Jun 07 2006

Anne Coulter Needs To Keep Quiet

Published by at 7:20 am under All General Discussions

Ed Morrissey has noticed a another Anne Coulter disaster-gaffe in her interview with Matt Lauer promoting her new book (which I will not be reading):

LAUER: On the 9-11 widows, an in particular a group that had been critical of the administration:

COULTER: “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.”

“These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.”

Ed Morrissey rightfully compares Anne to Ted Rall, one of the most despicable people on the planet. I don’t know what happened to Anne, but she is a walking disaster for conservatives. I was at CPAC when she made her disasterous comment about Ragheads. That was a horror too. At a time we need moderate Muslims to stand by our side and resist the Islamo-fascists Anne detonated a mega-ton stink bomb. Personally I doubt she should ever come back to CPAC. Because we don’t need Begala-Carville-Rall clone, we need all those Muslim-Conservatives groups that set up their tents at CPAC for a week showing solidarity.

I have no problem with anyone speaking in this country – it is their right. And they definitely deserve the right to be respected when speaking from conviction and painful experience, and not slandered and hurt in this way. Anne Coulter is no Conservative. She cannot be. Either that or I am no conservative. There is no way to condone such cruelty. Anne, sit down and just don’t talk anymore. You have done enough damage.

Addendum:  The 9-11 widows respond to Coulter’s disgraceful comments:

Contrary to Ms. Coulter’s statements, there was no joy in watching men that we loved burn alive. There was no happiness in telling our children that their fathers were never coming home again. We adored these men and miss them every day.

It is in their honor and memory, that we will once again refocus the Nation’s attention to the real issues at hand: our lack of security, leadership and progress in the five years since 9/11.

There is much more, so please read the entire response.

74 responses so far

74 Responses to “Anne Coulter Needs To Keep Quiet”

  1. hehe..AJ you are no conservative as you yourself have repeatedly stated…

    Ann though is conservative through and through and additionally what she is saying is exactly true. Those certain widows wear their husbands deaths on their sleeves as some sort of amulet against any sort of rebuttal of their disgusting views.

  2. HaroldHutchison says:

    Couldn’t agree more, AJ.

    As far as I’m concerned, I’m not leaving conservatism – conservatism has left me.

  3. Coulter On Anti-Bush 9/11 Widows (Video)…

    Click to Download (.wmv) If you haven’t heard by now, Ann Coulter appeared on this morning’s Today Show to promote her new book Godless and, as could be expected, it wasn’t without controversy. Matt Lauer confronted Coulter about a……

  4. trentk269 says:

    I think Pierre has nailed this one, A.J. When the Dems are in charge come November, write us a big post on how we all need to pull together more.

  5. Harold you were never a conservative…its ok. Once you are a conservative you never go back. I was once a liberal when I was 18 for about 4 months…voted for Carter then as soon as he got into office realized the asshatedness of my vote. Never looked back.

    Started reading National Review shortly thereafter, then Capitalism the Unkown ideal and then Atlas Shrugged and never once have taken a step back towards liberals.

  6. Karig says:

    Clearly Ed Morrissey’s no “conservative” either, since he’s comparing Ann Coulter’s remarks with those of Ted Rall (he said something similar about the 9/11 widows a few years ago).

    Clearly *I* am no “conservative” either, since I don’t think Ann Coulter should get a pass for the kind of comments that made Ted Rall so despised. I agree with AJ Strata and Harold Hutchinson.

  7. Kitty Litter says:


    It’s quite possible that all the right-wingers who are bloviating about Coulter’s “cruelty” are secretly relieved that someone finally took those Jersey Girls to task. I loathe those women’s tactics of wrapping themselves in their grief in order t…

  8. ivehadit says:

    This is the kind of behavior that kept Bill Clinton in office: a pitcher and a catcher. The catcher succeeded in making the pitcher out to be mean-spirited, angry, and cruel….Ann again turns the myth into truth.

    The nation has rejected this kind of behavior over and over again. I can’t think of one of these “conservatives” with this kind of rhetoric that has won a national election, ever.

    As far as I am concerned a conservative NEVER conducts him/her self in such a manner. Positive ideas not toxicity/contempt are the hallmarks of conservatives.

    Ann is the same “coin” as Kos, just the opposite side. I don’t like what is written on her heart. Look in the mirror, Ann.

    Your style of communication negates many of the fine points that we agree on.

  9. crosspatch says:

    Oh, Ann is a conservative, she is also a jackass. She should have made clearer that she was speaking about a specific group of 5 widows and not all of them.

    Don’t get me wrong, someties Ann’s writing makes me laugh out loud when she really casts a zinger. I like seeing her push the left’s buttons but her comments in this case could have been misunderstood to be about ALL the 9/11 widows, not just the one particular group who quite frankly, deserve to be brought back to reality. Her words were just plain mean. There’s no reason for it.

    I have a feeling things would be different if instead of starting with “These self-obsessed women “, she began with “These five self-obsessed women, a very small portion of the 9/11 widows …”

  10. SallyVee says:

    I’m so over Anne. I did not miss her while she was writing her book and I do not intend to return to Rapunzel’s feet now that she’s promoting a book with her usual flamethrowing femme-in-undergarments routine. She’s beginning to remind me of Madonna — whose act is also stale, repetitive, and a bit young for her age.

    It’s not that I don’t agree with Anne about plenty of things. We’ve had similar conversations, for instance, about the 9-11 widows over our dinner table. My problem with Anne is, she does absolutely nothing but offend every person from center to Left. And as for the Right, I don’t need to be convinced, and I don’t need to read one more rable rousing book. I’m no longer in the mood for Anne’s brand of invective and discourse — it’s not winning any converts. There was a time, absolutely, when Anne inspired me with her stark combativeness and fearless debate. But that was a decade ago now.

  11. HaroldHutchison says:


    When Ann Coulter starts using racial epithets in public venues and making cruel comments about those she disagrees with, she has crossed the bounds of civility and decency.

    I was unaware that one had to condone such stuff to be conservative…

    Which reminds me… who the hell appointed you the arbiter of what is and is not conservative?

  12. For Enforcement says:

    AJ, Sorry but it’s you as you have admitted several times lately.
    “Anne Coulter is no Conservative. She cannot be. Either that or I am no conservative.”

    I am a conservative and Ann is probably my favorite commenter, she really zings the dems.

    “This is the kind of behavior that kept Bill Clinton in office:” Had she been as outspoken back when Bill was running the first time, he might not’ve gotten elected. Carville,Begala are much worse AND what they say is NOT true as what she says usually is.

    The “five” said:
    “Contrary to Ms. Coulter’s statements, there was no joy in watching men that we loved burn alive”
    I’m gonna see if I can find out, if in fact, any of the 5 actually watched their “men” burn alive.
    If they did, that’s terrible, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I suspect they not be completely truthful, just drama for effect. If I’m wrong, I’ll apologize.

    I’m also gonna say that people that don’t see humor in Ann’s writing have got to be closet Libs and the daggers are landing close to home.

    The main difference as I said is that there is usually truth in what she says where as when the Libs try to be funny it’s usually a lie and falls flat. “Al Franken” is a good case in point.

  13. For Enforcement says:

    WOW, this story sure brought out the Closet Liberals. Let’s just say that anyone that doesnt” think Ann is Conservative, just wouldn’t recognize a conservative. If the shoe fits and what I’m saying here makes you wanna scream… then the shoe ain’t fitting.

  14. HaroldHutchison says:

    Closet liberal?

    Well, I guess it also shows who insists upon a defense of the indefensible.

  15. crosspatch says:

    Let me get this straight, if one doesn’t appreciate the kind of language Ann used (doesn’t matter who it was aimed at) then they are a closet liberal? That is beyond silly. I don’t like talk like that from the left OR from the right. To say there aren’t idiotic conservatives as well as idiotic liberals is to live in a cave. Idiocy knows no political boundaries (or apparently any boundaries of decent society).

    Ann’s words probably did more to mobilize those idiots than they did to stifle them.

  16. crosspatch says:

    In other words, take Ann’s words and imagine they were aimed at pro-administration gold-star mothers demonstrating against Cindy Sheehan or something and see how it sounds. Ann messed up by not putting her comments in the proper context and keeping the focus narrowed to that context. Imagine how a child who lost their Dad would read those words that Ann said. For example:

    “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.”

    Could have been:

    “There are five self-obsessed women who seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. These “Jersey Girls” believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing Bush was part of the closure process for a handful of the widows.”

    The second phrasing says the same things but makes explicit that which was implicit and might be missed by a huge number of average everyday Americans who don’t follow politics closely enough to understand what she was talking about and only heard the pi** and vinegar.

  17. Terrye says:

    Closet liberals? Oh puhleaze. And you know what? Considering the amount of Bushbashing coming from the Buchanan wing of the party who is Coulter to complain anyway? All she does is bitch bitch bitch.

    62 million people voted for George Bush. The Republicans are a majority today because a majority of Americans felt they could agree with conservatives on enough issues to make them tolerable.

    This kind of behavior makes conservatives look mean, spiteful, and stupid.. Sometimes I think cosnervative men get a kick out of Anne because her weight and her IQ are both about 95 but in truth I find her offensive, more so over time.

    I remember when Harriet Miers was nominated and Coulter made her snotty, snobby, elitist comments about the Ivy League being oh so much better than every one else. I went to IU, I guess that means that Ann Coulter considers me a peasant.

    She is very rich, very privileged, very connected, very white, very blonde and very offensive. How conservatives think this will help their cause is beyond me. She is Michael Moore’s alter ego in drag.

    3,000 people died that terrible day. They did not die to give Ann Coulter fuel for her big mouth. I think her remarks are beyond the pale.

    If that makes me a closet liberal then you guys should get out there and show America what conservatives are really like. Call people names, make fun of their looks and their background and their lack of money and blue blood and treat their losses and concerns as if it were meaningless.

    Of course you would lose the White House, the Congress, the majority of Governorships and state houses. But they might let you win dog catcher, unless of course the animal rights people put up a fight.

  18. Captain is a conservative but mistaken, but Hutch isn’t a conservative, neither is AJ, and Terrye certainly isn’t. Sorry I don’t make the rules I only follow them.

    Ann is doing what other conservatives don’t have the balls to do and that is understand what the left is all about and go after them with a hammer and knife. Conservatives have been playing nice and polite with the Left since around 1930 and all its gotten them is second place. Don’t look now but the left dominates the schools, colleges, the press and most opinion outlets. The strategy of being above fighting tooth and nail with the left has allowed a vacumn to develop which the left has been only too glad to fill. So now we get to watch helpless young people get out of college who don’t have the philosophical backround to understand what is being spewed at them by every single opinion outlet of note.

    The point of Ann Coulter was to shock others into realizing that the Emperor has no clothes…one does not do that by mentioning it politly in a subdued fashion as has been the Republican fashion. Reagan was a counter to that habit….y’all seem to forget just how outspoken he was.

    Make no mistake we are in a fight for our very lives with two groups, the left and the Islamists. Both are comrades in arms. Coulter is not your enemy…she is an ally whether you appreciate it or not. Those women were using the fact that they were widows to stand above others to have their voices heard…wearing the deaths of their loved ones on their sleeves as some sort of amulet against opposition.

  19. crosspatch says:

    What Ann is doing is what Howard Stern does. She is being the “shock jock” of the right. I just don’t happen to care much for the “shock jock” approach or the schtick.

  20. crosspatch says:

    I fact, I will be you a a burger and shake that she would make an EXCELLENT choice for a syndicated morning drive-time talk show to go right up against Howard Stern. I would be she would be very successful. I wouldn’t listen to either of them, though … much.