Oct 24 2008

Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot Issue Will Be Solved

Published by at 11:39 am under All General Discussions

Last night I posted about how the Fairfax County Registrar was trying to reject 98% of the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots from our military. Apparently that issue is going to be solved and the ballots will be counted. Read more here.


5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot Issue Will Be Solved”

  1. LJStrata says:

    We need to watch this guy Rokey W. Suleman II, now he’s blaming the concerned citizens who are emailing to protest this outrage.

    I suspect he is going to find a way to throw out someone’s vote!

  2. ExposeFannyNFreddyNow says:

    Here’s why these ballots and every military ballot MUST be counted. (from Hot Air: The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama)

    Barack Obama – Yes I Can Make Us Defenseless

    The Democrats have every intention of starving the troops out of Iraq. They will sacrifice the troops to bankroll their endless pandering. It’s speeches like this that the terrorists are drooling over.

    This is the same policy that started the Clinton era that left Americans, at home and abroad, vulnerable to endless attacks by extremists for nearly a decade. Remember all the embassies that were bombed. Remember the USS Cole.

    YES! They will test Obama, and test him, and test him, and test him… and America with him. And not just for six months after inauguration either. They will test him until they have him and America on its knees.

    Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century. There are no perils in the world that rhetoric can’t cure. And when rhetoric fails, just wiggle-dance with Ellen and all will be well.

    Under Obama, the troops will be lucky to have body bags to come home in.

    NO! Support the troops! They deserve to come home victorious. They’ve earned it. They don’t deserve another Vietnam, which is exactly what the Dems want … to justify their Hanoi Jane mentality.

    America is winning in Iraq and it will benefit Iraq, America, and the world markets alike. Stabilizing Iraq is a vital piece of the puzzle in restoring the US and world economies.

    Absent or not, count their ballots! ALL of them!


  3. scaulen says:

    The nerve of these military men and women thinking they would be allowed to vote in an election for the country they protect and serve. This won’t end here folks, next they’ll want adequate medical coverage, some sort of special benefit when they go for a job, colleges, probably even want to march in some sort of parade once or twice a year. I say nip this in the bud now before it costs too much.

    OK sarcasm off, about damn time their votes get counted. All these phony ACORN right in votes are being counted the military votes better well get counted also.

  4. ExposeFannyNFreddyNow says:


    From Drudge:

    Frank envisions post-election stimulus from Democrats

    “In a meeting with the editorial board of The Standard-Times, Rep. Frank, D-Mass., also called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay.”

    This is what they’re asking now. Just imagine what they’ll ask if they win.

    The election’s not yet over and Frank’s already at it with the long knives. The man is so desperate to distract people from his complicity in Fanny & Freddie he’s tossing matches at everything and anything that moves, which of course only draws attention to him more.

    Do you think Frank’s first reaction might have been, “Hey, maybe I should “spread some of the wealth” from my F&F payouts back to the taxpayers to alleviate some of the credit crisis I helped create.” Do ya think? But no.

    The man’s an obscene embarrassment.

    McCain said it best on Letterman. If the Democrats are intent on “spreading the wealth”, let’s start with the Democrats like Letterman, Olbermann, Obama, Raines, Johnson, Dodd, Kerry …
    Instead of cutting the military, why not go door to door around Hollywood and amongst Democrats and get them to start the “spreading” first?

    And while we’re at it, let’s close all the tax loopholes in Hollywood first, starting with the MSM!

  5. Jacqui says:

    Powerlineblog folks and Mark Steyn have investigated the internet fraud on the Obama website. The Obama website has opened a security control point that compares the donor and the credit card. – and they have rejected use of the address verification (AVS). http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2008/10/021868.php With this security lock opened it allows one person or entity (foreign or domestic) to donate as much as he wants by entering phony donor names, The McCain site has the security lock in place. You can test it if you want – they have

    Add to this that Wall Street folks also suspect the speculators that forced up the oil price are feeding the fear and wide swing on the market. You put this together with ACORN and fraudulent votes and we are living one giant incredible con.

    Also, Rush has uncovered a plan by the Dems to take over all the 401K’s.

    Drudge is reporting the Obama campaign used government computers to go after Joe the Plumber.

    Someone needs to connect the dots before it’s too late – last time it was Rathergate now the con is much, much bigger and complicated.