May 16 2008

Cry Baby Obama

Published by at 2:38 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Boy, Obama sure is looking the fool over his Surrendercrat plan to run from Iraq and talk to Iran and al-Qaeda (can we all just get along). Bush rightfully noted how history has shown ‘talking’ doesn’t work when dealing with blood-thirsty and suicidal extremists. And how does Obama respond? He cries ‘unfair’!

Barack Obama rebuked Republican rival John McCain and President Bush for “dishonest, divisive” attacks in hinting that the Democratic presidential candidate would appease terrorists, staunchly defending his national security credentials for the general election campaign.

Nothing like emphasizing the negatives Barack! Aren’t Obama’s national security credentials his time as a Boy Scout when he went to Europe or something? Here is what people see when Obama cries he has been unfairly attacked:

And this is one of Bush’s most memorable images as the leader of a nation at war:

Hmmmm, when we think of a strong leader able to stand up to all of our threats as a nation does someone who cries “it’s unfair” come to mind? If Obama wants to paint McCain as another Bush he needs to make sure that analogy works in his favor. Right now …, not so much.

43 responses so far

43 Responses to “Cry Baby Obama”

  1. Redteam says:

    detail? strata’s post quoted a total of two words out of obama’s entire speech. he then spent the rest of the post simply labeling obama as being a “crybaby”.

    a discussion of someone’s  speech doesn’t have to quote the entire speech, in fact, it doesn’t have to quote it at all, it only has to talk about the speech. Addressing a person’s remarks is not the same as quoting a person’s remarks.

    It sounds as if you were already ‘cracked up’. 

  2. 75 says:

    Not to mention Obama’s history of such whining. Once can be an accident, twice is certainly noteworthy, but several times is a pattern. This whiner thinks the world revolves around him, as most leftists do.

  3. AJStrata says:

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