Dec 29 2006

The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein

Published by at 8:05 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

Major Update: It is done – good riddance Saddam. May you face in death the millions of people you brutally murdered over your pathetic lifetime. Some thoughts. Saddam’s passing will lift a cloud from Iraq and its new government and give the democratic government some serious street credibility. The liberal left has taken a huge hit if watching CNN and Alan Colmes on Fox is any indication. Colmes was obsessed with the idea Saddam would be a hero to some. I guess he just missed all the holocaust denials and those who, to this day, praise and pray for the return of Hitler and Stalin. Sad, but these pathetic humans do exist. And Peter Arnaut was on CNN claiming Saddam was senile and the only reason we took Iraq was his sons did not have his military genius. America is going to be watching the Democrats – and if the liberal media is any indication there is a good chance they will blow this. Saddam’s shadow was felt here in the US most of my life – and all of my adult life. His passing was also felt a half a world away here in the US. One can only imagine the power of the impact in Iraq.

Update: Keep an eye on the reporting from Iraq by Iraq The Model as event unfold with Saddam’s hanging. – end update

All I have to say on the matter is good riddence, and the world is a much better place. But I will explain why I have no pity for Hussein. He had no pity for anyone else. No one should forget how he came to power – as a murderous thug. His ascendecy over Iraq began with a staged-crafted purge of his political enemies:

He knew when to kill his enemies and when to compromise them. In the purge that followed Saddam’s final assumption of the presidency, for example, ranking members of government were arrested not in secrecy, but at public meetings. And then their colleagues — ministers and party leaders — were ordered to make up the firing squads. They were made part of the terror.

If you have ever seen the video of this act it is chilling to the bone. Purging his enemies was a special gift of Saddam’s. He started two major wars with Iran and Kuwait resulting in the deaths of millions. But his signature atrocity against humanity was the gassing of his own people. I find myself feeling less for this animal than I would an actual animal dying. The man was brutal, insane and dangerous. It was only a matter of time before he was able to obtain the WMDs he needed to ravage this world. While the lefties will defend Saddam as a saint before crediting Bush with removing one of history’s most evil figures, that just illustrates how deranged the left is in this country. They see Bush as worst than Saddam. Thankfully that warped view of reality is held only by a petty minority. Anyone who opines for Saddam is crazy or sick. The rape rooms and children’s torture chambers are closed, as are the mass graves of his victims. The world is a much better place now.

Update: The best I have seen on this matter in the Blogosphere is, not surprisingly, by Rick Moran. As usual he and I see things very much the same way. He just says it better.

131 responses so far

131 Responses to “The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein”

  1. Rosenkreutz says:

    Enforcement, yep, I can’t imagine he’s enjoying any virgins right now, wherever he is. Despite the lack of a credible translation/transcript in this case, it really amazes me how journalists warp stuff with their preconceptions and biases. Just give me the facts, however uncomfortable they are. Though a lot of left-leaning journalism graduates will tell you that there are no facts, just points of view. It’s that attitude that is at – or near – the heart of the problem, imo. Another example of the way in which postmodernism is eroding the fabric of Western society.

  2. For Enforcement says:

    Rosenkreutz you’re right. And it didn’t just start. I can recall from my youth in the 40’s and 50’s reading local stories in my local newspaper of which I knew the facts and I could hardly recognize the story in the paper, it was so full of fantasy. But I guess journalists have always lived in a world where the story was what was important, that it get attention and cause controversy whether it were true or not, just make it up as they go along. I remember when I graduated from college, that the journalism majors got the lowest starting salaries in the school. People recognized their worth even back then. For some reason, if someone hears it on the tv or reads it in a newspaper they seem to tend to believe it. Little do they understand the the journalists live in a world of their own.
    Just like Ken on this blog. It seems as if he writes it, he believes it must be true. He must be a journalism major.
    Unfortunately the press sways the voting public way beyond normal comprehension.

  3. the good doctor says:

    Hey Mohamed …..See you can paste links and quote. Do they teach this is wikepedia?

  4. Rosenkreutz says:

    Enforcement, I guess that’s the other side of it – doing anything to get the ‘story’, even if there’s no ‘story’ there. Sounds like it’s an old problem from what you say. I’m going down to the river to let off some fireworks and forget this crazy world for a few hours – it’s almost midnight here. Happy new year! Here’s to peace and freedom in Iraq.

  5. ivehadit says:

    Happy New Year to all!
    Best wishes for a healthy, safe and very prosperous New Year~

  6. likbez says:

    Happy New Year for everybody !

    Saddam was not a major player anymore. In no way he was a symbol of resistance after his capture (and may be from the beginning of the war as his gross inaptitude was evident to Iraqies).

    If you wish this is more a celebration party for Iranian Ayatollahs and their puppets in Iraq.

    I doubt that this event can help to stabilize the country. Neither in PR sense (he got some kind of martyr status; also most Europeans shrugged at his execution as some think that he was a prisoner of war), not in combat (unfortunately there might be a couple of desperados, who will try to kill GIs to revenge his death, although I doubt that such lunatics exist: most Sunnis probably think that he got what he deserved even if they do not approve the execution).

    All-in-all this is a non-event with some negative publicity in Europe.

  7. For Enforcement says:

    likbez , Really?

    “All-in-all this is a non-event with some negative publicity in Europe.”

    Let’s see, if I asked a grandfather that had seen his entire family gassed by Saddam, non-event?

    Let’s see, if I asked a man that his wife and daughter had been the victim in a rape room of dozens of men, non-event?

    Let’s see, if I asked any one of millions of others that had loved ones tortured and killed with no mercy at all, non-event?

    Somehow, I don’t believe most would agree that it was a ‘non-event’.

    Hey, but that’s just the way I think.

    You may be right. After all, some Americans actually wish for American military to be killed in Iraq. So, there are a lot of non-humans in the world.

  8. For Enforcement says:

    Got an independant thought ????

    Left by Dio

    Dio, sounds like you are a typical lefty wingnut.

  9. For Enforcement says:

    Just can’t let this pass, it’s too good.

    Thanks to the American Thinker

    “The New York Times’ own Rathergate
    Thomas Lifson
    Byron Calame, public editor of the New York Times, has laid out a carefully worded exposé of the utter breakdown of editorial standards at the New York Times. The fact that paper prominently published a falsehood is only the beginning of the problem. When the falsehood was exposed, two senior editors of the paper issued a defense of the article without bothering to check the readily available court documents which critics had cited. Based on this negligent defense, the newspaper’s publisher, Pinch Sulzberger, has rebutted critics who have written in.

    Worst of all, even after the proof of the lie, the paper’s editor and publisher refuse to publish a correction or even an editor’s note. The paper is therefore content to let the lie stand, officially. If it were interested in honest reporting, it would be duty-bound to issue a retraction, one as prominent as the original lie.”

    Here’s the link:

    Just as I say, you can’t believe anything in the NYT.

  10. For Enforcement says:

    It’s next year!!!!

  11. Bikerken says:

    LIKBEZ, Non Event? This is the first time in history that an Arab dictator who was slaughtering tens of thousands of people in his own country was conquered, in a week, trapped and found, shortly after, and hanged by his own people sooner than a crackhead murderer would file his first death penalty appeal in the United States! If we had had a GW Bush in 1938, WWII could have been avoided! Now, you may disagree with that, but I would love to hear you explain why. Saddam was a madman who was stopped in his tracks before he could reach the level of Hitler, but he was most certainly on the same career path! Non event my ass! No madman has ever endured this fate in the Middle East EVER! It is time that they realize the rest of the world is fed up with their shit. GW, You Rock!

    For Enforcement, I knew that as soon as this cockroach was dead that the nattering nabobs of negativism would come out of the woodwork to downplay it. They have to do that, because if they didn’t, it would mean that GW and the US actually did something good! And you know they can’t have that.

  12. For Enforcement says:

    You got it, Bikerken, ditto

  13. Ken says:

    Air Force Times is left, Barbee–Neanderthals like you won’t have proof of troop disenchantment unless fragging starts. You’re a despicable wench.

  14. Ken says:

    For Enforcement

    Anyone who consults Wikipedia can answer your British Empire query-I’ll answer it privately after you send the 100$ to Strata.That’s an impudent cretin’s price of admission to an education.

  15. For Enforcement says:

    Very interesting story at Riehl Word View.

    This is a story about the NYT refusing to post hanging of Saddam on line, but they had posted the shooting of the American soldier. At the same time saying lgf had the entire footage of Saddam’s hanging. lgf said they do not.

    Seems this is further evidence that NYT doesn’t know fact from fiction.

  16. Ken says:

    Barbeen-the poll was taken by Military Times in co-operation with the military. Now what saps your esteemed troops would be, and their officers, if they
    allowed themselves to be suckered by a “liberal” pollster. So it’s your choice, doll, disenchanted or saps.

  17. Ken says:

    For Enforcement

    Did you know European media, including France’s,
    commonly publish graphic pictures and video of
    both Iraq and US casualities, which the dainty MSM
    here, not wanting Americans to get too angry about the war, refuses to publish?

  18. For Enforcement says:

    Well Kenny, wikipedia says none, so you should be mailing in the hundred. Check out those NYT stories I linked to for some excellent examples of the Times never being right about anything. Same as you.

    I see you tried to blow smoke on DaleinAtlanta’s challenge also, he pretty well tore you a new one on that. Funny you don’t even make an attemt to answer the British Empire challenge, as would be expected when you know you are wrong and just don’t want it rubbed in.

    Go back to sleep.

  19. Ken says:

    Barbeen warbles

    “Are the families of the people he sent through the shredder included in this garbage? Are the people he tortured included? Are the parents of the children he tortured also included? Are the women he had raped included? Are the soccor players who were tortured because they lost included? Are the families of the people he gassed included? And how about the parents of the children he dropped out of airplanes? You are truly a fool for defending the indefensible.”

    You’re the fool Barbeeee.

    I have ready many interviews
    of Saddam’s victims expressing both their hatred of him, and their hatred of the US forces and occupation. You might have noticed those killing Saddam were chanting “alSadr””al Sadr”–even an idiot like you should be able to discern the alSadr
    fans hate America too, despite using its occupation to get even with Saddam. Maybe you’ll be convinced if Bush attacks Iran and they come to Iran’s side as they have already vowed, moron.

  20. For Enforcement says:

    Kenny baby, Barbara’s point, as others, is the the Military Times as all the other services newspapers are only mouthpieces of Gannett News and as such, you can’t believe a damn thing they say.
    Liberal Rags all

    Go back to sleep