Dec 29 2006

The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein

Published by at 8:05 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

Major Update: It is done – good riddance Saddam. May you face in death the millions of people you brutally murdered over your pathetic lifetime. Some thoughts. Saddam’s passing will lift a cloud from Iraq and its new government and give the democratic government some serious street credibility. The liberal left has taken a huge hit if watching CNN and Alan Colmes on Fox is any indication. Colmes was obsessed with the idea Saddam would be a hero to some. I guess he just missed all the holocaust denials and those who, to this day, praise and pray for the return of Hitler and Stalin. Sad, but these pathetic humans do exist. And Peter Arnaut was on CNN claiming Saddam was senile and the only reason we took Iraq was his sons did not have his military genius. America is going to be watching the Democrats – and if the liberal media is any indication there is a good chance they will blow this. Saddam’s shadow was felt here in the US most of my life – and all of my adult life. His passing was also felt a half a world away here in the US. One can only imagine the power of the impact in Iraq.

Update: Keep an eye on the reporting from Iraq by Iraq The Model as event unfold with Saddam’s hanging. – end update

All I have to say on the matter is good riddence, and the world is a much better place. But I will explain why I have no pity for Hussein. He had no pity for anyone else. No one should forget how he came to power – as a murderous thug. His ascendecy over Iraq began with a staged-crafted purge of his political enemies:

He knew when to kill his enemies and when to compromise them. In the purge that followed Saddam’s final assumption of the presidency, for example, ranking members of government were arrested not in secrecy, but at public meetings. And then their colleagues — ministers and party leaders — were ordered to make up the firing squads. They were made part of the terror.

If you have ever seen the video of this act it is chilling to the bone. Purging his enemies was a special gift of Saddam’s. He started two major wars with Iran and Kuwait resulting in the deaths of millions. But his signature atrocity against humanity was the gassing of his own people. I find myself feeling less for this animal than I would an actual animal dying. The man was brutal, insane and dangerous. It was only a matter of time before he was able to obtain the WMDs he needed to ravage this world. While the lefties will defend Saddam as a saint before crediting Bush with removing one of history’s most evil figures, that just illustrates how deranged the left is in this country. They see Bush as worst than Saddam. Thankfully that warped view of reality is held only by a petty minority. Anyone who opines for Saddam is crazy or sick. The rape rooms and children’s torture chambers are closed, as are the mass graves of his victims. The world is a much better place now.

Update: The best I have seen on this matter in the Blogosphere is, not surprisingly, by Rick Moran. As usual he and I see things very much the same way. He just says it better.

131 responses so far

131 Responses to “The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    Barbara, you said about Ken:
    “I can come to from all his rants about hatred of the Jews, Israel, the US government, the military, the US itself is that he is not an American and not an American Firster (he probably laughs every time he says he is).”

    It’s even worse, Ken actually wishes for harm to come to the American military serving in Iraq. He has stated that numerous times.

    Nice guy.

  2. For Enforcement says:

    Daily laugh: Ken said:
    “even after experts have informed you of this impossibility,

    Definition of an expert: Someone with a briefcase that travels and asks you what you want them to restate in ‘expert’ terms for you.

    Experts, of course, don’t have ‘original’ ideas, They are just “expert” at telling you what you want to hear.

    Kinda like a leader, someone who sees a crowd headed somewhere and runs and gets in front of them.

  3. crosspatch says:

    Rusty has the video up at mypetjawa and AllahPundit has it up at HotAir too.

  4. For Enforcement says:

    Ken said:”I’m just here to correct ignorant statements.”

    Do you need us to link you to your ignorant statemenst so you can correct them? That’s about all the ignorance I read here.

    DaleinAtlanta, you’ll never succeed against proving Ken wrong because he will never respond to what you challenge him on. His practice is to link you to some liberal rag and claim that’s proof, when in fact, it’s always totally unrelated or disproves him completely. Then when you point that out to him, he resorts to name calling, the true measure of a shallow mind without an argument.

    I’ve challenged him on several things such as his statement that the British empire crumbled under Churchill and to date, he hasn’t named one single country that left the empire during Churchill’s two terms. Not one.

    That’s his tactic.

  5. For Enforcement says:

    Barbara, I asked Ken a similar question some time ago about whether the 90% that like Saddam were in the groups you mentioned. He didn’t answer.
    Ken only relies on liberal rags and very left wing nuts. See all those listed above on his “proof”, …. all liberal rags.

    Ken has a vision that Iraq is in total chaos, but somehow there are literally thousands running around over there door to door polling the Iraqis. I’d like to see the result of how many Iraqi’s have truly been polled even one time.
    How would they know if the poller were someone out to murder them if they didn’t like their answer.

    Somehow, I feel pretty sure that no polls Ken quotes have any basis in reality.

    Barbara, I think you have Ken figured out pretty well.

  6. MerlinOS2 says:


    How do you get from what I stated to where you went?

    A severe jump of logic to say the least.

  7. DaleinAtlanta says:

    CrewDog: thanks; I had to go to a wedding, and just got back; in the meantime, you completely and thoroughly deconstructed Ken’s Leftist, Pro-Jihadi/Anti-American bullshit; no need to do anything more.

    His rant, about Cheney/Rumsfield, and Bush Sr. arming and creating Saddam, is a complete and utter Leftist Delusion, that they Jacobin Leftists have been pushing since the 1980’s; complete and utter fantasy!

    But, it suits their BDS, Anti-American agenda, so they’ve been hooked like the proverbial big old bass on a fat worm!

    What a bunch of morons!

  8. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Ken: more deconstruction of your Leftist, Anti-American Agenda!

    The Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps Times “newspapers”, are owned, operated, and the Editorial Agenda set by the GANNETT CORPORATION; the Gannett Corporation is the Parent Company of one of the most Anti-American/Anti-Bush newspapers in the entire MSM, USAToday!

    ‘Nuff said….HAH!

  9. Barbara says:

    For Enforcement

    It doesn’t take a genius to figure out Ken. You meet his kind all the time. Know-it-alls. Everybody is stupid but him. He feels the need to correct the “stupidities” of everyone around him.

    But you have to wonder if Ken even has a job. He sure does post a lot. And evidently goes to all the lefty blogs to get information and acts like this was all his research. That he read all the newspapers and other news outlets and comes to his conclusions on his own. No one has that much time. Everything he says is a conglomeration of several people, all lefties of course. He probably doesn’t associate with any other kind of people. All of which means he is guilty of plagarism.

    The people he quotes as experts and pollsters have all been discredited. Lefty professors, lefty columnists, lefty blogs.
    all people with an agenda. I wonder why he thinks we would give any credence to any of them. And then
    when he has no lefties to quote and to make his point, he pulls polls out the air. Most of his polls are ridiculous. I highly doubt 80% of Americans are against the Iraq war. They might be against the way the war is going. (I personally feel we should be more agressive.) There are not that many stupid people in this country. And 90% of Iraqis think they were better off under Saddam Hussein. Please. And I forgot how many of the military he said think they should come home. That percentage doesn’t stand up with what the returning military say. I don’t believe in polls anyway.

    I’ll come right out and say it. “Ken lies”. He lies to make himself feel important. There is a saying “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. And this is Ken. A man (boy) of little knowledge who puffs himeself up as an intellectual. I wasn’t kidding about his internet thesaurus. He probably plays with it every day. No one uses the words he does . Ever.

  10. ivehadit says:

    Did anyone see the American Thinker article by J.R. Dunn? He lists the deaths of many tyrants…from the article:

    snip”…Most of the great butchers of the 20th century died of old age, in their own beds, some of
    them honored by millions. Not a single one met justice in the sense accepted in free states across the world. The handful who died otherwise are aberrations, victims of strange events that act as models for nothing.
    There is one single exception – the hanging of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006
    after a careful, lengthy trial carried out under extremely difficult circumstances according to
    internationally recognized judicial norms. The state of Iraq has succeeded where the rest of the civilized world has failed. It is a singular achievement, and it will stand. ”

    Hail to the Iraqis! We are so proud of you!

  11. Dio says:

    “So he must either be a liberal or an Arab of one kind or another.”

    People like you make me sick.

    Your statements are not thought out, just rewordings of trash
    that viagara pigs like Limbaugh spew.

    Hey, Barb, Bush and the Cons are losing and America is
    paying the price.

    Got an independant thought ????

  12. Digital Skunk says:

    All America needs to do now to end Terrorism forever is to capture, judge, and execute every memeber of the KKK, Neo Nazis, and Skinheads.

    Then the world can live in peace.

  13. tempester says:


    I could not ave put it better myself. I dont believe in the death penalty and think it is very un-civilised. I think he should have been sent to the international court and held to account for ALL his crimes.
    But for me a better punishment would be life inprisonment with the ope that in ten years time he would see Iraq a success without him, is rule held up as a black era of history.

  14. Rosenkreutz says:

    Quite so, Tempester. Still, what’s done is done – let’s hope Iraq will be a success anyhow. Happy new year to you and all the other posters (yes, Ken too, who knows how to liven up a thread!)

  15. Digital Skunk says:

    Now all America has to do to get ride of terrorism is to hunt down, judge and hang all of the memebers of the KKK, Neo Nazis, and Skinheads.

    I know GW can do it.

  16. For Enforcement says:

    Ken, to sample an article of recent vintage of the NYTimes to see if they have learned to write anything true yet, I decided to read the coverage of Saddam’s hanging.
    Thanks to Captains Qtrs for pointing this article out.
    So I read it, now I can go back to ignoring your favorite liberal rag.
    Read it yourself and watch the video of Saddam’s hanging yourself and see if the description in the Times bears any resemblance to reality.
    Then ask yourself this question.
    How is it that they get everything 100% correct except in the one thing that there is an independent film that we can compare their story to and they didn’t get anything at all correct in that one story?
    Once you answer that question correctly, you will understand why only a ‘believer’ could believe them on anything.

  17. Rosenkreutz says:

    Enforcement, I’m not doubting what you’re saying, but exactly what did the NYT article get wrong? I can see that CNN got it wrong, in that they had a big headline for a while repeating the official Iraqi government version saying that he was ‘a broken man’ when he died. That was very obviously contradicted by the mobile phone video.

  18. For Enforcement says:

    An example:”
    His last words were equally defiant.

    “Down with the traitors, the Americans, the spies and the Persians.”

    His last words, according to the video I saw had to do with repeating something like ” there is only one God and his messenger is Muhammed, repeated a couple of times.

    “Mr. Hussein’s eyes darted about, trying to take in just who was going to put an end to him.”

    Not in the video

    “Long live the nation!” Mr. Hussein shouted. “Long live the people! Long live the Palestinians!”

    Not in the video.

    Any need to go on.

    Died with his eyes open?
    Not in the video.

    Tell you what, you pick out something in the paper that ‘was in the video’ and point that out to me.

    Are all these little things? yes. and Lies all, as I said, that’s all the NYT writes.

  19. Rosenkreutz says:

    Hmmm… good points… though his eyes do seem to be open as he is swinging from the noose. It would be interesting to have an exact transcript of the voices heard on both videos, to the extent that they can be heard.

  20. For Enforcement says:

    I guess there are two versions of the video out, the one you and the NYT saw and the one I saw. Seems to be two versions of most things. The liberal and the conservative. Wonder why it is that when a man says something that two people hearing it interprets it two ways.

    Anyhow, maybe Muhammed made a special place in hell for him. I sure hope so.