Jun 15 2008

Obama’s Slump Continues Its Slide

Published by at 3:07 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

The Honeymoon is over for Barack Obama, who is sliding badly in the Gallup daily tracking poll (click image to see original post):

Maybe these sliding polls explain Obama’s lame effort at machismo and his desire to get a gun and start a fight with McCain. All the hallmarks of a desperate man on the cusp of losing it all. I should note that in my last post on these polls I expected the slump to deepen – and it did.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Obama’s Slump Continues Its Slide”

  1. Neo says:

    It’s really hard to gt good press when you don’t have some white woman to beat up daily. Plus Obama’s gaffes are starting to catch up with him. McCain should be happy he hasn’t slid given he has been virtual non-news since he wrapped up the nod.

    I expect both parties to try to give up on the idea of this “gap” between the primaries and conventions in 2012, as I expect both candidates to slide until the convention, barring some “event.”

  2. […] I’m just saying), Taylor Marsh, TBogg, protein wisdom, The Other McCain, Donklephant and The Strata-Sphere Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]

  3. missy1 says:

    18 million Hillary voters, plus, Obama bragged about the repubs that supported him, remember “the Obamicans”, where are all these people? His little tiny bump is going to turn into a sink hole before to long…….hopefully.