Mar 11 2010

The Slaughter Of America’s Democratic Republic

Published by at 7:14 am under All General Discussions

We all know liberals hold our nation in low esteem. But when this distaste for all things America is combined with their obsessive delusions of grandeur, we are learning these people will destroy anything in their path to prove their disastrous schemes (we are way beyond ‘risky’) are actually mana from Heaven!

Today we have the latest scheme to pass their government take over and destruction of our private health care – just dictate it from the House without any actual vote.

The Slaughter Solution is a plan by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), the Democratic chair of the powerful House Rules Committee and a key ally of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), to get the health care legislation through the House without an actual vote on the Senate-passed health care bill.  You see, Democratic leaders currently lack the votes needed to pass the Senate health care bill through the House.  Under Slaughter’s scheme, Democratic leaders will overcome this problem by simply “deeming” the Senate bill passed in the House – without an actual vote by members of the House.

An article in this morning’s edition of National Journal’s CongressDaily breaks the story, starting with the headline: “SLAUGHTER PREPS RULE TO AVOID DIRECT VOTE ON SENATE BILL.”  Excerpts:

House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter is prepping to help usher the healthcare overhaul through the House and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Senate overhaul bill, the chairwoman said Tuesday.

Slaughter is weighing preparing a rule that would consider the Senate bill passed once the House approves a corrections bill that would make changes to the Senate version.

The good news is we now know Obamacare is dead on arrival because it will never pass constitutional muster. Even if the Dems shop some federal courts, the people in enough states will rise up in revolt. The liberals want to go all out – they are about to learn what ‘all out’ means. They have not realized Americas revulsion of government rationed health care is stronger than their doe-eyed groupie love for it.

But one thing is becoming clear to Americans, they will need to eject these corrupt, power-mad people as soon as possible. If the Democrats are crazy enough to jettison our constitution and our democracy (irony: Democrats corrupted to the point they kill their namesake) then Americans will have open to them a slew of legal and political avenues. I cannot fathom what 100’s of millions of creative and angry minds will devise in response to liberal madness – but by going to the “Slaughter” rule democrats have opened the flood gates.

America is in for a rough ride this year, but it will be a cleansing ride. I just hope we keep it civil and legal. More over at Powerline. Also, Jim Geraghty has some amazing polling data on how abysmal Obamacare in the minds of independents and swing voters.

Update: Here is more on the ‘rule’ congress has used to avoid being responsible and on the record for their votes in the past – and which is being used to totally bypass the Constitution in this Congress. Count me in the revolution if this goes down this ugly.

33 responses so far

33 Responses to “The Slaughter Of America’s Democratic Republic”

  1. lurker9876 says:

    “But one thing is becoming clear to Americans, they will need to eject these corrupt, power-mad people as soon as possible.”

    This sort of thing happened under FDR (there is a website full of FDR cartoons and what is amazing is that those cartoons are “history repeats itself as long as people don’t know the history”. They are exactly what we are seeing today). This also happened under Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, and Nixon.

    Yet, after each of these Presidents, the American Public ends up uniting together to either vote them out or wait until the President dies (FDR).

    So this is cyclical. Why is it cyclical? Because our school system’s curriculum is based on progressivism and statism. Our kids, over the years and as long as their parents are not conservative, would have learned that statism is the best thing for our country…leading to an utopian society.

    So, by ejecting these Democrats out of the office and replacing them with conservatives (according to the Merriam-Webster definition, which AJ has issues with this term) that will follow the Founding principle…isn’t going to be ENOUGH. Sorry, AJ! Sure would appreciate if you would use a different term to paint those real extremists like David Duke, Phelps, and Buchanan.

    We need to take responsibility for our local school systems to ensure that our schools are teaching our kids the truth about our Founders, rather that the revisionist history. We can no longer allow the federal government to dictate one standard curriculum for the nation’s schools.

    I sure do hope they will follow through the Slaughter solution. At least, start the process.

    BTW, AJ, I’m told that the Bolden email is a hoax. Is that true? Obama ain’t gonna appease those KSC’ers in next month’s summit. I am willing to bet that there will be a massive protest when he goes down there.

    That NASA summit is going to be very similar to the health care summit. Obama’s gonna tell us that he knows better that we do.

    Geesch, most of us here predicted all of this in the two years prior to the November 08 elections; yet, many did not believe us.

  2. lurker9876 says: – FDR cartoons.

    Click on each link and take a look at some of them.

    Truly, truly amazing to see that history is repeating itself today. Too bad that history is going to repeat itself again in 50 years unless we do something to ensure that the future generations will allow it to happen.

  3. lurker9876 says:

    I meant…future generations will NOT allow it to happen again. They need to be taught to recognize statism versus natural law. And they need to fully understand what natural law means.

  4. KauaiBoy says:

    Now is the time for Americans to educate themselves on how to recall members of Congress (since impeachment may be tougher to sell with all the lawyers running amok). Since we don’t allow our king to dismiss the legislature, we need to actively oust these career criminals under whatever rules apply. Congress has received its no-confidence vote on more than a few occasions yet they continue on their ruinous path. Their collective egos and lack of intelligence are at all time highs (with the gap continuing to widen) and there are no ramifications to their actions (or so they would like to believe). The tyranny of the minority will end—let’s hope peacefully. And then we can do it all over again in another 40 years!!!

  5. lurker9876 says:


    Maybe us civilians should be the ones to legislate instead of them?

    I am so angry.

  6. WWS says:

    Read closely the very end of that last article you linked by Daniel Foster – at the end, he realizes that yes, this could result in the sidecar failing and only the Senate Bill being passed, but this might be a good way to trick Stupak and the other holdout House members into voting for it anyways.

    So it’s probably, in the end, just another scheme to trick Stupak into giving up his opposition and making the Senate Bill law.

  7. tarpon says:

    I suggest a name change, call the “The Oppressives” — Words mean things.

  8. Whomever says:

    With God’s help, then, this whole episode will allow us not to be ad hominem in the clear future:
    **When someone is destroying union, we can just say she is “slaughtering” the good.
    **When someone was greedy, we can just say that he “madoff” with too much.
    **When someone threatens to be stupid and follow special interests once we have secured against them with campaign finance reform and term limits, we can just say she’s trying to be “stupak”.
    **When someone is obsessed with sex, we can just say he uses his “woods” too often.
    **When someone has too much time on his hands we can say he’s “biden” his time.

  9. lurker9876 says:

    “The tyranny of the minority will end—let’s hope peacefully. And then we can do it all over again in another 40 years!!!”

    I am glad that I won’t be around in 40 years but hate to think that we would be passing Obama’s debts, deficits, and ever increasing unfunded liabilities to future generations. They will remain oppressive to paying off our mistakes.

    WWS, I keep reading in the last few weeks that if Pelosi does not get the vote, then they will find a way to get the Senate bill to Obama’s desk without the House vote.

    Even if it is unconstitutional, they will find a way to make it constitutional.

    They are so desperate in finding ways to get ObamaCare passed. They are reading every word, every line, every document until they find a way to make it happen.

    We’ve already tried to revolt through the tea parties and townhall meetings. We saw how SEIU and some senators and representatives manipulated those townhall meetings. We saw MSM’s attempts to paint the tea partyiers as evil, violent, racists, etc.

    So any new revolts in the streets will be met by Obama, his thugs, and Senators and representatives that are afraid of the backlash.

    Let’s hope that Pelosi will delay it past the Easter recess. But I think she will push for something before the Easter recess.

  10. lurker9876 says:

    “So it’s probably, in the end, just another scheme to trick Stupak into giving up his opposition and making the Senate Bill law.”

    Stupak told John McCormack that he’s seeing through their games and won’t vote based on their promises and threats. He won’t vote until that provision against abortion is clearly written down in the bill.

    Of course, what bill? It’s in the air!

  11. KauaiBoy says:

    Term limits will only increase the speed at which they loot the treasury. How about an IQ test to vote—Pelosi’s district would certainly be excluded as would she. And to think that nitwit is actually third in line—-only in America!!!

  12. WWS says:

    Actually, passing an unconstitutional bill would be a very good thing – with all the friction between the SCOTUS and the POTUS, I think it’s clear that Chief Justice Roberts would take satsifaction in tossing the whole thing out as quickly as he could.

  13. Whomever says:

    it is terrifying to realize Pelosi is in line after Biden.
    this will become a theme in the 2010 elections.
    Cantor v. Pelosi – Many Americans know her name now, but few know his yet.
    Fortunately he is intelligent and well spoken, calm and dignified.
    Put the two side by side and most people of any persuasion would know in their hearts and guts – if not their minds – that they would prefer to have Congress led by his intelligence and not her – whatever it is she has that got her there (affirmative action perhaps? Some idea like how cute it would be to have a woman in that spot? who knows the history of how she won that spot?)

  14. oneal lane says:

    If I were very skilled in drawing and graphics programs I would love to produce a animated comic for the internet featuring Obama and Pelosi arm in arm singing the 1987 power hit by Starship “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” with Nancy, of course singing Grace Slicks part.

  15. TomAnon says:

    Everyone should contact their elected Representatives immediately. It is not hard. If you are in a state such as mine where there is one party rule, Democrat, then threaten to change parties, join Democrats, manipulate from within and primary your representative out.

    If you think this can be repealed once it gets through, you will be very disappointed. It needs to be stopped now, once and for all. The constitution was put in place to protect the people from a large over-bearing central Government. It also protects the people from anarchy. Thus, once something is passed it is all but impossible to reverse it. Twisting the rules to reverse something would be just as bad as twisting them put something inplace.

    There are good Democrats out there that want to take a stand, they need to hear from you as well.

  16. WWS says:

    clarification, whomever: John Boehner is the minority leader, Cantor is in the #2 spot, the minority whip. I do agree that Cantor has about the best public image of any of the House Rep’s.

  17. Whomever says:

    oh – duh. that makes me one of the uneducated Americans.
    Boehner v. Pelosi. I can just see the jokes coming now.

  18. Aitch748 says:

    Oh. My. God.

    I read a reference to this Slaughter thing this morning but didn’t know what it meant.

    So not only does Congress not READ the bills it votes on, but under this proposal, they won’t have to even VOTE for the bills either?

    You know, I think I made a joke on one of these boards some weeks back about vote fraud making an appearance in Congress where before it only affected elections. But THIS is analogous to cancelling an election altogether, in order to guarantee the results the electees want.

    OK, who thinks these cockroaches WANT a rebellion on their hands, and who thinks that they’re just clueless about the possibility of rebellion?

  19. Aitch748on 11 Mar 2010 at 11:33 am

    Oh. My. God.

    But THIS is analogous to cancelling an election altogether
    , in order to guarantee the results the electees want.

    Since NOTHING appears to be unthinkable to these bastards, just WHAT circumstances could be used to attempt THAT crap?

    I know; that question should automatically fall into the loon category, but every time you think these people have reach a new level of lunacy, you learn that you haven’t seen anything yet.

    I never wanted that moron in the White House, but I never expected that my worst fears of him would actually be exceeded.

    I’m honestly beginning to fear that my “lunatic” question may really become something to be concerned about. They truly have no limits; or at least appear to think that way.

  20. oneal lane says:

    This is an insane plan. I do not think folks back home are going to swollow it.

    It is my understanding the House will only have to vote to accept the rule and not vote on the bill. “Mr. and Mrs. District
    Back Home”, I did not vote for the bill, I only voted for the rule.

    This kind of reasoning soulds like something Beaver Clever, with Eddie Haskel’s help, would find attractive.

    This kind of political gaming is not unknown to the U.S.

    Here in the State of Louisiana during the 1930’s we had our own version of Obama. Huey P Long was a governor turned U.S. Senator. Offering the same kind of socalist rhetoric as Obama. Long gamed the system, cheated ,pushed, ignored the law, broke arms and legs etc……..

    If your interested in how current national events are a recapitulation of the Long era in Louisiana, read
    “Louisiana Hayride – the American rehersal for dictatorship 1928 to 1940.” by Harnett T, Kane.