Aug 08 2008

President Bush Pokes China In Its Oppressive Eye By Being At Olympics

Published by at 8:10 am under All General Discussions

President Bush, by personally being at the Olympics in China, is representing what the Chinese leaders fear most – Freedom.  Freedom of speech, freedom to make personal choices, the neutering of government power compared to the independence of the individual.  As leader of the Free West, Bush is doing the right thing by attending the Olympics so all of China can be reminded of the differences, and our greatness.

The Chinese leaders are reacting to each hint of a political jab by Bush, and it makes them look so small and cowardly in comparison.  Bush represents the idea that government cannot fear expression, China represents how cowering leaders use government to stamp out free expression.  What better foil to China’s cowardly oppression than to have the news following the leader of the free world, moving freely and expressing himself freely, in the capitol of China.

I salute Bush, who is not cowering back here in the states like so many others. He is up front and center representing America, cheering on our athletes, and poking the Chinese oppressor right in the eye. You can’t do that sitting here in America watching it all on TV.

105 responses so far

105 Responses to “President Bush Pokes China In Its Oppressive Eye By Being At Olympics”

  1. WWS says:

    haha! John Edwards just fessed up to lying all through his campaign about Rielle Hunter!!! Now the MSM has to cover it! (and look stupid for trying to hide the story up until now!)

  2. Terrye says:


    So you are saying this is all a pretend war? Well then I guess that means Obama is a liar too? Or any other American president who wants to go after terrorists. It is all a sham, a fraud, a make believe war waged by bad militaristic Americans against innocent little Taliban and AlQaida fighters who are just walking around minding their own business?

    Well then conman and breshau, I guess that means that Ray here thinks your guy Obama is just another lying murdering American.

  3. Terrye says:

    Pretend war my ass.

  4. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    And Ray, if it was not for the United States, Australia, a former penal colony, would have been invaded by the Imperial Japanese.

    I’m aware of the threat that existed and have mentioned the Coral Sea Battle and Gen. McArthur probably more often than any person on the planet in the last decade.

  5. Terrye says:

    And those 100 dead Australians in Bali, were they pretend dead people? Oh yeah, it is not a war. There has to be an army killing people before it is a war. And if Australia had just done a better job of kissing ass in East Timor then the poor misunderstood terrorists would not have been forced to kill all those people.

    Poor terrorists, caught up in a pretend war waged by bad white people.

  6. Terrye says:

    So you are aware of it are you? Well, the United States could have told Churchill to forget it and refused to side with the Brits in the Pacific. It might have spared us a bombing at Pearl Harbor. But silly us, we actually considered the Brits, the Australians and the Canadians to be our allies.

  7. Terrye says:

    In fact the war in the Pacific could have been a pretend war too, if the United States had just decided to not fight back. But we are not like that, and once upon a time the Australians were not like that either.

  8. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    For instance, Russia attacks Georgia today..and immediately people want to know what Bush will do about it. As if it were his job or something.

    The U.S. has never been game to mess with the Soviets, so there’s no reason to mess with Russia now. Hell, that would be too risky.


  9. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    But the truth is more people want to come here than anywhere in the world, and if it was as awful as people like Ray seem to think it is, why are we talking about building walls to keep people out?

    I don’t care if others could hack living there. It’s just me – I wouldn’t go if you paid me.
    My main concern is the war crimes and lack of justice for foreigners.


  10. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    And I am glad Bush went to China and stood up for the right of the Chinese people to have personal liberty.

    I haven’t been watchong the news.
    What the hell did he do!
    Did it upset the Chinese?


  11. Ray_in_Aus says:

    WWS wrote:

    Breschau is doing a very good job at convincing me that even the best Obama supporters truely despise this country.

    No, they just want the US to go into a more respectable line of business. You’ve got the technology and a culture of getting ORGANIZED, so there’s plenty of scope.

    I remember my boss many years ago – an RAAF pilot in WWII, talking a about “the Yank organizational skills” in the Solomon Islands. He was blown away by how they got things done FAST.

    He was saying that the officers believed in keeping the men busy and physically fit. He said in the morning an officer would bark at the men “Dig a big hole there!’ — then when it was finished he’d say “Now MOVE it over there!!”

    On the other side of the coin, another boss who was conscripted into the Australian Army in WWII was saying that after they were trained they were dumped on a Pacific Island.

    He said the guys were standing on the beach all asking each other:
    “What the hell are we supposed to do now?”
    “Any Japs here?’
    “I dunno – better keep your eyes open
    “Who’s in charge here anyway?


  12. breschau says:

    So, what do you want to do with the folks at Gitmo? Turn them loose?

    Well, first off, I’d like us to stop torturing them. We are supposed to be the good guys, after all.

    Then, I’d like someone to actually make an effort to find out if anyone there is innocent. And then, let those guys go.

    In an ideal world, everybody left would be tried in criminal. Ha ha – big fat chance of that happening. But an open, public trial would go a long way towards improving how a lot of people, Americans and otherwise, would feel about this country.

    Otherwise, I think the Terrorist Trial proposed in the NY Times op-ed last year seems like a reasonable compromise. But I have no idea how that would play out politically.

    Overall, I’d like the people in charge to remember that we’re the good guys, and we’re supposed to be doing things honorably. Forgot how we got into this situation in the first place, forget all of the mistakes that have already been made: just try and do the right thing from this point on.

    Is that an unreasonable request?

  13. VinceP1974 says:

    Terry: You know you’re fighting a losing war against these anti-american vermin.. nothing you say will change their demented minds.

  14. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:


    Bought??? Are you daft? One of your own citizens was nabbed in Afghanistan trying to kill Americans. Spare me the moralizing preachy and utterly ill informed nonsense.

    You are TOTALLY clueless about that. David Hicks broke no:
    * Afghan law
    * Pakistan law
    * Australian law* International law
    * Law of war
    * American law

    David was BOUGHT for $1,000 after the war. The Afghan skies were like a snowstorm with Cheney’s “Reward” leaflets.

    There were hardly any Americans on the ground. It was mostly a bombing war. Twelve allied people were killed in taking the WHOLE country and David Hicks never got anywhere near any allied personnel.

    He was never sent to trial but did a plea deal for offences that were written 5 years AFTER his capture when he was actually in Gitmo. He never agreed that he WAS guilty f the shonky back-dated charges. He was asked for his legal opinion on his chances of winning in a crooked Gitmo kangaroo court.

    Our Davo was a kangaroo skinner so he sort of knew that a kangaroo court wouldn’t be the best plan so he signed a fraudulent paper and answered HONESTLY that said “Yes, I think you would find me guilty in a crooked Military Commission”.

    They said “Right answer Davo – you can go home now, but before you go, sign this other paper that says we didn’t torture you”.

    He’s pretty popular back here, although he’s been told off by some prominent people for getting tangled up with some unsavoury characters in his “adventures”.

    He was a Muslim – prepared to defend Muslims if necessary as he had trained for under the U.N. in Kosovo. He had np bloody idea when he joined them that the Yanks would invade the country. He greeted them like long lost brothers but got a big shock when he found they weren’t taking him straight home away from the cut-throat Afghans.

    Nope, you’ve been fed a heap of garbage about Hicks.
    He broke NO laws anywhere.

    The funniest charge was “Casing the American Embassy in Kabul” but teh dopey prosecutors didn’t realize it had been CLOSED for 10 years and was NOT the American Embassy at all.

    The self styled protectors of liberty and human rights on the left and in much of the world have ignored or tolerated the deaths of tens of millions of people at the hands of dictators and mad men.

    That’s a lie.

    But ohh, how they suffer for the poor innocent of Gitmo.

    This is why the war criminals must lose power in the election. They talk like you, so they need to be taught a big lesson that will last a decade.

    If we were half as bad as people like you claim we would have killed those people long ago and you know it. But nooo, not us. We will give them lawyers and put up with all kinds of backstabbing crap from all sorts of people.

    For some of them only and for a crooked court – after torture and rigged secret evidence.

    Terrorists will stay pissed-off with any country that promotes and enforces ideas redneck ideas like yours. So will most others who believe in justice.


  15. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:


    So, what do you want to do with the folks at Gitmo? Turn them loose? and if they kill more people are you okay with that?

    Oh, but they are innocent and we are guilty, right?

    You’re talking like your brain is whacked. A FAIR trial for everyone. If you and your preferred political party won’t arrange it, we’ll arrange it for you.


  16. Ray_in_Aus says:


    Terry: You know you’re fighting a losing war against these anti-american vermin.. nothing you say will change their demented minds.

    Justice for all or the government falls.


  17. Ray_in_Aus says:

    breschau wrote:

    Overall, I’d like the people in charge to remember that we’re the good guys, and we’re supposed to be doing things honorably. Forgot how we got into this situation in the first place, forget all of the mistakes that have already been made: just try and do the right thing from this point on.

    Is that an unreasonable request?

    Can you wait until January?


  18. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    So you are aware of it are you? Well, the United States could have told Churchill to forget it and refused to side with the Brits in the Pacific. It might have spared us a bombing at Pearl Harbor. But silly us, we actually considered the Brits, the Australians and the Canadians to be our allies.

    Do you have to talk arse-up ALL the time?

    The U.S. had no choice.
    Australian pilots in the Pacific frantically warned of the advancing armada on Pearl Harbor in “scorpion formation” (an ancient Japanese war formation) but someone stopped the message getting through. No American has ever responded to this fact in 10 years whenever I’ve mentioned it.

    In fact the war in the Pacific could have been a pretend war too, if the United States had just decided to not fight back.

    Have you got brain damage by any chance – because that sentence was also quite nonsensical?


  19. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    And those 100 dead Australians in Bali, were they pretend dead people? Oh yeah, it is not a war. There has to be an army killing people before it is a war. And if Australia had just done a better job of kissing ass in East Timor then the poor misunderstood terrorists would not have been forced to kill all those people.

    Poor terrorists, caught up in a pretend war waged by bad white people.

    t would seem that the terrorist bombers were pissed of with Australia supporting the invasion of Muslim countries – not former Portugese territory.


  20. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Terrye wrote:

    So you are saying this is all a pretend war?

    Yes a media beat up “War on terror”.

    No war has been declared. War is by definition, between countries not going into another country waiting to be shot at by snipers and bombers.

    Afghanistan is a war. It started in 2001 with the Muslim Taliban government and they haven’t been beaten yet. It only looks like it.

    Well then I guess that means Obama is a liar too? Or any other American president who wants to go after terrorists. It is all a sham, a fraud, a make believe war waged by bad militaristic Americans against innocent little Taliban and AlQaida fighters who are just walking around minding their own business?

    Australia goes after terrorists all over the world, and we have declared that we will breach sovereign country’s laws to do it, but it’s not a war. It’s just making a whole bunch of people have some very unlucky days where nothing goes right and they keep wondering why.

    Well then conman and breshau, I guess that means that Ray here thinks your guy Obama is just another lying murdering American.

    He won’t have a lot of choice. Presidents don’t run countries.
