Mar 09 2007

Undercutting the troops…

The Democrats have decided to impose a timetable on the troops, never mind that the surge has shown signs of success. In a very real sense, they have decided to take the coward’s way out. When Multi-National Force-Iraq held briefings for Congressional leadership, the Dems didn’t even show.

The President is right to call it a non-starter, but he is being kind. What the Democrats are doing is much worse.

The Democrats are placing a knife in the back of General David Petraeus and every solider, sailor, airman, and Marine trying to help the democracy in Iraq get on its feet and recover from the tyranny that Saddam’s regime held over the Iraqi people. It is, in essence, telling al-Qaeda in Iraq and other terrorists that they want to quit. There is no other way to describe it.

Am I being hypocritical given my earlier criticism of Ann Coulter? I submit that I am not. First of all, I’m telling the truth. This is a stab in the back. Should the Democratic legislation pass, our troops will not have been defeated by al-Qaeda, they were defeated because Congressional Democrats decided to cut and run, aided and abetted by the mainstream media, which has waged its own war against the war on terror.

Second of all, I am opposing something that is utterly indefensible – to wit, undercutting the mission of our troops. One cannot support the troops and oppose the mission they are on.

Our troops can win this war if they are allowed to do what it takes. We’re about to find out who in the Beltway is willing to do so, and whose “support the troops” talk is just insincere talk for a soundbite on the news.

69 responses so far

69 Responses to “Undercutting the troops…”

  1. gil says:

    Home page.

    “Democrats take the cowards way out”

    I hate to brake the news on you and your name calling friends, but if you think that you can win this war, or any other war with only the 30% support of the Chickenhawk crowd you are sadly mistaken.

    You do know that you are way down there in the minority right? You do know that your plan for “victory” is to give the current Government (al Malaki’s) the full control of Iraq right? You also know that al Malaki is pro Iranian correct?….. So where is your so called plan for victory? In fact where is your victory after all these years? Your side is all about winning but never do, and then have the cinicism to pretend that the act of staying put in a quagmire from hell ad infinitum some how makes you less of a coward than a Democrat!!!! You are cutting and running like cowards from reality people. Ever heard of TIME….. In this life there is a time to DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU WERE GOING TO DO ….. or loose all credibility. Your side has no credibility left…only name calling. You are calling cowards 70% of the American people !!! Among them countless veterans from Iraq, Generals, heroes from other wars, and in short, man and woman that are a thousand times better patriots that you and your followers will ever be.

    For all you people telling us that the surge is working because violence is down…. I have this to say DAH!!!! If the bad guys are not confronting us of course violence will be down. It was announced to every one that the strategy from al Sadar and his militias was not to confront the Americans, melt into the backgrownd, and simply waith us out. The Sunni Insurgents are for the most part doing the same thing…… So in effect what you have is a fools empty and very much temporary “victory”.

    ……… But then again when it comes to fooling yourselves you guys are the undisputed world champions.

  2. MerlinOS2 says:


    If you are a lawyer please don’t send me your business card with your sense of spin logic.

    It is wrong to claim poll numbers can be aggregated from anyone who has even the slightest bit of qualms about the war issue to lump them into the cut and run camp.

    Your padding the expense account.

    The full cut and run numbers are much smaller than your false impression.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    It was announced to every one that the strategy from al Sadar and his militias was not to confront the Americans, melt into the backgrownd, and simply waith us out.

    That’s because they are expecting good things from the surrendercrats, things that will benefit them and not benefit the USA.

    but that’s surrendercrats.

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    Sooth has a recognizable fingerprint

    Say something stupid about the post or insult a poster then bring up a strawman not related to the post.

    I is a pattern that pimps him out on other sites under other names and possibly some sockpuppet “missions from god”

  5. ivehadit says:

    To understand soothie, read this:>

    It says it all.

    From the article:
    snip/”In narcissistic personality disorder, people feel they are special and therefore entitled to the things they want at the exact moment they want them. When denied, narcissists become irrationally angry and lash out with personal attacks. But because they crave adulation, they can become irresistibly charming in the very next minute. Sound familiar?

    For eight long years, President “I feel your pain” Clinton failed to pass a law to provide senior citizens with prescription drug relief, failed to muster up the morality to pass a law banning third-trimester abortions that kill fully formed babies on the very verge of birth, failed to free the black people in this country from the slavery of welfare until a Republican Congress accomplished this sea change in America’s landscape.

    But he did not fail cut and run from Somalia, bomb an aspirin factory or wage an air war against people who were no threat to the United States, or to ignore numerous Al Qaeda attacks on our country and throughout the world, effectively setting the stage for the devastation of September 11.

    Narcissism, in fact, is at the root of liberals’ embrace of abortion. While “power to the powerless” is their anthem, no legislation has ever been more passionately embraced than the abortion-on-demand law of 1973 that allows all “caring” liberals to kill the most powerless among us. Of course, this does not conflict with their horror at the deaths of minks, because in their minds these rodents are already here while developing embryos – with heartbeats and nervous systems, eyes and ears – are simply “tissue.” Nor does it conflict with their horror at “civilian” deaths, even when they result inadvertently from American military forces.

    Borderline personality disorder is characterized by a complete inability to tolerate the gray complexion of life – or politics. Liberals always cast those who disagree with them in stark shades of black and white and often resort to “scorched earth” retaliation. They also go out of their way to conceal the fact that, like other sociopaths, they have no consciences and no remorse – except for the likes of minks, of course. Such is the nature of liberals, whose identification with and empathy for our enemies is a hopeless muddle of self-congratulatory “understanding” and hatred of authority.

    Instead of seeing the epic struggle we are now engaged in as an opportunity to stand with America for the spread of freedom and for defeating our enemies, liberals choose to stand against everything that is good and great and exceptional about our country. To most people, this is self-defeating, irrational, even dangerous behavior. But remember, that’s how some children are! However, when fully grown adults act this way, in spite of the fact that they’re fixated between the ages of 6 and 12, such behavior is not only treasonous, it’s also pathological. So the next time you’re watching or listening to a liberal, observe the symptoms I’ve mentioned.

    Note the anger, the pessimism, the negativity, the name-calling, the bursts of rage, the gratuitous insults, the desire to present an image of “goodness,” the transparent attempt to be liked, the willingness to change an opinion if the old one isn’t polling well, and the eagerness to placate our enemies, the better to avoid a fight so that those enemies will “like” us.

    Ask yourself: Is this behavior different in any way from a child’s behavior? Then ask yourself: Do I want a child to be the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief in a time of war?”

  6. gil says:

    answer to merlin

    Merlin the poll numbers were correct in predicting that Republicans were going to loose Congress right?

    The poll numbers were correct in predicting a tight race beyween Bush, and Gore and between Bush and Kerry right?

    The poll numbers that you so cavalierly dismiss out of nothing but desperation when it comes to the lack of support for the Iraq war by the American people, are from the same pollsters that have predicted the above mentiones, and many more outcomes. The polls are CONSISTENTACROSS THE BOARD. Take your reputable polling conglomerate, and see the results vary by only a few percentage points.

    Stop trying to insult our intelligence will you?

    The polling industry is a multi billion dollar industry that carries enormous credibility this days, simply because unlike your side’s constant spin they produce DEMONSTRABLE RESULTS.

    So now 70% is not really 70% is more like what in your fair and balanced eyes???? Do you have some new formula for sampling? Are you the new brake trough in statistical meassurments ???

    Tell you what start your own polling company and give results in agreement with your views and not with the random samplig of a statistical formula and see how far you can go.

  7. gil says:

    answer to enforcement.

    “Good things by the surrendercrats”

    Maibe enforcement, but is more like they (the enemy) is counting with the Republican chicken-hawks to continue to “fight” to loose. For if this “surge” was for real, you chicken-hawks would have sent our soldiers to actually surprise and kill the enemy not announce it so that the bad guys are “scared ” into a vacation. Man you really have them on the run now!!, just like the last five so called “surges” pre-dating the present one. The record of lossers is yours chicken-hawks… The enemy is just reading this surge as just another chicken-hawk attempt to win the war with spin. … And they are playing along.

    Since the start of this war you guys only had shown a big mouth, but not much more to show for your “bravery”. Noticed that?

    By the way, all you guys continue to avoid the main question here. If we give al Malaki the absolute power of Iraq ….. Does Iran not end up as the big winner here? So what in hell are you guys doing with a “victory” that never came, and that if it ever does will only hand Iraq to Iran?

  8. gil says:

    answer to ivehadit.

    A few points here my friend. Clinton was our President almost 7 years ago. Now maibe you want to escape the mess that this administration has created by cutting and running to Clinton’s lap but I just don’t see the relevance of Clinton on the subject of this blog.

    Also, it’s nice to re-write history at your own convenience, but please don’t come here pretending that your remarks carry any weight of truth because they simply don’t. Your long rant is full of half truths, missrepresentation of facts, slanted partisan views, out right lies, and delusional conclusions.

    Let me give you a few examples:

    You say ” Clinton failed to pass a law for senior citizens with prescription drug relief” …. True enough my friend, however you failed (specking of failures) to mention the reason why he failed. The Health Care Reform Plan task force headed by Hillary Clinton designed to do just that (provide seniors with prescription drug relief) was ultimately doomed by a well organised incredibly well funded $$$$$ opposition FROM REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVES, Pharmaceutical Companies, the health insurance industry, and the American Medical Association.

    “Failed to pass third trimester abortion law”. You know my friend maibe you think that Federal Courts are there just painted on the wall, but last I checked abortion law is decided by the third branch of Government …. The Judiciary. To ask Clinton to pass new grownd braking abortion law by himself by-passing the Judicial Sytem is compleately irrational and reflective of you lack of knowledge in your seal to attack Clinton for wherever comes to your mind.

    “Failed to free the black people of this country of the slavery of welfare” Here you have to be talking about Clinton’s Earned Income Tax Credit expansion law that CLINTON ENACTED INTO LAW. The law was aimed at working class families just above the poverty line that helped unsure that it made sense for them TO WORK RATHER THAN SEEK WELFARE. Is funny you mention this law as a non-achievement by Clinton when in fact it was Clinton the one that passed this law!!!

    On your Somalia remark. “Cut and run from Somalia” …… Like Regan Cut and ran from Lebanon???? That my friend is not cutting and running by Clinton or Regan, that is beeing smart and knowing when to cut your losses. You would not know of course, because we have to stay and fight in Iraq….. As the years go by…..And as your side only gives us more saliva. You know, there are Presidents in our past that actually acted like real leaders and put the safety of our troops FIRST AND FOREMOST, above an idiotic political point of false machismo of cutting and running B.S.. Regan did that and so did Clinton.

    On Clinton ignoring numerous al Qaida attacks. First you mention the bombing of an aspirin factory as an example of Clinton’s mistakes…. But then you ignore that that aspirin factory attack came as a result of what you say Clinton ignored…. an al Qaida attack…. And the attacks Vs. Afghan bases, and the going after the perpetrators of the twin towers attack (all jailed), and the perpetrators of the African enbasies all dead, or jailed…. In reality (Please I urge you to study history) Bush at the dawn of his administration COULD CARE LESS ABOUT OSAMA OR AL QAIDA….. Is on the record!!!!!!!!! If you care to at least research your fantasies before you print them. The focus of the Bush administration pre 9-11 was China, star wars, and North Korea…. Nothing about terrorism was in the agenda.

    Furthermore if you care (again) to research the subject before you talk about it, you will find out that the NSA Directorate left detailed plans to combat terrorism to Ms. Rice. She ignore them until after the 9-11 attack. That is a fact…. And I dare you to come up with any evidence that the Bush Administration was focusing on al Qaida or any terrorist organistaion at all prior to the attack.

    I could go on but frankly you need some education and some History lessons at the most basic level.

  9. The Macker says:

    • malaki is not our creature. He was elected and was not our first choice.

    • Agree Iran is a threat, but less so with a strong consentual government in Iraq.

    • Many that you label “Chicken hawks” on this site are veterans.

    • Don’t forget that the “surge” is more than a troop increase. It also means “holding” each region when it is secured. That wasn’t done before.

    • Might not the appeasers be somewhat worried that the “surge” will work, reversing the poll numbers by election time?

    • Finally, Don’t forget that Truman had lower poll numbers than GWB does. And he has grown in stature.

  10. wiley says:

    Excellent posts I-hadit.
    Americans do not favor withdrawl & surrender — we want to win (don’t know about you, Gil). With the daily bombardment of negative MSM broadcasts, of course polls show that most think things are not going well. But not one poll indicates americans want immediate withdrawl & defeat. No duh everyone wants the troops to come home — but not before the job is done.

    And only a moron can really believe that it is OK to authorize the war, and then do everything to undermine the CINC and his commanders in the field from executing the mission. Even if one did not vote for the war, it is still un-American (& anti-troops) to go all-out to work for defeat, which is what many of the dems are doing and what Gil & soothy & their ilk are hoping for.

  11. MerlinOS2 says:


    I don’t have to insult your intelligence.

    You do quite well on your own.

  12. MerlinOS2 says:


    You are dealing with someone that cant have any connection to what war is like.

    I could not expect that poster to understand in any scope the concept that if you hit a person in the hand with a 50 cal that it would take off the whole arm.

    Hit em in the knee and the whole leg is gone.

    These concepts are foreign to them.

    They don’t understand that warfighters know that have to do stuff like that and have to deal with ghosts of their past way farther down the road.

    But somehow bravely posting pixels that form words can somehow give them a form of self induced gravitas.

    But still some of this ilk want us to withdraw from Iraq with no credible argument for the issue or logic except they just want it done.

    Evidently some parents skipped the lesson that sometimes you have to take NO for an answer.

    Not just because NO was the easy response, but because it was the right one.

  13. For Enforcement says:


    Stop trying to insult our intelligence will you?

    You’re assuming a helluva lot.
    We all know there is none there to insult.

  14. Soothsayer says:

    Oh – Dennis-

    the old I’m too old to serve but I can still send kids off to be killed. The perfect refuge for chickens**ts.

  15. Soothsayer says:

    You can’t support the troops if you:
    Deprive them of adequate armor in battle;
    Try to steal their health insurance coverage and leave them rotting in urine soaked, rat invested snake pits;
    Keep rotating them into battle for years beyond their initial commitments;
    Slash the survivor benefits to which their families are entitled

    A-f***ing-men, Legaleagle.

    But what would one expect from draft-dodging chickens like Bush and Cheney.

  16. dennisa says:

    Soothie – The only chickenshits are you and your anti-war colleagues. And you know it. That’s why you point the finger at other people and yell, “Chicken”. You can’t deal with the reality of conflict, so you blame Bush instead of your actual adversaries. And what part of being “too old” don’t you understand? And did you dodge the draft?

  17. dennisa says:

    Just one more thing – Bush served in the Air National Guard, and Cheney got perfectly legitimate deferments. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, tried to use the influence of his employer, Senator William Fulbright, to avoid being drafted. Clinton subsequently lied to his draft board in order to get a deferment, a fact which he famously admitted later in a letter to that very same draft board. If you are as uninformed (or lying) about other matters as you are about this, why should anyone value your opinions?

  18. Mark_for_Senate says:

    Once again. Don’t waste your time on soothie. He is stupid. Not ignorant. Stupid. Ignorance can be corrected through education. Stupid cannot. Facts and realities that oppose his/her/it’s twisted world view, just bounce off. Soothie will remain stupid for eternity.

  19. Dc says:

    First, yes…their efforts to end the war is to do so before they end up in the WH (which they think they’ve got a good shot at this time). That would leave them responsible for things. God forbid.

    2nd…When people volunteer for the military, they don’t get to choose where they are sent, or how long, or how many times etc. It’s not like doing a vacation travel plan that you opt out of. Nor does attacking recruiting stations or trying to censor them in some way…help support the troops. Most of the recruiting goals have in large part been met by soldiers re-upping to stay with their units. That means for quite a few of them, they could have been home, but chose to stay with their units and redeploy to Iraq.

    3rd..yes…support the troops but not their mission is a ridiculous statement born out of politics. What about I support the war in Iraq…but not the troops who are doing it? It’s a ridiculous statement always has been. (wondering if J Kerry came up with it)

    4th..the other ridiculous notion is that a president or anyone else in gov who ultimately makes the decision to go to war…must do so based on personal experience of having been in one. I’ts a ridiculous statement and is actually more of a personal attack than a statement that carries any sort of logic, legal sense, or sense of history. And just for the record Soothie, I tried 3 times to get in/volunteer after 9/11 and they won’t take me because I’m too old/medical. Not that that fact has “any” bearing on my “authority” to somehow speak on the matter. Only people like you would think that it is.

  20. ivehadit says:

    Gil , I hate to burst your bubble, but those are not my comments. They belong to the writers of certain books/articles. If you wish to sue them for fraud, I’m sure you can. But they are indeed true.


    And Gil, last time I checked laws are MADE in Congress, not the Judiciary…but I know that you can’t help thinking that, being a liberal and all.

    And, your comments attempting a rebuttal are….so liberal-just your wishes, not facts.