Tag Archive 'Muslim'

Jun 03 2009

People Suffering From Obama Derangement Syndrome Need To Take A Chill Pill

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT,Iran

Two bits of news came out recently regarding Obama and the Middle East challenges which have the conservatives suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome in full self destruct mode. The first was Obama’s statement that Iran should be allowed access to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes: President Barack Obama suggested that Iran may have some right to nuclear […]

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Jan 27 2009

What Price Peace Mr President?

Published by under All General Discussions

Obama took and interesting, if impotent, move today by making his first press interview directed towards the Muslim World: President Obama expressed optimism yesterday about the prospect of peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but he said a peace accord will take time and require new thinking about the problems of the Middle East as a whole. […]

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