Jun 03 2009

People Suffering From Obama Derangement Syndrome Need To Take A Chill Pill

Published by at 9:14 am under Bin Laden/GWOT,Iran

Two bits of news came out recently regarding Obama and the Middle East challenges which have the conservatives suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome in full self destruct mode. The first was Obama’s statement that Iran should be allowed access to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes:

President Barack Obama suggested that Iran may have some right to nuclear energy _ provided it proves by the end of the year that its aspirations are peaceful.

What I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations,” Obama said, adding that the international community also “has a very real interest” in preventing a nuclear arms race.

The president has indicated a willingness to seek deeper international sanctions against Tehran if it does not respond positively to U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama has said Tehran has until the end of the year to show it wants to engage with Washington.

While some on the right fainted, I need to point out this is Bush policy as well. In fact, the thrust of international negotiations all through the Bush years was ways for Iran to access nuclear power for electricity while walling off access avenues for nuclear weapons production. The top proposal for years was for Russia to help Iran build their nuclear reactors and control the fuel, providing the fuel to run the reactors and taking back the spent fuel so it could not be used to make weapons grade material.

Nothing President Obama said violates are changes the Bush policies and options that where considered then.

The second big news is that President Barrack Hussein Obama has Muslim roots in his family. This is straight out of the ‘what planet have you been living on’ breaking news. Yes, he downplayed it during the election, but it was no secret. And when you have the likes of Anne Coulter (recall her ‘towel head rant at CPAC?  I do, I was there and it was ugly) and Pat Buchannan and the rest of the nativists who crawled out to attack anyone Ayrab or Muslim since 9-11 (recall Dubai Ports World), it is not surprising Obama would try and keep his family’s religion (not HIS religion) out of the discussion about his qualifications.

But instead of ringing alarm bells as if we are under attack from al Qaeda again I can see a lot of potential here for Obama to use this family feature very positively. He can rightly and legitimately note America cannot be against Islam if it elected the son of a Muslim. He could make personal connections a Muslim neophyte could never make. He could show respect in ways a Muslim neophyte could never make.

In essence he could make more and stronger allies within the moderated Muslim community, which are required to break the back if the extremists inside the Islamo Fascist wing of Islam. We won Iraq by making alliances with moderates and turning others away from al Qaeda. We will only win this war if we build bridges to Muslims like we did when we built bridges to Germans and Japanese after WW II.

As for the potential for the US to be the largest Muslim nation, it damn well should be the largest ‘Muslim friendly’ nation if we want real allies. What is wrong with that? 

Of course, the rage of the ‘true conservatives’ could neuter this opportunity greatly by screaming about Muslims and Ayrabs. Tell you what, when the government mandates we all will become Muslims I will start ringing alarm bells too. Right now I see someone trying to set the stage (maybe awkwardly, but it seems to work) for his trip to the Middle East as President of this nation.

If he can pull of some concessions, get some people to cool off and strengthen our allies – I am all for it. I am not one of those holding their breathe for the man to fail. He seems to be following the Bush policies, using his own style and strengths. What more could anyone on the right ask for?

Addendum: I want to include this comment I wrote to a reader that explains why the ‘true right’ is doing more to self destruct than challenge Obama with all these marginal, wide-eyed distractions they keep running to:

The liberal economic schemes of Obama, Pelosi and Reid and their destruction of our economy is THE big problem facing the nation. And it should be THE ONLY problem opponents spend time addressing. All this other crap is not only a distraction, it is so hysterically silly it destroys credibility with the rest of America who are concerned at what Obama is doing with our economy.

Obama IS following Bush policies on national security. One way to gain credibility outside the right wing echo chambers is to give him credit for this. If we acknowledge is efforts here, where we can because he is not surrendering to terrorism, it then gives us credibility to challenge his mistakes where we should, on the economy.

Right now the Obama Derangement Syndrome fever has people doing more to destroy their own credibility than building a challenge to President Obama on his most dangerous ideas – those on the economy. Geez, if it means stopping the risky liberal policies how hard is it to use some self control and give some credit where it is due?

Until the right focuses and gets serious, until they can recognize our President’s good decisions without question or caveat, they have no standing with America. No credibility. They need to get themselves out of the fevered swamps if they want to make a difference.

32 responses so far

32 Responses to “People Suffering From Obama Derangement Syndrome Need To Take A Chill Pill”

  1. ph2ll says:

    I don’t have a problem with BO stating that Iran has a right to nuclear energy. I just wish that the left would let us/USA have nuclear energy. It is cleaner than coal and would make us more independent which is something I thought the environmentalists left wanted?

  2. bobsunshine says:

    It doesn’t bother me about Obama’s roots, but what does concern me is what he has done in just 5 months and what he will do in the future. Some will say that “it started with Bush” or “we inherited it from Bush”. That is just not correct. Most of the problems we have now stem from decisions made decades ago and policies enacted over the years, mostly from a Democrat Congress. Obama is making the situation worst with all the spending and no results.

    Obama is not following “Bush’s policies” when he nationalizes the automakers. Or when he pushes to nationalize health care, Or when he wants cap-and-trade, no nuclear plants, and to shutdown the coal fired plants.

    We live in a great country, but the sooner people wake up to what is happening, the better. I’m concerned about the debt we have taken on and the stimulus bill that hasn’t worked. Like they say, “How is that Hope and Change working for you?”

  3. WWS says:

    come on, you’ve got to admit that “the largest muslim nation” statement was completely inane. It’s not even the largest nation that has some muslims in it – Russia takes that prize. What rankles me is not the muslim part; it’s the attitude of a man who could not care less whether what he says or not is true. The only test is whether or not it will make his audience feel good at the moment. Talk about a snake oil salesman! (and come on, admit it, you look kind of silly trying to defend him by defending a statement that he didn’t say but that you just made up, “largest muslim friendly nation.” You’re supposed to have a better grip on facts than that.)

    Also, I think there’s plenty of room to be critical of how the press is treating the revelation of the “muslim roots” story – not based on the existence of the roots, but on the tone of the coverage then and now. Don’t you remember that just 6 months ago it was “racist” to even mention such a thing? All of our betters said so. Of course, that notion is down the old memory hole now.

  4. AJStrata says:


    I agree! The liberal economic schemes of Obama, Pelosi and Reid and their destruction of our economy is the big problem. And it should be THE ONLY problem opponents spend time on. All this other crap is not only a distraction, it destroys credibility with the rest of America who are concerned at what Obama is doing.

    Obama IS following Bush policies on national security. One way to gain credibility outside the right wing echo chambers is to give him credit for this. If we acknowledge is efforts where we can, it gives us credibility to challenge his mistakes where we should.

    Right now the ODS fever has people doing more to destroy their own credibility than challenging Obama on his most dangerous ideas.

  5. AJStrata says:


    If inane works in that part of the world then so be it. How many Hitler Youth pictures hit the blogosphere over that comment do you think?

    Now THAT is inane – comparing President Obama to Hitler. Watch those glass houses folks!

  6. kathie says:

    I think that Obama believes that if only the Israeli’s would be nice the Palestinian problem would go away. I believe the problem is that Israel exists.

    Obama believes that America’s policy causes terrorism, I believe that America’s strength and belief in the value of Democracy needs to be brought down so that the caliphate can take it’s rightful place in the world.

    I believe Obama lied about his Muslim roots before the election and now wants to exploit them believing that Muslims will like America.

    I believe that Obama lets Congress write policy because all Obama has is a good speech.

    I believe that Obama would not use Rev. Wright’s words because they would make him unelectable, but that his heart is with Rev. Wright. America is not a paragon of virtue and Obama will correct our history with his historic election.

    I believe that Obama will denigrate the Bush foreign policy, but that he will follow the Bush foreign policy because his guys are really about domestic policy, and haven’t given foreign policy much thought except as a political tool to bash republicans.

    I believe that talk show people are making a big fuss so that the Republican elected officials can look thoughtful, which they are.

    I believe that Obama is naive and the world knows it. And Osama is going to make us pay.

    I believe that Obama has his head in the clouds of academia which doesn’t translate very well to the real world, and he doesn’t even know it.

    I believe that MSM will ultimately bring Obama down because they have chosen not to not hold him accountable.

    This is a short list.

  7. kathie says:

    One more belief.

    Obama said, ” Democracy, rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of religion — those are not simply principles of the West to be hoisted on these countries, but rather what I believe to be universal principles that they can embrace and affirm as part of their national identity.” Is not that what the Bush administration has said all along? Where has Obama been for since 911? Where have his fact checkers been? I believe that Obama thinks that the world was born with his inauguration.

  8. Redteam says:

    What a strange situation.

    We know about Obama and his ‘muslimism’, it’s not news.

    what is strange is he ‘claims’ to be a Christian to Americans, but when it suits the situation, he wants ‘everyone’ to know he’s the son of a muslim, thinks like a muslim, acts like a muslim, but we’re not supposed to link him with ‘being’ a muslim.

    What’s that old saying about, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck?

  9. WWS says:

    While it may be inane to compare Obama to Hitler, it is in fact completely appropriate to compare Obama’s economic policies to Mussolini’s Fascism. That is exactly the path he has put us on. (see Jonah Goldberg’s detailed analysis for more info)

    One of the biggest lies of the last 70 years has been that Fascism is somehow “rightwing” while communism was “leftwing.” In fact, both are just different flavors of socialism which are distinguished from the English version, Fabian socialism, only by the degree of top down social organization which is imposed. I suppose the best case that can be made is that Obama is simply a Fabian socialist who would never go as far as Mussolini or his big brother. The Fabians, by the way, were directly responsible for the economic collapse of Great Britain in the years following WW2 and for the general collapse in GB’s standing in the world, from pre-eminent world power to second class bit player.

    Right now, I’d say that’s the path we’re on.

  10. WWS says:

    meanwhile, check out Hot Air today – Brian Williams just got caught on camera *Bowing* to Obama!!!

    Watch the footage, it is absolutely unmistakable.

    Yep, that’s credibility, I tell ya.

  11. kathie says:

    MSM comments on the most recent Osama tape. Saying Osama is quite irrelevant, hiding in a cave somewhere, while the Muslim world is going to listen to Obama and pay close attention, he has raised the hopes of the muslim world. I guess Osama is a has been!

  12. Neo says:

    In admitting that the US is a “Muslim country” has Obama repudiated the accomplishments of Battle of Tours in 732 and, in effect, given the appearance of accepting the extension the caliphate to include North America to the Muslim world ?

  13. Jules Roy says:

    I was there and it was ugly) and Pat Buchannan and the rest of the nativists who crawled out to attack anyone Ayrab or Muslim since 9-11 (recall Dubai Ports World)

    Ask any Arab or Muslim what most offended them: the Dubai Ports dispute or the invasion and occupation of Iraq? American ‘natvism’ or the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine?

    Buchanan is popular amongst Arabs and Muslims outside of the US for opposing a hostile militaristic US foreign policy. Those same Arabs and Muslims will tell you how much they despise Americans who supported the Iraq war. They consider you and George Bush to be racists. If you don’t believe me visit Europe, North Africa, or Lebanon and ask the local Arabs and Muslims the questions above. You Bushites will not like the answers.

  14. Jules Roy says:

    Obama believes that America’s policy causes terrorism

    Everyone on Earth outside of neocon circles believes this.

    Now that in itself does not mean the US should change its foreign policy. If you are doing what is in the long term vital national interests of the US then you can’t allow terrorism to get in the way. The problem is that what you are doing to the Middle East, and other places is NOT in the long term vital interests of your state. Much of your foreign policy is based on faith and feel-good white liberal slogans about democracy and feminism. No state on Earth has the power to openly invade and take over your country or even destroy your economy. So your meddling in the affairs of others is a luxury brought about by your (temporary) dominance of the world. 9/11 was due to poor border enforcement and a foreign policy that infuriates the entire Muslim world. Yet neither of those two causes was addressed by your cruel invasion, humiliation, and continuing occupation of Iraq.

    If you withdrew your armies of occupation from around the world – including Europe – and traded with any state that wished to do so, and did not use your power to prop up unpopular governments or to change the nature of other countries there would be no terrorism against the US. You’d still be resented for your size and wealth, especially in Latin America, but it would not be the kind of resentment that results in frustrated angry young men engaging in suicide bomb attacks against you.

  15. WWS says:

    “Everyone on Earth outside of neocon circles believes this.”

    wow! Jules Roy has talked to “everyone on earth!!!!”

    talk about delusions of grandeur.

  16. kathie says:

    “Withdraw your Armies” where are you from Jules Roy?

  17. gary1son says:


    I think that radical Islam’s motivations have much more to do with bigotry-based brainwashing from an early age than they are any rational, justified response to our foreign policy in various countries.

    It’s really no different than someone growing up in a family of genuine haters of black people, or conservatives. 🙂 The deep-seated irrational hatred, name-calling and disparagement is forefront, and the details of this and that are way down the list of real motivators. If it were not for the foundation of Biblically-based hatred and bigotry too many young Muslims (or in rare cases even Christians) are raised on, there would no terrorism in the world, or very, very little.

    So yes, AJ is certainly right when he says we need Muslim countries to get a handle on this within themselves. I think the opinions of moderate Muslims about Al Qaeda and fundamentalist Islam changed quite a bit for the better (from our perspective) under Bush, for one thing because the people of Iraq got a taste of freedom, but also experienced the true horror of Al Qaeda rule. And now they have the freedom to communicate with their brethren in other countries their experiences, contrasting their treatment at the hands of American troops with that of Al Qaeda thugs.

    Let’s just hope Obama can continue that general trend, through his own idea of what is going to work best. His ideas strike me as wrong-headed, but he deserves his shot, I reluctantly suppose.

  18. Terrye says:


    I don’t have a big problem with Obama’s Muslim roots, what concerns me is that back during the election even the mention of his middle name was considered racist or something. Now all of a sudden it is okay to talk about it? And will be okay come 2012?

    Seems a tad self serving to me.

    As for the whole Iranian thing, the UN offered to help Iran create a peaceful program for the purpose of a creating energy if that is what they wanted, but they refused the assistance. Why? Because the UN wanted to control the uranium. They wanted to make sure the Iranians used the nuclear power the way they said they intended to use it.

    The Iranians refused. And then they continued to threaten to destroy Israel. If they would just act like rational people none of this would even be an issue.

  19. Terrye says:


    That is a lie. Not everyone on the earth outside of the neocons believes any such thing.

    A British tourist was beheaded in Bali today. Was he a neocon?

    AlQaida declared war on the United States before Bush ever became president. I think your chronology is a tad off here. And AlQaida is less popular with Muslims today than it was 8 years ago.

  20. Frogg says:

    Obama, for the most part, is continuing Bush’s foreign policy. Our goal in GWOT was to empower moderate Muslim’s to ally with us against radical Islam. Bush was also quite successful with this goal. There are plenty of global polls that show Muslim approval of Bin Laden/terrorism has dropped significantly over the Bush years. Obama seems to want to build on this success and use his Muslim background to his advantage in relating to Muslim countries. Who can object to that? I am, however, disappointed that he has dropped Bush’s ME democratization plan……and hope our country picks that agenda back up eventually. I think it is a huge mistake to go back to failed policy on that matter.

    However, he was wrong on so many levels to say the US was a Muslim nation. Not only is it a bizarre statement to make after recently saying the US was not a Christian nation; but, it is factually wrong. In fact, as this Pew study shows, we are even more of Jewish nation than a Muslim nation:


    It is unbecoming for a POTUS to sound like he is pandering. Muslims will recognize this. I think it could hurt his credibility. It is also an insult to Americans. He should have just stuck to his “Muslim roots life story”.

    I am also not very happy with Obama’s treatment of Israel. That could change, however, if he makes tough open demands on the Muslim world also.