Tag Archive 'Trayvon Martin'

Apr 11 2012

Justice Served In Trayvon Martin Case

Yes, this the Trayvon Martin killing is a complex and tragic case. As I predicted when first posting on this matter, it was clear charges were coming since George Zimmerman had plenty of off-ramps to avoid the confrontation and the end result. This is the right path to take. This will shut down the nonsense […]

64 responses so far

Apr 07 2012

Good For NBC

In what should be a normal occurrence when any news organization evidence of misinformation in a story (see RaThergAte), we are now living in a day and age when we find the rooting out of liars a rare and special event. With so much bias and filtered news out there (filtered to hide the full […]

62 responses so far

Apr 01 2012

Final Trayvon Martin Post For A While

The scales of justice can move very slow, but then deliberation is a good thing when dealing with highly emotional and tragic situations. When people’s lives are at stake, taking the time to get it right is not a bad thing. Clearly, the end result in the Tryavon Martin case is going to be one […]

80 responses so far

Mar 26 2012

As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble

Update: As the  Zimmerman’s camp calls for patience, one wonders where Zimmerman’s patience was on the night he cornered (and probably threatened if not enraged) Trayvon? Update: Read this as well, because it lays out the reasoning that shows Trayvon was the victim, Zimmerman the obsessed vigilante. It means Zimmerman is the likely culprit: If […]

81 responses so far

Mar 25 2012

New Wrinkle In Trayvon Martin Killing While Leftwing Nuts Go Crazy

  As I noted yesterday, the tragedy surrounding the death of young Trayvon Martin is about to be eclipsed by left wing political vultures looking for any reason to get in the news. The worst offenders now being the New Black Panther Party, coming out with their tired old racism: And in Sanford, Florida, a […]

36 responses so far

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