Mar 09 2007

Undercutting the troops…

The Democrats have decided to impose a timetable on the troops, never mind that the surge has shown signs of success. In a very real sense, they have decided to take the coward’s way out. When Multi-National Force-Iraq held briefings for Congressional leadership, the Dems didn’t even show.

The President is right to call it a non-starter, but he is being kind. What the Democrats are doing is much worse.

The Democrats are placing a knife in the back of General David Petraeus and every solider, sailor, airman, and Marine trying to help the democracy in Iraq get on its feet and recover from the tyranny that Saddam’s regime held over the Iraqi people. It is, in essence, telling al-Qaeda in Iraq and other terrorists that they want to quit. There is no other way to describe it.

Am I being hypocritical given my earlier criticism of Ann Coulter? I submit that I am not. First of all, I’m telling the truth. This is a stab in the back. Should the Democratic legislation pass, our troops will not have been defeated by al-Qaeda, they were defeated because Congressional Democrats decided to cut and run, aided and abetted by the mainstream media, which has waged its own war against the war on terror.

Second of all, I am opposing something that is utterly indefensible – to wit, undercutting the mission of our troops. One cannot support the troops and oppose the mission they are on.

Our troops can win this war if they are allowed to do what it takes. We’re about to find out who in the Beltway is willing to do so, and whose “support the troops” talk is just insincere talk for a soundbite on the news.

69 responses so far

69 Responses to “Undercutting the troops…”

  1. Terrye says:

    Of course you are not being a hypcrite, this has nothing to do with her. What has she done to help anyone but herself?

    The point is the Democrats have decided all is lost, that is the political stance they have taken and so they are going to do their best to make that happen.

    Never mind that it will make the job more difficult and dangerous for the troops that are there now. Can you imagine what it would be like for the last troops in Iraq once the Democrats have signalled the retreat?

    If the Democrats want to make these decisions they need to have a Democrat has Commander in Chief, rather than just constantly undermining the one that is in there.

  2. Carol J says:

    That’s absolutely right Terrye! And look at what’s driving the Dems to stab our troops in the back…the lunatic leftists.

    In case you haven’t seen it yet:

    Check out the “Gathering of Eagles” video on You Tube:

    If you’re in the DC area on St Patrick’s Day (March 17) meet up at the Wall!! Stop the anti-war left from desecrating the war memorials!!!


  3. Aitch748 says:

    If the Democrats want to make these decisions they need to have a Democrat [as] Commander in Chief, rather than just constantly undermining the one that is in there.

    I do remember reading somewhere that some Republican operative expressed his opinion that the only way, the only way, the Democrats could get behind this war and truly support it is if they had the White House, if not all three branches of government. (Maybe not even then, for then I guess they’d feel freer to just ignore the war as much as possible and concentrate instead on nannying us to death.)

  4. Carol_Herman says:

    Hey! During the Civil War, the democrats were calling for surrender to the south! And, no need for an Emancepation Proclimation, either.

    Turns out, in 1864, Lincoln got 212 Electoral Votes, and the lousy general, McLellan, the cause of war woes from 1860 thru 1862, ran as the donk candidate. And, got 12 votes.

    Of course, AFTER the Civil War the blacks entered the donks’ camp where they were treated to NOTHING. But they got their votes. After affirmative action came down the pike? Well, ya got what ya see.

    As to the battle with the muslims, not limited to Iraq; where they have the financial capital to fight us for years and years. And, they’ve got a bedrock of insane stock from which to pull … You have to wonder about what the donks are up to.

    Because in DC they get what they want. You saw this with the guilty verdict to Libby, an innocent man. But remember this. Their trumpets (the press). Or, you can call them strumpets, for I don’t care. Really aren’t getting the traction they once got during Nixon’s years. Heck, even their “star,” Kerry couldn’t get elected prez. Showing you, that when you need 50 states to “cut a deal,” Bush will win. HOW? He will veto any dreck that goes beyond the current “sound stage.”

    As to how successful are the donks? You’ve seen box office bonanzas, like Apocalypse Now, dooding out of their studios? Nah. I didn’t think so.

    The hollywood crowd, though, appeals to a european audience. If you got trapped into watching the latest oscars, you’d know there were plenty of foreign nations’ flags flying that night. How do I know? I listened to Drudge. And, laughed.

    Soon, it begins to dawn on lots of folks that the donks don’t have anything else to sell. (Pretty similar to the old Civil War, but at least in this one we really are not piling up bodies.) How many bodies did the other war claim? 600,000.

    Oh, we could hit a number like that, again, if the donks come anywhere near the levers of real power. Meanwhile? They’re shedding some of their top dogs. In case you didn’t notice, smell these: Russert, Gregory, Tenet, Andrea Mitchell, Judith Miller, thrown in for good measure. And, Colon Powell and his bud, Armitage.

    Condi isn’t gonna have much of a run when Bush leaves the White House in January 2009. She’ll be like Madeline Halfbright. Another twit, again, if you’ll notice, that doesn’t really have enough clout to impress most Americans with her wisdom.

    Of course, you’re not quite sure what Bubba has left. He’s still in his marriage from hell. And, he horses around with other wemmen. Who can blame him? Too bad he’s foisted his haradan on all of us, though.

    While Guiliani already has sewn up California. He looks to have made inroads into Pennsyvania and Ohio. (And, in politics, Hillary ain’t gonna get back into the White House. Since she can’t sneak in either. Her hips wouldn’t fit though any of the windows.)

    It worries you that the donks are so depressing? Why? One of the off-shots is that the Iraqis are afraid. WHICH IS A GOOD THING! Because for years they knew no fears. They just took uncle sugar’s money. Ah. And, the HOUSE OF SAUD was sure, nay, certain. That this prez was gonna be their Realtor. And, they’d get Iraq, and Syria, and parts of Israel, for good measure.

    So far? Independent countries are not making goo-goo eyes at the saud’s. Or haven’t you noticed?

  5. ivehadit says:

    There is no question that the arm of the democrat party a.k.a. the media would support this war if a democrat were in power. They would run public service announcements every day touting how great things were going. And they would harangue anyone who dared to speak about the hypocrisy.

    They already have these commercials ready…for when they win back the White House in ’08…so they can “prove” that they are better at protecting America than republicans are. Mark my words!

    I know that John Podesta took many polls to find out what the public liked about republicans back in 02 so he could systematically discredit every single positive remark made about republicans.

    They are trying to wear us down. They want to beat us into submission.

    THIS IS MIND CONTROL, FOLKS by bigtime bullies/abusers. These global socialists are as dangerous as they come.

    We MUST continue to expose them. We must continue to fight their tactics.

    It is deadly serious. America hangs in the balance.

  6. ivehadit says:

    A must read, it is EXCELLENT!:

    snip/”In narcissistic personality disorder, people feel they are special and therefore entitled to the things they want at the exact moment they want them. When denied, narcissists become irrationally angry and lash out with personal attacks. But because they crave adulation, they can become irresistibly charming in the very next minute.

    Sound familiar? For eight long years, President “I feel your pain” Clinton failed to pass a law to provide senior citizens with prescription drug relief, failed to muster up the morality to pass a law banning third-trimester abortions that kill fully formed babies on the very verge of birth, failed to free the black people in this country from the slavery of welfare until a Republican Congress accomplished this sea change in America’s landscape. But he did not fail cut and run from Somalia, bomb an aspirin factory or wage an air war against people who were no threat to the United States, or to ignore numerous Al Qaeda attacks on our country and throughout the world, effectively setting the stage for the devastation of September 11.

    Narcissism, in fact, is at the root of liberals’ embrace of abortion. While “power to the powerless” is their anthem, no legislation has ever been more passionately embraced than the abortion-on-demand law of 1973 that allows all “caring” liberals to kill the most powerless among us. Of course, this does not conflict with their horror at the deaths of minks, because in their minds these rodents are already here while developing embryos – with heartbeats and nervous systems, eyes and ears – are simply “tissue.” Nor does it conflict with their horror at “civilian” deaths, even when they result inadvertently from American military forces.

    Borderline personality disorder is characterized by a complete inability to tolerate the gray complexion of life – or politics. Liberals always cast those who disagree with them in stark shades of black and white and often resort to “scorched earth” retaliation. They also go out of their way to conceal the fact that, like other sociopaths, they have no consciences and no remorse – except for the likes of minks, of course.

    Such is the nature of liberals, whose identification with and empathy for our enemies is a hopeless muddle of self-congratulatory “understanding” and hatred of authority. Instead of seeing the epic struggle we are now engaged in as an opportunity to stand with America for the spread of freedom and for defeating our enemies, liberals choose to stand against everything that is good and great and exceptional about our country.

    To most people, this is self-defeating, irrational, even dangerous behavior. But remember, that’s how some children are! However, when fully grown adults act this way, in spite of the fact that they’re fixated between the ages of 6 and 12, such behavior is not only treasonous, it’s also pathological.

    So the next time you’re watching or listening to a liberal, observe the symptoms I’ve mentioned. Note the anger, the pessimism, the negativity, the name-calling, the bursts of rage, the gratuitous insults, the desire to present an image of “goodness,” the transparent attempt to be liked, the willingness to change an opinion if the old one isn’t polling well, and the eagerness to placate our enemies, the better to avoid a fight so that those enemies will “like” us.

    Ask yourself: Is this behavior different in any way from a child’s behavior? Then ask yourself: Do I want a child to be the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief in a time of war?”

    From ” The Pathology of Liberalism”

  7. Soothsayer says:

    One cannot support the troops and oppose the mission they are on.

    Says who?

    That’s the most ridiculous declaration I’ve ever heard. If George Bush falls off the wagon, starts hitting the Jim Beam again, and orders an invasion of Canada, you’re saying we have to support the invasion or we won’t be supporting the troops??

    The best way to support the troops is to get them the hell out of Iraq. If you want to talk about undercutting the troops – take a drive over to Bldg 18 at Walter Reed – and you’ll see first hand what undercutting the troops looks like.

  8. Aitch748 says:

    Trust Soothsayer to come up with the most ridiculous scenarios for his counterarguments.

  9. Soothsayer says:

    Abraham Lincoln on pre-emptive wars:

    Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose – – and you allow him to make war at pleasure. Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect, after you have given him so much as you propose. If, to-day, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, ‘I see no probability of the British invading us’ but he will say to you ‘be silent; I see it, if you don’t.’

    Sound familiar?

    The provision of the Constitution giving the war-making power to Congress, was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons. Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This, our Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. But your view destroys the whole matter, and places our President where kings have always stood.

    That’s why it is our duty to oppose the war – yet support the troops. Seems like both Honest Abe and Soothsayer have come up with the same “most ridiculous” scenarios.

  10. dennisa says:

    Absolute rubbish. We have no duty to oppose the war. We have a duty to defend our nation and its people. A lot of people waste their time and ours by writing anti-war pablum.

  11. Soothsayer says:

    We have a duty to defend our nation and its people.

    Then why are you sittin’ on your butt stateside? Or are you blogging from Baghdad?

  12. For Enforcement says:


    One cannot support the troops and oppose the mission they are on.

    Says who?

    Anyone with more than one brain cell generating electricity.

    that woould exclude you.

  13. dennisa says:

    Shut the hell up, Soothsayer. I’m too old to serve. Take your comments and put them some where. I’ve had enought of shit stupid comments like yours.

  14. dennisa says:

    You know, soothie, I can’t stand whining little Democrats like yourself. You do nothing but repeat the same asshole cliches over and over again. You people are dishonest, agenda-driven, and are doing your country a great disservice.

  15. For Enforcement says:

    Soothie, you might want to review the constitution a little.

    If war is declared, it is Congress that declares it, but no where does it require war to ‘be declared’ to defend the nation. The C in C makes the determination to commit troops to defend the country
    The constitution also provides ways to control the Pres. If he abuses his power, impeach and convict him or vote him out in the next election.
    Otherwise, just get informed.

  16. Aitch748 says:

    Ah yes, the old “if you’re such a big fan of the war then either you need to be in Iraq getting shot at or else you need to put a sock in it” argument.

    What was the topic of this thread again? Oh yeah:

    The Democrats are placing a knife in the back of General David Petraeus and every solider, sailor, airman, and Marine trying to help the democracy in Iraq get on its feet and recover from the tyranny that Saddam’s regime held over the Iraqi people. It is, in essence, telling al-Qaeda in Iraq and other terrorists that they want to quit. There is no other way to describe it.

    So our resident lunatic decides to tell us we have a duty NOT to support the war. Of course, his attitude is like saying you support your local fire department but absolutely will not tolerate having them sent out to fight fires because there might be a backdraft.

  17. The Macker says:

    The Dems want to give the enemy a roadmap, and that’s OK with Soothie.

    GWB is a leader of Reagan proportions, and Soothie slobbers something about “falling off the wagon.”

    Soothie always defends tyranny, terrorism and legal aberrations.

    This person makes my skin crawl.

  18. legaleagle says:

    “You cannot support the troops and oppose the mission they are on.”

    Sure you can. JUST LIKE THE 70% of the American public that wants to end the war. See how nice and easy that is?

    Of course, this drives those with tiny Republican brains wild with frustration, like petulant 5-year-olds screaming “I know you are, but what am I.” It’s just so sad; it seems so simple to Republican simpletons: “When we say support the troops, we REALLY mean support the war. But the Democrats won’t play by our rules; they keep saying they’re for the troops and against the war. IT’S JUST NOT FAIR!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!”

    YAWN. I thought even the pro-war lunatic fringe might recognize that the “Treason, Surrender, Appeasement, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah” line of propaganda was wearing a little thin. But I guess their frustration is being excacerbated by the actual EVIDENCE from Congressional hearings that Republicans are busy stabbing the troops in the back in many different ways. And, of course, the fact that the Democrats plan to happily rub their snouts in that fact for years to come.

    Here’s a different formulation Republicans should start working on: You can’t support the troops if you. . .

    Deprive them of adequate armor in battle;
    Try to steal their health insurance coverage and leave them rotting in urine soaked, rat invested snake pits;
    Keep rotating them into battle for years beyond their initial commitments;
    Slash the survivor benefits to which their families are entitled;
    Scream “COMMUNIST” when it’s time to raise taxes to actually pay for the troops’ “mission;” and, finally,
    Belong to an organization of fanatics and hypocrites that loves to use the miltary as props for sleazy propaganda, but flushes them down the toilet the second the public’s back is turned.

  19. Aitch748 says:

    Oh look, somebody else banging his rattle and screaming for attention.