Tag Archive 'Vice President'

Aug 11 2012

“Small-Government” Rep Paul Ryan Joins Team Romney

Mitt Romney made a bold move today – he picked a running mate that will easily overshadow him for the rest of the election cycle (like Sarah Palin rapidly overshadowed Senator McCain). And like Sarah Palin before him, Rep Paul Ryan is going to be the small-government, Libertarian, Tea Party voters’ rallying point on the […]

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Sep 21 2009

Promises, Promises …

VP Biden makes a promise I sincerely doubt will happen, but which could fuel the drive of anti-Obama voters to come out in droves to stop the liberal idiocy that has gripped DC this year: Vice President Joe Biden said today that if Democrats were to lose 35 House seats they currently hold in traditionally […]

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Sep 04 2008

It’s A Brave New World This Morning

Good-bye glass ceiling. The Barracuda from Alaska is coming to tear you down. If there were any doubts about Sarah Palin (or women) they were shattered last night. Sarah Palin now stands astride both tickets, diminishing all those men with the exception of her Co-Maverick who had the guts to make history. And now we […]

18 responses so far

Jul 29 2008

Obama About To Pull An Al Gore

Remember Al Gore, the guy who couldn’t even carry his home state? Well Barrack Obama will likely carry his home state, but he is betting he can pull a hat out of the rabbit and take VA (which is very purple right now and getting bluer). He seems to think if he can tap our […]

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