Oct 14 2005

Asian EarthQuake

Published by at 10:45 am under All General Discussions

All our prayers go out to the people in the path of destruction unleashed by the massive earth quake in Asia. Please help us raise money for the victims through World Vision (see icon at top of right column).

Thanks for any support you can provide.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Asian EarthQuake”

  1. Decision '08 says:

    Aid Fatique, Resource Shortfall, Or Culture Shock?

    When the tsunami hit, aid both private and public flooded in, pardon the expression, and likewise with Hurricane Katrina. Yet when a disaster hits Pakistan, with casualties estimaed in the mid five-figures, I’ve seen little or no interest. No …

  2. Sirc_Valence says:

    D08, I believe that the people (other than terrorists) killed in this horrible disaster are of equal value to those that we lost in Katrina. That’s why I’m for a very forward leaning approach internationally. America’s values are universal values.

    The difference in the response from the American public from one natural disaster to another is that as Americans we are “tighter knit” with our brothers and sisters in this country than we are with those abroad. This is the case with all the communities and sub-communities that we call nations.

  3. Sirc_Valence says:

    I have no theory regarding the difference between the response to the Tsunami and this earthquake.