May 04 2009

Limbaugh Finally Starts Talking A Bit Of Sense

Published by at 8:39 pm under All General Discussions

Rush has not been a smart voice for conservatives too many times recently for me to count. He tends to go just a bit too far once he is on a roll. For example, he had a smart caller on embryonic stem cells research talking about her recent delivery and the huge potential for chord blood stem cells. She was trying to make the case this is a great viable option to killing embryos

Rush totally blew it.  He did not agree with her and sort of blasted her for not seeing the grand conspiracy behind embryonic stem cells – legal abortions. I guess he forgot abortion IS legal and accepted. The woman was right, the word has to get out about the successful options found in adult stem cells.

Instead of enlisting an ally he took umbrage with her claim no one talks about the options. He was upset with her not noting his commentary on these options. It was a major fumble. Going off on the conspiracy theory hype was especially embarrassing.

The people who need to be made aware of the potential and success of non embryonic stem cell therapies are the centrists and moderates who are pro life, want abortions restricted, etc. They are not trying to push abortion, they are just not ready to outlaw it outright.

The woman was right, if we could communicate the realities of these options to the centrists we could build a coalition against killing embryos. It was the best example of taking a good cause with broad support and poisoning it with rightwing madness.

Anyway, on the flip side he apparently had some really good comments about that Romney’s Sarah Palin comments:

Limbaugh defended Palin and heralded her as the “most prominent and articulate voice” for conservatism.

Go have a listen. Rush and I agree on Palin, just not on everything.

14 responses so far

14 Responses to “Limbaugh Finally Starts Talking A Bit Of Sense”

  1. kathie says:

    Rush went off on a tangent, and never got back in focus on the woman’s discussion. The point that he was trying to make is that the left believes in abortion and are invested in embryonic stem cells, as babies are only a collection of cells. The woman used as an example, abortion, can’t remember now exactly how, which got him off stride and he never got back.

    I listen to Rush a lot, ’cause I work from home. The reason that I like him is that he says often what I would say. It feels good to have a voice. Does he always say what I would, no, but mostly.

    He is a talk show guy. He doesn’t pretend to lead the party, but on occasion it is good to hear one’s political views echoed. Some times it feels like the wilderness out here.

    Rush really likes President Bush and admires Sarah Palin. Rush is a mid-west guy. He feels comfortable to some of us middle Americans.

  2. Rob says:

    I think we must value the quality of some of our Republicans and among them I would put Rush, Bush and Palin.
    Rush is very measured when he criticizes and trys to make clear what he is saying and what he is not.
    Palin has just been a class and principled act; standing up but often not criticizing even people who criticize her.
    Bushe’s three partial pardons in particular; Ramos and Copion and Scooter Libby show a restraint and respect for our jury and justice system that is seemingly gone with the accession of the liberal mob in Washington. Prosecuters went wild, Bush responded to that, but respected too the finding of the juries. Remember what Slick Willy did in the same situation, basically selling pardons to fugitive felons and terrorists. What a contrast.
    There are good people out there.
    Be careful of the MSM that would set them fighting among themselves.

  3. kathie says:

    AJ this is a very good read at REAL CLEAR POLITICS……..

    May 5, 2009
    The CIA’s Fight With Obama
    By Jack Kelly

  4. kathie says:

    I LOVE THIS ONE TOO. A little Cheney!

    NOW HERE’S A SHOCKER: Lobbyists help Dems draft climate change bill. I mean, who saw that coming?

    Posted at 10:18 pm by Glenn Reynolds

  5. I think there are two things worth noting re: Sarah Palin in events of today.

    1. She has joined the NCNA, after Rush was sort of trashing it today.

    2. She also has joined despite the presence of someone who was supposedly trashing her (which of course, was NOT the case:

  6. gary1son says:

    Yeah, I heard that segment too and was a little disappointed in the direction he took with this caller, and I’m sure the caller was too.

    However, he did remind her or maybe it was the audience that he has been one of the most outspoken voices trumpeting the successes of adult stem cell therapies (including cord blood) over the so-far failures of embryonic, and indeed as a regular listener, that is exactly true. He also reminded us once again that bone marrow transplants are really just a form of adult stem cell therapy.

    There’s not a more heard voice on this and the global warming issue, not to mention the myriad of others he is so often prescient about. And of course there’s not a more passionate fan and defender of Ms. Palin.

    I know some cringed at the “I hope he fails” thing, but intended or not, I think he planted a high-profile seed that is rapidly growing and bearing fruit. More and more people are saying to themselves and others, when they see the almost daily “audacious” assaults on the free market being carried out by this administration — “gosh darn it, I have to admit, I really, really hope he fails too!”

  7. crosspatch says:

    Though I have much love and admiration for Sarah Palin, I believe the damage is done and she wouldn’t be able to win a national election. Too many people believe too many lies they have heard about her.

    The problem is that the Republicans just don’t have a charismatic candidate to carry the party so they keep trying to dig Reagan up from the grave and prop him up behind a podium.

    Jindal is a complete non-starter for national office. His support for “Intelligent Design” in the school system in Louisiana will prevent him from ever getting national office.

    The closest the Republicans have to anyone who could pull it off are Mitt Romney who too many knuckle headed Republicans won’t support because he isn’t “Christian” enough or something, or Fred Thompson who doesn’t seem to have the drive to go after it. There just isn’t a charismatic driving personality in the Republican party right now and that is really the reason for all the infighting.

    Palin is charismatic in my opinion. She is well spoken. She is also picked apart by the press. That could play in her favor as it looks like the press is being unfair or kicking someone while they are down, but still, many people believe a lot of the stories that have circulated about her.

    BUT, if the economy really goes in the tank, people are likely to get an “anyone but a Democrat” attitude and that might work for whoever gets the ticket next time.

  8. AJStrata says:


    After Obama and the Dems blow it on the economy, they and their dying media will be seen has being frauds who lied about Palin.

    Trust me, America will com home to that small time girl and courageous mother.

  9. lurker9876 says:

    From what I’ve read in Rush’s transcripts and Hannity interview, I like Rush. Like with other writers, I like most of their writings. IOW, I like Charles Krauthammer but there were a few articles that he wrote and I did not like.

    Right now, the stock market is edging back up. Some people are saying that we may have seen the bottom. Maybe so, but any predictions of the stock market’s immediate performance – over the summer?

  10. I think that both AJ and CP are on to something here.

    Palin is going to be a force – at least among the GOP – for a long time.

    The real question: How best to beat Obama? If you are correct about the economic mess he will create, then it seems axiomatic that the GOP needs to put forward the person with the best economic credentials.

    That would seem to point more towards Romney than Palin. This is not a jab at Sarah, but instead points to Mitt’s track record in business and the Olympics.

  11. dhunter says:

    Sarah is a stronger person than most since Reagan.
    She has an inate sense of fairness and decency and a fiercly independent streak that the carreer polls and suck ups in the media left and right are justifiably afraid of.
    She is a reformer, a thing the beltway whores cannot abide.

    When the country is sick and tired of being fleeced and having their freedoms trashed by a nyophyte playing Presidente and a House and Senate full of carreer criminals, Sarah will be uniquely positioned to lead us in the fight to take our country back.
    The Republican Party elite show how clueless and inept they are in trashing rather than defending her.
    There will be a day of reconning for the current state of affairs this country has been allowed to sink into.

  12. […] Strata thinks Limbaugh was quite gentlemanly defending SP.  Like I told a collegue earlier this evening, don’t get too excited about Limbaugh defending Palin.  It won’t last.  The moment he considers her a threat to his role of king and king-maker, he’ll start treating her the same way he is treating the Bush family. […]

  13. Alert1201 says:

    Rush has been a fan of Palin since day 1. He thinks she is the only one who can rebuild the repub party.

    By the way The Pink Flamingo is nuts. Rush will turn against Palin when she turns away from what he considers the principles of smaller govt and fiscal conservatism.

  14. owl says:

    I like Rush and love Palin. Do not agree 100% with either. What else is new? After years of marriage, we still don’t agree either.

    Boy, do we ever need Palin now because if you go down the list, you come up with zero. The Pugs would do better with NEW faces or about fifty Joe the Plumbers, doing their talking.

    Somebody better be watching The One. Same way I told all that would listen back in 2005 forward. He is at it again. At least a week or more, they are running The Voice as an ad. They cut to him in a quick shot, but it is mainly The Voice doing his ‘good golly Miss Molly’ about clean coal.

    They are selling his energy taxes. It is very effective. This is why this person is now our President.

    Please GOP. Please. Please let Sarah take him apart with ads. Let her do it in plain language that ridicules what he is doing. Get rid of all the gloom and doom music.

    While on the subject of The One. Everyone is talking about WH not releasing the photos. Good. My gut has told me from the beginning that this strikes TERROR in the WH. I do not need to see the photos.

    I need PROOF of who was on that plane. The WH is more terrified of this than anything to date. That alone makes it very very important. I never bought a photo session and do not even think all the rumors of the film would strike this type of scare into them.

    Who was on that plane? $348 thousand question