Amnesty.

    As for Rectors Numbers, they sure sound as close to honest and accurate to me. We aren’t granting amnesty to a majority with Batchelor Degrees. We are Granting Amnesty to primarily those lacking a High School Diploma, let alone the English Language Skills to apply for any job that actually has advancement opportunities.

    The Raleigh New And Observer had a story last week on a family granted Amnesty in 1986. Kind of a Follow up, if you will. The Husband has no High School Diploma, and works sporaticly. His wife is a Nurse, so she has some eductation. His two oldest sons, both raised here, are High School Drop outs. His entire family is now here as well, and the Little town in Mexico they are from, is now empty. They are all here now, many Illegaly.
    They live in a beat up double wide in Eastern N.C. From the picture, I would not want to go to there home! It was a mess on the outside.
    Now, all these people are eligable for Social Security, Medicad, Medicare, and god knows what else. Does anyone seriously think these people will contribute any where near what they will be receiving?And His Parents are here too!
    Multiply this one situation by countless millions, and it’s hard to see where under educated people will be, on whole, even a break even proposition. It’s pie in the sky to think otherwise. Sure, some will get a GED, or even College. But certainly not enough.
    Seems the Congressional Black Caucus is also opposed to this Bill. Seems blacks are outraged, and saying these people are taking their jobs, and taking over their neighborhoods.

    I’m outa here, off to work. Take Care Folks.

  6. retire05 says:

    biglsufan, what do you expect in NO? We have raised generations of people who think that we (the other half of Edward’s America) owe them something. Frankly, I don’t own anyone a damn thing. You had a majority population in NO that was ont the government teet. And you expect different behavior from them? And wasn’t it the illustrious mayor of NO that was crying in his Pearl last year because so many illegals had invaded that city and people returning could not find work in a building boom?
    But you seem not to be content with Americans killing Americans. Now you want to allow illegals to continue to kill Americans. What the hell is that? Doing the jobs American criminals won’t do?

    So Sally rags on what you and she seem to think are dangerous organizations but are mum on LaRaza, Atzlan, LULAC and other organizations that subscribe to a socialist Pan American political view and that’s OK with you?

  7. conservativered says:

    Did you say math?

    This is math.

    The Net Retirement Costs of Amnesty

    Giving amnesty to illegal immigrants will greatly increase long-term costs to the taxpayer. Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants would, over time, increase their use of means-tested welfare, Social Security, and Medicare. Fiscal costs would rise in the intermediate term and increase dramatically when amnesty recipients reach retirement. Although it is difficult to provide a precise estimate, it seems likely that if 10 million adult illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. were granted amnesty, the net retirement cost to government (benefits minus taxes) could be over $2.6 trillion.

    The calculation of this figure is as follows. As noted above, in 2007 there were, by the most commonly used estimates, roughly 10 million adult illegal immigrants in the U.S. Most illegal immigrants are low-skilled. On average, each elderly low-skill immigrant imposes a net cost (benefits minus taxes) on the taxpayers of about $17,000 per year. The major elements of this cost are Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits. (The figure includes federal state and local government costs.) If the government gave amnesty to 10 million adult illegal immigrants, most of them would eventually become eligible for Social Security and Medicare benefits or Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid benefits.

    However, not all of the 10 million adults given amnesty would survive until retirement at age 67. Normal mortality rates would reduce the population by roughly 15 percent before age 67. That would mean 8.5 million individuals would reach age 67 and enter retirement.

    Of those reaching 67, their average remaining life expectancy would be around 18 years.[17] The net cost to taxpayers of these elderly individuals would be around $17,000 per year.[18] Over 18 years, the cost would equal $306,000 per elderly amnesty recipient. A cost of $306,000 per amnesty recipient multiplied by 8.5 million amnesty recipients results in a total net cost of $2.6 trillion.

    These costs would not occur immediately. The average adult illegal immigrant is now in his early thirties; thus, it will be 25 to 30 years before the bulk of amnesty recipients reaches retirement. At their peak level, it appears the amnesty recipients will expand the number of beneficiaries under Social Security by 5 to 10 percent. This will occur at a point when Social Security will already be running deficits of over $200 billion annually.

    This is a rough estimate. More research should be performed, but policymakers should examine these potential costs very carefully before rushing to grant amnesty, “Z visas,” or “earned citizenship” to the current illegal immigrant population.

  8. biglsusportsfan says:

    By the way this is so funny. For those that follow the Corner at NRO the majority there are trying to posion pill this bill to death. John Derbyshire that is a immigrant is one of the leaders. For those that say illegal is illegal read this piece

    I Was an Illegal Alien by John Derbyshire in the NRO on 2003

    Good grief. This is as bad as Malkin ranting on about Anchor babies when she is one herself


  9. retire05 says:

    biglsufan, Malkin’s parents immigrated LEGALLY from Taiwan. That doesn’t make her an anchor baby.
    You want anchor babies? 70% of all births at Park Lane Hospital are from ILLEGAL mothers. That’s anchor babies.

    Try getting your spin straightened out. You are also beginning to look very Dervish. But don’t worry, the Dervish are covered by the Shamnesty Bill.

  10. biglsusportsfan says:

    I would be real curios about the stats on these cases. I suspect many are cases where a 17 year old hassex with someone that is 16 or soemthing as silly like that.

    Yeah Hispanics immigrant are going to have to learn that the age of consent laws here are different. It is not like in the far far far ancient days where my perverted child molesting grandfather who was 18 had a shotgun wedding with my poor victim Grandmother that was 16. OR when GI’s over in England brought Italian Girls and English girls homes that they were fooling around with at ta ge that would now get them in the stockade.

    OF course we live in a era where a Congressman can have legalSex with a 16 year old in DC but for some reason it is illegal to im someone that is 17 and talk about sex. The laws are a mess

  11. biglsusportsfan says:

    “biglsufan, Malkin’s parents immigrated LEGALLY from Taiwan. That doesn’t make her an anchor baby.
    You want anchor babies? 70% of all births at Park Lane Hospital are from ILLEGAL mothers. That’s anchor babies.

    Try getting your spin straightened out. You are also beginning to look very Dervish. But don’t worry, the Dervish are covered by the Shamnesty Bill. ”

    Retire05 trying to get your spin straighted out. They came over here like many people on VISAS. At the time he was studing medicine. Last I heard people were not making distinctions btween illegals and those that come here legally on Work, tourist or other asserted visas and have kids. They have been called anchor babies and all have been grouped together.

    Also, Malkin brought this issue up as too people that came here legally also.

    She wrote
    “Clearly, the custom of granting automatic citizenship at birth to children of tourists and temporary workers such as Hamdi and to countless “anchor babies” delivered by illegal aliens on American soil, undermines the integrity of citizenship – not to mention national security. Originally intended to ensure the citizenship rights of newly freed slaves and their families after the Civil War, the citizenship clause has evolved into a magnet for alien lawbreakers and a shield for terrorist infiltrators and enemy combatants.

    If the courts refuse to close the birthright citizenship loopholes, Congress must. Citizenship is too precious to squander on accidental Americans in Name Only”


  12. retire05 says:

    biglsufan, the term “anchor” baby only refers to those that are born of illegal parents. “Anchor” meaning that once the child is born, the illegal has an anchor to the U.S.
    Children born of those with a legal visa, in any other nation, are the citizens of the parents native nation.
    When a person on a legal visa to the U.S. applies for citizenship and has minor children, they apply for their children as well. That is not “anchor” babies.

    Read the 14th amendment. It has been usurped by the illegal immigrant rights movement. It was never designed to cover those children born of someone who has not “formally” denounced their citizenship to their native nation and sworn allegience to the United States. Even today, not all people born in the U.S. are automatically American citizens.

  13. DaleinAtlanta says:

    R05: Michele Malkin is Pinay; not from Taiwan! How did her parents come here from Taiwan?

  14. biglsusportsfan says:

    “biglsufan, the term “anchor” baby only refers to those that are born of illegal parents. “Anchor” meaning that once the child is born, the illegal has an anchor to the U.S.
    Children born of those with a legal visa, in any other nation, are the citizens of the parents native nation.
    When a person on a legal visa to the U.S. applies for citizenship and has minor children, they apply for their children as well. That is not “anchor” babies.”

    Retire 05
    Wiki says
    “Anchor baby is a pejorative term[1][2] used to refer to a child born in the United States to illegal aliens or other non-citizens. Such a child is legally a citizen of the United States. The term refers to a resident alien’s child’s role in facilitating “chain migration” under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965. Immigration reductionists claim that the baby would become the “anchor” of a chain by which its family may receive benefits from social programs, and by which the parents may themselves eventually become lawful permanent residents or citizens of the United States.”

    Needless to say Michelle Malkins parents situation in American dramactically imporved immigration wise when she was born

    The blogs and anti immigration sites are full of this.

    As to the 14th you are incorrect. The 14th has alwasy been understood to incorporate the English Common law that we also have as to birth right citizenship.

    LEt me refer you to the wong case
    U.S. Supreme Court
    U.S. v. WONG KIM ARK, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)
    169 U.S. 649

    HEre is a link to the actual case

    Here is a good synopis
    In a 6-2 decision, the Court held that under the Fourteenth Amendment, a child born in the United States of parents of foreign descent who, at the time of the child’s birth are subjects of a foreign power but who have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and are carrying on business in the United States, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under a foreign power, becomes a citizen of the United States at the time of birth.

    More importantly is the subsequent case law
    Wong Kim Ark was also cited in Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), a Supreme Court decision which struck down a Texas state law that had sought to deny public education to undocumented alien children (i.e., children born abroad who had come to the United States illegally along with their parents — not children born in the U.S. to illegal alien parents). The court’s majority opinion in Plyler said that, according to the Wong court, the 14th Amendment’s phrases “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” and “within its jurisdiction” were essentially equivalent and that both referred primarily to physical presence. It held that that illegal immigrants residing in a state are “within the jurisdiction” of that state, and added in a footnote that

    no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment “jurisdiction” can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful [1].”

    Now has a case come down that specifically held on the facts before it that an i”anchor baby” is a citizen? NO but we can tell from the courts views that the common law tradition is still had. Also no anchor babies are getting deported in our history pretty much.

    If people don;t like Birthright citizenship then a Const amendement is going to have to happen

  15. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Ro5, LE, etc.

    Actually, other than just posting an unimportant comment or two every day, I’ve quit discussing the general particulars of the bill here, with AJ, and his supporters.

    As I pointed out over a week ago, AJ has lost ALL perspective on this issue, it’s now become a matter of self-indulgence for him, to prove that he is RIGHT on this, and it’s interested in nothing more than payback and namecalling.

    The same goes for his legion of supporters, TomAnon and Aitch and a few others.

    I’ve asked questions, repeatedly of AJ and others, on the merits of the bill, and have received NOT ONE SINGLE reply.

    Unlike AJ and his supporters, I’m not going to lower myself to call them “traitors” or “hypochondriacs” or anything like that.

    I have made it clear, that I support this bill, IF they make some “improvement” in it.

    I have NEVER called for it to be killed, or defeated, nor anything; and I have NEVER said it was “my way or the highway”.

    I’ve said from the very begining, that I supported a Guest Worker Program, and ALSO, a Secure border.

    I’ve used Shedegg and Session’s analysis to point out very real flaws in the and ask for cogent feedback and critisim from AJ and his supporters, and received NO A SINGLE ANSWER!

    Therefore, unfortunately, I can no longer regard AJ as a reliable source on this issue, he is ONLY interested in proving HIS “analysis” as correct, and the rest of us as wrong.

    I told you all couple of weeks ago, AJ’s failing as an analyst, is he falls in “love” with his own analysis, then he uses his bullypulpit to continue to hammer the point home, out of all proportion, and frankly, abandoning all commonsense.

    Therefore, I suggest you all use this site, to update yourself on the TRUE particulars as to what is happening with this bill.

    The FACTS are, they have made some VERY GOOD improvements to the basically flawed bill, via Amendments.

    Improvments that have gotten very little to no press, and certainly not coming from AJ.

    Additionally, they’ve made a couple of contradictory amendments, and they’ve failed to address some key issues that we would like to see addressed.

    Therefore, my humble suggestion is, you keep yourselves updated via this website, and, CALL YOUR SENATORS, and pressure them to vote the way you want, on the various upcoming amendments.

    The best part, is several completely BS amendments, by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been DEFEATED; very good stuff.

    Additionally, Harry Reid has FAILED, TWICE, in Cloture to cut off debate; thus allowing the Bill to still stay open, and thus improve the chances of additional GOOD amendments being passed.

    If you read this website with an open mind, you’ll see that some very important improvements have been made.

    I think this is the correct way to go; keep Cloture at bay, keep debate open, and as Senators continue to get pressed by their voters, more and more “good” amendments will get added.

    I don’t want to see the thing Fail; I want to see it IMPROVED!

    Of course, AJ, and his supporters, will never admit I said that, they’ll just keep attacking us, and calling us names, instead of trying constructively improve this thing!

    Here is the website:


    Good luck, this is how “Democracy” is supposed to work. Don’t be an Obstructionist, don’t be a surrendercrat, instead, work to make it better, and get it done!

  16. reader2007 says:

    Talking about name-calling when someone disagrees with you, huh Dale?

    Like I said in a previous comment in another thread…and I quote “WAH WAH WAH”

    You do know, Dale, that this is not the only blog you can comment on. I appreciate your viewpoint but I do disagree with you. And, you will not convince me otherwise. So I guess you will start calling me names too.

  17. ivehadit says:

    When you think of TT, think… David Duke. And if you don’t think that’s dangerous then you have NO CLUE what dangerous means. I lived 20 years in NOLA. I know of what I speak.

    I am sick of the strident voices. They are unreasonable and are power mongers, imho. Same coin as the hard Left, just the opposite side.

    Now, it appears to me that we don’t need the Oval Office anymore. We just need internet voting daily. A message will be sent to every citizen regarding the day’s pressing tasks and everyone can vote on what needs to be done…foreign policy, war, immigration…everything can be voted on daily.

    And lastly, what incentive do the democrats have to do anything about immigration? Ya think they want to handle that hot potato? I don’t think so! They saw what our strident fellow citizens did to a very honorable man of courage and conviction who tried to fix the problem. Who wants to go through that?

    So isn’t it funny what strange bedfellows we have today…as in
    all who are happy this bill is dead:

    Harry Reid
    Tom Tancredo

  18. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Reader 2007: I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care. I’ve been on this Blog for over a year, and never seen your “handle”.

    I’ve reread my ENTIRE post, and there is NOT A SINGLE NAME IN THERE, addressed to you, nor AJ, nor anyone of his supporters, including you!

    But since I don’t know you, I wouldn’t address you anyhow!

    “WAH, WAH, WAH”

    Wow, very erudite, no wonder your side has a credibility problem; if that’s the most intelligent comment you can add to the discussion?

    Wow, very impressive……chirp…..chirp……chirp…..

    PS: Your last para, is just so typical leftist/playing the victim, what’s up with that?

    You and I have NEVER exchanged words, I never called you a name EVER, I’ve commented on this Blog over the past year 100 times more than you have; I can comment on the Blog any time I choose, and do, and will continue to do so until I either get tired, or banned by AJ; I don’t care whether you agree with my viewpoint, my post was addressed to other people, and I’m not trying to change your viewpoint; that’s a lost cause! BUT, if you had ACTUALLY READ my last comment, you’d see that instead of trying to argue or discuss or change anything, I was suggesting that people go to the website, actually READ about the bill, the amendments etc, instead of discussing it ad naseum without a clue as to what it is about!

    Bottomline: before you post, I suggest you actually read what someone else posts, before you attack THEM!

  19. thecentercannothold says:

    I would only hope the Tom Tancredo fans on this site realize one thing: if Tom is right on immigration, he is wrong on the War On Terror and an idiot for threatening to bomb Mecca as he did a while back.
    This because if the Mexican invasion is the dire threat it is, and the public so divided as to how and whether we can stem it, this is hardly a public unified enough to support American Empire while our own
    lower 48 are overrun.
    What to do? VOTE RON PAUL, tough on immigration and
    proponent of bringing the boys home and dismantling many
    of the unecessary and terror-causing bases we unnecessarily
    goad the Moslem world with overseas.

  20. DaleinAtlanta says:

    “Center”: what if you don’t like Tom Tancredo NOR Ron Paul, like me?